View Full Version : Botfly

08-17-2022, 08:45 AM
I have a question I'm noticing more and more of the squirrels that come to feed are getting sores on them not like wounds but sores .
A couple of the ones I can get close to I got video of and I pulled some pictures from the video so the quality of the pictures are not good but I don't know how attach video .

Do we have squirrel botfly in New England Western Massachusetts to be exact
And I'm not sure how to upload pictures either I guess


08-17-2022, 09:09 AM
Looks like you do, because those sure look like bots. I'm in SE PA, and I've seen them rarely, but have seen them. You're not too far away I guess. Icky things. People who know more will hopefully comment, but I think one or two are unsightly but not life threatening. If a squirrel has a boatload of them that's serious.

08-17-2022, 09:58 AM
I really watched them this morning when I went out to feed them and so many of them have this I counted 6 spots on one guy but some look to have 4 or 5 and some 1 2 or 3 it's hard to tell because they don't sit in one place but for a fraction of a second lol as you all know

08-17-2022, 10:42 AM
Yup, those are bots. A couple usually don't present a problem to a grown, otherwise healthy squirrel. 5-6+ bots and I would keep a VERY close eye on that squirrel. Too many bots and the squirrel can become weak and infection can occur.

08-17-2022, 10:56 AM
Yup, those are bots. A couple usually don't present a problem to a grown, otherwise healthy squirrel. 5-6+ bots and I would keep a VERY close eye on that squirrel. Too many bots and the squirrel can become weak and infection can occur.

Milo the one that has the most does have 5 or 6 but he is also one of the ones I had rehabbed so I'm pretty sure I could entice him back to the release cage. How should I treat him is there anything I can give him ? He is now untouchable but if I had to maybe I could but I'd be very worried about putting too much stress on him.
I do have some ivermectin but I'm not sure if that would have any effect on botfly I also have some capstar

08-17-2022, 03:10 PM
The only way to treat a bot is by physical removal with forceps/tweezers. If you kill the bot while it is in the squirrel, there is a decent chance of an infection forming as the bot body rots in the squirrel. Ivermectin would kill the bot but then you would want to remove it so trapping would be required. As long as he is maintaining his weight and activity, he should be alright. If he starts to look weak or lethargic, I would consider trapping and removing. Apparently, it is one hell of a nasty job to do. :(

Milo the one that has the most does have 5 or 6 but he is also one of the ones I had rehabbed so I'm pretty sure I could entice him back to the release cage. How should I treat him is there anything I can give him ? He is now untouchable but if I had to maybe I could but I'd be very worried about putting too much stress on him.
I do have some ivermectin but I'm not sure if that would have any effect on botfly I also have some capstar

08-17-2022, 04:14 PM
These pictures are from tonight it's bigger today and he has now scratched it raw this guy only has 1 that I can see
This is the same one in the first 10 pictures from last night

08-17-2022, 07:01 PM
As long as he remains active and otherwise healthy, he should be alright.