View Full Version : Georgia Help

08-03-2022, 11:51 AM
I don't know how to start a new blog or question. But I have 3 baby squirrels about 5 weeks old,and my boy looks like death he so skinny. PlEase help.

08-03-2022, 01:18 PM
I don't know how to start a new blog or question. But I have 3 baby squirrels about 5 weeks old,and my boy looks like death he so skinny. PlEase help.

I moved this new member's post to her own thread and PM'd/e-mailed the link.

First, have you checked for Aspiration Pneumonia (AP)? Hold him to your ear and listen for a "clicking" sound with each breath.

Second... what formula are you feeding him; be spefic on the brand. Are your using a syringe for feeding? How much you are feeding is also crucial... I am attaching a cheat sheet.

These are the most likely issues for the skinniness... we'll start with these. :thumbsup



08-03-2022, 02:19 PM
He is on goats milk esbilac for puppies. I use a syringe when feeding he is going on 5 weeks old.he weighs 42.2g. I'm so sorry for messing up ,I don't want him to die. He eats 2and 1/2 per feed.every 4 hrs.

08-03-2022, 02:22 PM
No clicking sonds

08-03-2022, 02:26 PM
Is there someone I can call this texting takes too log

08-03-2022, 02:30 PM
He is on goats milk esbilac for puppies.

I am going to suggest you switch to Esbilac, not the Goat's Milk but the plain. Even better order some Fox Valley 20/50 and when that arrives start feeding him a mix of 1/2 Esbilac and 1/2 Fov Valley 20/50.

You can also get some Fox Valley Ultraboost that will help him gain weight. And at five weeks, when their eyes open, it is time to introduce rodent block. Rodent block should be their first and only solid foods until they are eating the block well and regularly (they will only shred it at first, not really eat it).

I use a syringe when feeding he is going on 5 weeks old.he weighs 42.2g.

That is half what he should be for a healthy eye opening (5 weeks) weight. I have only ever had one, very sickly guy that arrived to me at 46 grams and his eyes open. Squirt rebounded with proper formula, Ultraboost and appropriate feeding intervals... for these underweight ones I will continue to feed around the clock until they are healthy. See my comments about formula and Ultraboost above.

I'm so sorry for messing up ,I don't want him to die. He eats 2and 1/2 per feed.every 4 hrs.

You'll need to be more specific about how much "2 and 1/2 per feed" means... is that 2 1/2ml? Or 2 1/2 syringes... if syringes, what are the size of the syringes?

Can you post some pictures of him?

08-03-2022, 05:56 PM
I'm so worried

08-03-2022, 07:55 PM
What part of Georgia are you located?

You did not answer the question about what "2 1/2" per feeding represents.

Here is a care guide for the basics of baby squirrel care... it is 6 pages long.

Your attachment is not showing his picture.. I suspect you deleted the picture / attachment.