View Full Version : My squirrel story

08-16-2022, 10:38 PM
For several months one of the many red squirrels in my neighborhood used to come to my backdoor and eat the nuts I gave her. She was unusually sociable, had feisty qualities like a puppy even. She came over every day and would come a few steps inside the house and take her food from my hand. Then about last September she just stopped coming over, she reappeared once a couple of weeks later, then vanished again and for good. Or so I thought. Last night she came back to my door, almost a year later now. I'm thrilled and astonished about it :D

08-16-2022, 11:47 PM
Hi, and hooray! There's nothing like that feeling when one who was "lost" is now "found".

08-17-2022, 12:31 PM
Thank you for posting this. It gives hope to all of us who've released our babies, that they are just out there living their lives, but may someday return home to say hello!