View Full Version : Found 3 pinky babies HELP/!!!!

Charley Chuckles
07-28-2022, 09:31 PM
Maura or whoever can help I just now found 3 pinkies no more than a week old.
I have boost from Fox valley and I have Fox valley formula.
How much do I give them 322396

Charley Chuckles
07-28-2022, 09:43 PM

island rehabber
07-28-2022, 11:35 PM
Abby, first: 4 deeeeep breaths. you can do this. Do you have EEsbilac? or only FV 32/40?

island rehabber
07-28-2022, 11:38 PM
weigh them if possible. Typically one weekers will take .75 - 1.0 ml every 2.5hrs

Snicker Bar
07-28-2022, 11:51 PM
Sending you moral support from the gang here! And double shots of caffeine,

Charley Chuckles
07-29-2022, 12:11 AM
Thanks y'all I have it handled for now...long story later and a long night to be had :tilt

Charley Chuckles
07-29-2022, 12:16 AM
weigh them if possible. Typically one weekers will take .75 - 1.0 ml every 2.5hrs

OK wait on a 1CC syringe how much are we talking about???
I did so good when MILOSMOM did the zoom demonstration, why does my mind fail me when I need it :eek
I'm only good in teaspoons tablespoons I HATE METRICS :frustratedx

Diggie's Friend
07-29-2022, 04:57 AM
With (1 ml) the same as (1.0) ml

(1.0 ml) divided into four equal quarter parts equals (0.25) ml. each.

Three of these quarter parts total (0.75 ml.) aka: three quarters of (1 ml.)

Once you pull up (0.7) ml. , then add (0.05) (one half of one tenth of 1 ml. [0.1] ml.) for a total of (0.75 ml.)

I hope this helps.

Charley Chuckles
07-29-2022, 07:05 AM
Their weights are...
Baby A, 25g
Baby B, 26g
Baby C, 29g

So how much per feeding and isn't there a chart here somewhere 🤷
Thank you 👍

07-29-2022, 08:03 AM
Cheat sheet for feeding amounts attached...



Snicker Bar
07-29-2022, 08:11 AM
There’s a great presentation in the Baby Squirrel section , a sticky called “IR’s Handout: Care of Neonatal Pinkies” that helped me a lot with my first (and ONLY) pinkies.

Hang in there!

Sending you a triple shot from The Brew this am on way to work…

island rehabber
07-29-2022, 09:07 AM
I did so good when MILOSMOM did the zoom demonstration, why does my mind fail me when I need it :eek

That is exactly what happened to me with the lady who needed Clav dosing ASAP! Milo's Mom had me calculating like a wizard during her ZOOM presentation....but when nerves kicked in I forgot everything! :hissyfit

Charley Chuckles
07-29-2022, 09:57 AM
That is exactly what happened to me with the lady who needed Clav dosing ASAP! Milo's Mom had me calculating like a wizard during her ZOOM presentation....but when nerves kicked in I forgot everything! :hissyfit

Then the real deal kicked in and I went all 🙄🤦🤣
HOWEVER in my defense I have all the proper formulas, syringes yada yada. I was a girl scout "ALWAYS BE PREPARED" 👍😀

The Nut Lady
07-29-2022, 10:18 AM
There’s a great presentation in the Baby Squirrel section , a sticky called “IR’s Handout: Care of Neonatal Pinkies” that helped me a lot with my first (and ONLY) pinkies.

Hi all. I’m interested in seeing this presentation but when I found the link and clicked on it it wasn’t working, even after I signed in to google. Any suggestions?

Charley Chuckles
07-29-2022, 12:19 PM
Hi all. I’m interested in seeing this presentation but when I found the link and clicked on it it wasn’t working, even after I signed in to google. Any suggestions?

Same thing happened to me 🤷

Charley Chuckles
07-30-2022, 07:20 AM
I can't remember the temp the formula should be, I hate the wrist test I would rather rely on a thermometer.

Milo's Mom
07-30-2022, 07:53 AM
Try 101 Abby.
I dont use thermometer but it's a good place to start.
Pinkies like it hotter than the furry ones.

Charley Chuckles
07-30-2022, 09:23 AM
Try 101 Abby.
I dont use thermometer but it's a good place to start.
Pinkies like it hotter than the furry ones.

Thank you Betsy I appreciate it 👍
I'm always afraid I'll burn them, I can't even drink hot coffee🤦
So far they are all doing well just one he hasn't 💩 or peed last feeding and I worry however I know switching from their mommies milk to formula can be an adjustment.

Charley Chuckles
07-30-2022, 04:03 PM
Ok I'm having a hard time getting the formula to stay hot enough🤦
I'm doing the same thing I always have done...
Put formula in a baby food jar, place jar in a Pyrex one cup measuring cup that I heated water in microwave just enough so jar just sits in it. Then it's placed on my heated coffee cup warmer.
By the time it heats up enough I take the syringe load it and within just a minute it's not feeling warm enough🤷 GRRRR so frustrating.
I've ordered the caps for syringes at Healthy Henry's Pets and I'm sure placing syringes directly in the heated water will do the trick however I'm not sure when I'll get them so I'd really appreciate some advice from y'all👍

Milo's Mom
07-30-2022, 10:33 PM
Abby, I tossed the water bath years ago. It never kept formula hot enough for my kids. I don't know how others do it.
Put the baby food jar on the warmer directly...thats what I do. Be careful not to overheat and scortch formula. Heat formula a little warmer initially so as it cools its cooling to perfect temp for baby.

07-30-2022, 11:27 PM
Just seeing this thread. Offering moral support. You got this, CC! :dance

island rehabber
07-31-2022, 07:47 AM
My formula jar gets heated (nuked) and then placed in a large cup of BOILING WATER. Yes, It will be super hot for the first couple minutes so whip that syringe thru the air a few times before feeding and test on back of your hand. It will cool quickly, as you've noticed. You still may have to warm up once halfway through the feeding.

Charley Chuckles
07-31-2022, 08:15 AM
Thanks y'all it's been awhile since I've had babies especially pinks😍 I'm about to feed again and I'll try these methods 👍
I was thinking how in the world do rehabbers do it with multiples 🤦
I even looked online for baby bottle warmers but of course they only make them for large bottles.... We need to come up with one for baby squirrels, now there's an idea for someone who has a knack for engineering 🤔 I'll be the first customer 😀
I like having things on hand I even have a car heating pad you plug into cigarette lighter, just in case I have to haul babies. Even in Florida you would need that in colder weather or summer as ya need the AC on in the car.

07-31-2022, 10:32 AM
Ok I'm having a hard time getting the formula to stay hot enough🤦
I'm doing the same thing I always have done...
Put formula in a baby food jar, place jar in a Pyrex one cup measuring cup that I heated water in microwave just enough so jar just sits in it. Then it's placed on my heated coffee cup warmer.
By the time it heats up enough I take the syringe load it and within just a minute it's not feeling warm enough🤷 GRRRR so frustrating.
I've ordered the caps for syringes at Healthy Henry's Pets and I'm sure placing syringes directly in the heated water will do the trick however I'm not sure when I'll get them so I'd really appreciate some advice from y'all👍

Hi CC: I am not a "big time" Rehabber as I've mentioned a number of times and I just wanted to state this again. I have, however, raised a couple of pinkies with fear, trepidation, and ultimate success and have raised a number of other babies to release. This limited history obviously does not make me an expert but I use the method that was stated by Spanky in another thread today. Here is his quote regarding heating; " The formula must be very warm or they will often refuse it. Most of us use multiple syringes and a warm (hot?) water bath.... fill the syringes for feeding then place in a glass / cup of water of hot water."

If you fill one or several (if you are feeding more than one Squirrel around the same time or using sequential prefilled syringes with the same or other babies) small syringes (1ml-3ml which is the same as 1cc-3cc) syringes with the amount of formula your particular baby needs and rather than heat a large amount of formula, heat only the pre-filled syringe(s) by placing it/them in water that has been heated in a microwave or on the stove to boiling or near boiling. It usually takes less than 30 seconds to effectively heat the formula in one of these small syringes. Then remove the syringe(s) from the hot water "bath" and gently rock it back and forth several times to evenly distribute the heat. You can then do the temperature check you are not fond of and use your skin or you can use a thermometer. After only few times using this method you will gain have developed all the precision you will need to have an acceptable and safe temperature for your Squirrel's formula without having to bother with waiting for the heating a relatively large amount of formula and then have the formula cool off far to quickly and get below optimal temperature while you are waiting for just the right moment to fill your syringe(s).

08-02-2022, 08:57 PM
offering moral support too and im right here/there w/ ya. trying to raise a pinkie too. am reading and learning, so thanks.

i find comfort in the humor....as, this rehabbing babies is hard/draining and scary.


Charley Chuckles
08-05-2022, 09:54 AM
Thank you everyone great advice👍

The trio are plumping up nicely😄
They are already 40g 40g 43g 🤗
I've been trying different methods combining a few...

I got these end caps from Healthy Henry's Pets I LOVE them keeps the formula from leaking out but once you load the syringe and put cap on I found I had to pull syringe back a bit to secure the cap or it comes off in the water.


Charley Chuckles
08-11-2022, 05:23 PM
Mine are not ready yet eyes are not open but can I continue to just use Esbilac or do I have to switch to FV?
I hate changing formula on them.

Charley Chuckles
08-12-2022, 07:59 AM
Another question as well...
How do you know what percentage feeding to use and when or do you switch🤷
I've been doing the 5% feeding, should I move up to 6% or 7% now that they are getting older?
Thank you👍

Charley Chuckles
09-05-2022, 08:10 PM
Ok question....
My boys are between 7/8 weeks old 212g- to 220g I've been feeding every 4-5 hours, they also get HHB AND I'M GOING TO ADD A WATER BOTTLE...
Should I cut back to feeding formula 3 to4 times a day along with solid food plus block🤷322839

Charley Chuckles
09-06-2022, 07:28 PM

Charley Chuckles
09-06-2022, 09:42 PM
Oh well I guess I'll just do what I think is right 🤷