View Full Version : Baby squirrel not peeing much

08-30-2022, 05:06 PM
My baby squirrel is hard to get to pee and normally only pees a little she’s about 3 weeks old I’m guessing this is my first squirrel baby she’s on fox valley 20/50 eating between 1-2cc every 3-4 hours she weighs about 30grams. She seems bloated at times but any time she’s stimulated for the bathroom I can feel her stomach get really hard like she’s pushing or straining. Please any advice is appreciated I know very little just what I’ve learned on here. 322760

08-30-2022, 05:58 PM
She looks a tad dehydrated, I would give 0.5ml - 1ml of water between feedings for 12 - 24 hours.

Feeding is done by 5% - 7% of weight, so at 30 grams she should be getting a minimum of 1.5ml per feeding and a max of 2.1ml. I am attaching a cheat sheet to make it easier.