View Full Version : hi from Florida

08-26-2022, 09:29 AM
Hi everyone i just joined. In the past I have raised 1 or 2 orphaned baby grey squirrels a year on my own. This year I started working with a wildlife rehaber and was subbed under their license and have 9! 5 are down to 2 feedings a day and will be placed outside in a soft release cage soon. The other 4 are younger and 3 are new intakes that came with a some challenges. So I wanted to join this group because I have already gotten in some babies this year that have/had issues that I have not seen before. For example one of my newest intakes has MBD and a URI and if that was not enough, he is stunted from malnutrition. I also lost my first babies this year ever. So I look forward to talking with everyone and learning more :) I will share about the MBD boy in the area for that soon.


08-27-2022, 05:15 AM
Hello and Welcome! :wave123

You came to the right place. If you multiply the number of experts here (I am NOT one of them) by all the years they've been helping squirrels, it's well over a hundred years' worth of experience for you to tap into should your precious charges have any issues.

I am guessing you've started MBD Boy on the MBD protocol?

08-27-2022, 07:17 AM
You say MBD boy (who I hope has a better name!) is a recent intake - did you get him "fresh" from the wild or had he been in someone else's care for a while before he came to you? I am wondering what he was eating if that is the case. It could be responsible for his problems.

08-28-2022, 06:06 PM
You say MBD boy (who I hope has a better name!) is a recent intake - did you get him "fresh" from the wild or had he been in someone else's care for a while before he came to you? I am wondering what he was eating if that is the case. It could be responsible for his problems.

Unfortunately he was being "raised for several weeks" by someone who wasn't well versed in baby squirrel care. I don't know them and did not meet them. But hes super malnourished and also came with a uri. I was told he was being fed esbilac puppy formula but I'm not sure if it was or if she prepared it correctly or anything. But hes still kicking!
Then yesterday got 2 more babies that are older and are just a bag of bones...so emaciated. *sigh*
