View Full Version : Orphaned baby squirrel needs help

08-20-2022, 07:29 PM
Good evening everyone,

We found in our yard a baby squirrel that fell from its nest this afternoon. We waited for it's mother to come back and played the baby squirrel cry video, mommy squirrel didn't come back. This doesn't look good.

The baby squirrel is 2 weeks old (has fur, 1 ear open, eyes closed). See the attached picture. We hydrated it this the homemade Pedialyte solution recommended, and have goat milk to feed it tomorrow.

We love squirrels but don't have the skills or the area needed to make it survive and thrive, and would need a rehabber to take and help the baby.

I'm located in New Rochelle, NY (Westchester county).

Thanks in advance for the little guy (or gal).

Milo's Mom
08-20-2022, 10:04 PM
We have an incredible rehabber just down the street from you.
I sent her a text message alerting her that you need help.
For now, please just keep baby warm
No food, no water, just warmth.

island rehabber
08-20-2022, 11:08 PM
Hasdrubal, i am the rehabber 8 mmiles away from you. problem is I have to attend an all day event tomorrow starting from early morning. I'd like to see if one of my local colleagues can take this baby for tomorrow and then we'll figure out where we go from there . Hang in there !

08-21-2022, 02:10 AM
Thanks a lot! We're hanging in there for now. Baby is doing OK is looking for the moment.

island rehabber
08-21-2022, 06:06 AM
please check your Private Messages

island rehabber
08-21-2022, 06:54 AM
Update: Mat and pretty black baby squee are on their way to a friend and rehabber -- all is well!

08-21-2022, 07:46 AM
Update: brave baby squirrel has been delivered to a rehabber that will take care of him/her.

S/he is active but very thin.

Thanks once again to the community of the Squirrel Board for bringing hope to this little one!

08-21-2022, 07:50 AM
Update: brave baby squirrel has been delivered to a rehabber that will take care of him/her.

S/he is active but very thin.

Thanks once again to the community of the Squirrel Board for bringing hope to this little one!

And thank you, thank you, thank YOU for caring enough to do all of this!

08-21-2022, 01:03 PM
Joyous update! I managed to climb 30 ft up the pine tree and access the drey to save the siblings of the 1st rescued!

We have 3 other baby squirrels to rescue now (I've already reached out to Island Rehabber via text but she's not available today).

08-21-2022, 01:53 PM
WOW! Two grays and another black one! You guys have earned your stars here!

08-21-2022, 08:09 PM
All's well, ends well!

I'm delighted to let everyone know that the 4 siblings have been reunited and are healthy.

Big thanks to Maura for coordinating the rescue, Jake for accepting to take care of the 4 compadres, and my wonderful wife who refused to give up and realized the pine tree could be climbed up!

island rehabber
08-22-2022, 05:44 AM
Mat, Jake and Mat's wife:
�� people like you are what keep me from thinking that people are evil, heartless beings -- thank you all for saving these beautiful babies!!