View Full Version : Need Guidance_Feeding a Pinkie

08-05-2022, 03:11 PM
Hi yall. I am in a Southern State, and when I reached out, was advised that here in this State....rehabbers are not helpful, and/or hard to find here...So, I researched. Found this site most helpful and reliable.

New to site but not to life/raising critters - but this is first time baby squirrel has survived this long. Unfortunately, most times, they are near death from injury when I get them....and/or..., I just put them back and momma comes to get them. but....LadyKarma has/had other plans.

I have a few questions and need some guidance from the gurus

BSquirrel Eastern Grey..yet to be named has been w/ me one week and one day today. I found him 7.28 writhing around on my sideswalk. I was in and out making water changes for tanks and he just appeared. No momma near. No nest with any activity. I live in rural area and squirrels are numerous, or have been until this year, but we have a couple hawks that have discovered our habitat is rich. We have surmised, this one must have been dropped..still not sure. Tried a couple days to leave him out, but honestly, I only saw one pair of squirrels running around on back of property.

I estimate he is now about 3 weeks old. Eyes not yet open. He has been hovering at 30 grams and I am getting concerned he is not gaining.

However, just last day or so, his appetite has increased and he is eating 1.2 to 1.8cc at each meal and I feed every 3.5 to 4 hours 0700 to 0100. He seems to be getting into a routine. Me2.

I am currently feeding HGM/Goats Milk formula as I was waiting on the FoxValley order. Then I read where IslandRehabber suggested using ultraboost, so i ordered some and it came yesterday. I have also read NOT to feed FV32/40.

My ?? are:

1. Which nipples are best for eastern grey pinkies? I ordered Xuanda Pet Feeding Bottle and Syringes with Nipples for Small Cat Dog Animals (Model 1) from Amazon, but not too impressed w/ the O-Rings and he seems to be doing just OK w/those nipples)
I tried the long silicon nipples but he seems to be unable to manage them and seems they go really to far down his throat.
Any nipples that work for y'all raising pinkie EGreys - send me link/PM or whatever and I will purchase same.
Or instruct me on these long silicon nipples - perhaps I am not feeding correctly.

2. Is he still too young for FV20/50 + FV Booster?

3. Should I just add some booster to his GoastMilkFormula and give him another week? on that?

4. If he is old enough - How do I convert him from ....the GMF now to.... FV formula 20/50+Booster?

5. Has anyone found the temps the little easter greys prefer? I was told in beginning by somene on trusted website that heat formula to 100 degrees. He/mine prefers more along 140 to 150 degrees....Any body else got numbers?
and the heat pad?....He seems to be better right now at 89 to 95 degrees F, but he's also crawled out and gotten to the very bottom where it was over 105... Right now,, he is wrapped in Minky and Flannel and sleeping in box @ 94degreesF.

that's all I can think of right now.

many many thanks for your patience, understanding and help.

i am grateful and so is the LittlePrinceYettoBeNamed,

I tried to attach pics...we shall see

island rehabber
08-05-2022, 03:54 PM
CritterLover, you've got it almost perfectly so take four deeeeep breaths :grin2. I am going to answer your questions in GREEN right in the body of your post below, OK? Also: we have an Admin here, Spanky, who is a licensed Georgia rehabber. I will direct him here ASAP.

Hi yall. I am in a Southern State, and when I reached out, was advised that here in this State....rehabbers are not helpful, and/or hard to find here...So, I researched. Found this site most helpful and reliable.

New to site but not to life/raising critters - but this is first time baby squirrel has survived this long. Unfortunately, most times, they are near death from injury when I get them....and/or..., I just put them back and momma comes to get them. but....LadyKarma has/had other plans.

I have a few questions and need some guidance from the gurus

BSquirrel Eastern Grey..yet to be named has been w/ me one week and one day today. I found him 7.28 writhing around on my sideswalk. I was in and out making water changes for tanks and he just appeared. No momma near. No nest with any activity. I live in rural area and squirrels are numerous, or have been until this year, but we have a couple hawks that have discovered our habitat is rich. We have surmised, this one must have been dropped..still not sure. Tried a couple days to leave him out, but honestly, I only saw one pair of squirrels running around on back of property.

I estimate he is now about 3 weeks old. Eyes not yet open. He has been hovering at 30 grams and I am getting concerned he is not gaining.

However, just last day or so, his appetite has increased and he is eating 1.2 to 1.8cc at each meal and I feed every 3.5 to 4 hours 0700 to 0100. He seems to be getting into a routine. Me2. So0 far so good, here....

I am currently feeding HGM/Goats Milk formula as I was waiting on the FoxValley order. Then I read where IslandRehabber suggested using ultraboost, so i ordered some and it came yesterday. I have also read NOT to feed FV32/40. I do use Ultra Boost as an additive to Esbilac for the first 4 weeks, or until eyes open. If your baby is not gaining weight at least 1 gram per day, you may want to switch to the Esbilac 3parts with 1 part Ultra Boost added. It has worked wonderfully for me with pinks.

My ?? are:

1. Which nipples are best for eastern grey pinkies? I ordered Xuanda Pet Feeding Bottle and Syringes with Nipples for Small Cat Dog Animals (Model 1) from Amazon, but not too impressed w/ the O-Rings and he seems to be doing just OK w/those nipples)
I tried the long silicon nipples but he seems to be unable to manage them and seems they go really to far down his throat.
Any nipples that work for y'all raising pinkie EGreys - send me link/PM or whatever and I will purchase same.
Or instruct me on these long silicon nipples - perhaps I am not feeding correctly. The long nipples are too long for pinkies. You want to use the Miracle Mini sized nipple.

2. Is he still too young for FV20/50 + FV Booster? I wouldn't switch him to that for another week.

3. Should I just add some booster to his GoastMilkFormula and give him another week? on that? I've never done that....maybe someone else will comment.

4. If he is old enough - How do I convert him from ....the GMF now to.... FV formula 20/50+Booster?

5. Has anyone found the temps the little easter greys prefer? I was told in beginning by somene on trusted website that heat formula to 100 degrees. He/mine prefers more along 140 to 150 degrees....Any body else got numbers? The younger the baby the hotter they like it, I have found. But if your little guy eats better when it's hot, let him!
and the heat pad?....He seems to be better right now at 89 to 95 degrees F, but he's also crawled out and gotten to the very bottom where it was over 105... Right now,, he is wrapped in Minky and Flannel and sleeping in box @ 94degreesF. Remember that mamma's body is about 100 -102* and he would normally be right up against her for most of the day and night. Try to approximate that.

that's all I can think of right now. Hope I helped!

many many thanks for your patience, understanding and help.

i am grateful and so is the LittlePrinceYettoBeNamed,

I tried to attach pics...we shall see

08-05-2022, 05:50 PM
CritterLover, you've got it almost perfectly so take four deeeeep breaths :grin2. I am going to answer your questions in GREEN right in the body of your post below, OK? Also: we have an Admin here, Spanky, who is a licensed Georgia rehabber. I will direct him here ASAP.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU---ive read this site/forums top to bottom...and am amazed at the support..mostly the vast experience and the willingness to share....
I hope my post didnt sound desperate - Im an olde RN and I am also a perfectionist. and i care more about animals than i do ppl....don't judge me.

i never worked NICU for a reason,,,,and this is close.

im committed to him now and getting him to a place where he can learn to live like a squirrel. SO excited about the GA rehaber (HI SPANKY - nice to meet u)
and can move forward knowing that I have support.

for now...

1. Where/do/can i get those nipples - the Miracle Mini sized nipple. - Gotta website? link? thanks!!
2. Do i really want to risk changing his formula to Esbilac for one week, then switch himAGAIN to FV?
my gut tells me no - but i aint the expert here

He's moving more now..and getting around better - but not gaining weight.

I created a "pouch" for him post feeding and I carry him close to my heart for a while and if he seems unsettled.
I am a quilter/seamstress, so plan to make a couple pouches - for his bed and when I have to carry him with

I am also reading about his cage requirements and getting my MUCH better half prepped for cage needs.
for now, i just need higher sides or a dog kennel = and i really like the critter keeper idea.

how long can he stay in a critter keeper type vessel?

yall rock...plain and simple.

CritterLover and YetToBeNamed send hugs and kisses

The Nut Lady
08-05-2022, 08:00 PM
Here’s a link to Henry’s website. This is where I purchased some of the miracle nipples, mini size. They also have a ton of other great stuff and information


island rehabber
08-06-2022, 08:07 AM
Hi again CritterLover. I agree with ypur RN instinct: don't switch the baby to Esbilac for just one week. Toward the middle of this coming week, begin adding the FV 20/50 as 1/4 of his formula the first day, then 1/2 the next and then to full strength the third day. The extra fat in the 20/50 should help with his weight gain, which should start ranging from 5-7 grams per day.

08-06-2022, 10:30 AM
??? he's supposed to be gaining 5 to 7 g a DAY?????
oh poop.....(not my normal word, but yall dont knowm me well enough yet)

ok. thanks yall. headed out and wanted to make sure i didn't need the Esbilac..

today, he's hanging at 30g, so at least he's not losing weight.
I do not like these O rings syringes and i don't think he's overly fond of the nipples I have.

He didn't eat as well at 0800 this a.m. - but my last feed was 0100 and I overslept (somewhere I read never go over 7 hours between feedings -
so I got him back up at 1000 and fed another 0.8 cc.

Also, where is the milk line supposed to be...and I am thinking I have that figured out..its the white line across his belly right?
easily seen after feedings?

thanks again.
Off to see if I can find a few more supplies - and to my fav HFeed Store to stock up on the food for the rest of my menagerie.


08-07-2022, 07:43 PM
Hi again CritterLover. I agree with ypur RN instinct: don't switch the baby to Esbilac for just one week. Toward the middle of this coming week, begin adding the FV 20/50 as 1/4 of his formula the first day, then 1/2 the next and then to full strength the third day. The extra fat in the 20/50 should help with his weight gain, which should start ranging from 5-7 grams per day.

Update and ?? and I am very tired.

Can someone give me some guidance on ratios:
FV 20/50 to mixer

Do I use distilled water? to mix the FV and Ultraboost?
Both powder directions say 1 part powder to 2 parts water - so
ex: 1 T 20/50 or Ultraboost - to 2 T water........?Correct?

and then How do I mix that/those with the GMF I have him on now.

I am getting a little concerned he is not gaining and may have even lost a gram today. and seriously considering adding just the UltraBoost to his GMF tomorrow.

and No one has commented or fussed at me for keeping him close to me/in a bonding type scarf
so, am assuming that's ok. Too.
again. thank you all -
You all are so amazing and I am grateful I found this site.


08-07-2022, 07:48 PM
How anal do Ineed to be about his pee and pooping?
If he has pooped in his bedding - that's considered a poop?
or do I have to try to get him to poop for me too at every feeding?

and Pee?
Do I need to get him to Pee EVERY time I feed?
cuz, sometimes he does not...(I only girls/daughters and my pit bull did that job for me when we raised the kittens - )

thanks again.
preciate yall


08-09-2022, 04:00 PM
1. How anal do I need to be about his pee and pooping?
If he has pooped in his bedding - that's considered a poop?
or do I have to try to get him to poop for me too at every feeding?

and Pee?
Do I need to get him to Pee EVERY time I feed?
cuz, sometimes he does not...(I only girls/daughters and my pit bull did that job for me when we raised the kittens - )

2. ALSO - I added 1 cc of UltraBoost to his GMF (10cc) and at 4pm feeding, I saw loose stool


thanks again.
preciate yall