08-08-2022, 03:34 PM
Hi all,
I have had a male grey named Marvin for 1 year now. He is unreleasable due to a neurological tic that we think must be from an injury prior to being found as a pinky. He is lovey with me but does play a bit rough sometimes when he gets wound up. On Friday someone brought me a 3 week old male baby grey that had been brought in by a cat. After I fed the baby and put him in his container I went to play Marvin and he went nuts. He was hollerin and clicking and went full on attack mode. I have them separated completely but I am assuming he could smell him on me. I can only attribute his bizarre display of aggression to the baby squirrel as he has never acted this way. Have any of you had 2 males in your home? Is this normal behavior? Marvin seems to have calmed down, but I have been taking extreme measures to avoid him being able to detect any smell of the baby squirrel. I am worried that it will make him territorial and weird now. His attack the other day scared the crap out of me. Marvin is the head honcho at my house but I do rehab other critters from time to time. It would be a bummer if I could no longer do that, but I am not really willing to risk the aggression! Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
I have had a male grey named Marvin for 1 year now. He is unreleasable due to a neurological tic that we think must be from an injury prior to being found as a pinky. He is lovey with me but does play a bit rough sometimes when he gets wound up. On Friday someone brought me a 3 week old male baby grey that had been brought in by a cat. After I fed the baby and put him in his container I went to play Marvin and he went nuts. He was hollerin and clicking and went full on attack mode. I have them separated completely but I am assuming he could smell him on me. I can only attribute his bizarre display of aggression to the baby squirrel as he has never acted this way. Have any of you had 2 males in your home? Is this normal behavior? Marvin seems to have calmed down, but I have been taking extreme measures to avoid him being able to detect any smell of the baby squirrel. I am worried that it will make him territorial and weird now. His attack the other day scared the crap out of me. Marvin is the head honcho at my house but I do rehab other critters from time to time. It would be a bummer if I could no longer do that, but I am not really willing to risk the aggression! Any advice or experience would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!