View Full Version : Help PLEASE with pinkie

07-24-2022, 10:35 PM
My sweet tiny girl started clicking tonight. I've been reading all of your wonderful posts and have a little bit of Baytril left from one of my rabbits. It has been kept in the frig. The dosage is 20mg/ml suspension. My little girl is only 14 grams. I would be forever grateful if someone can give me the correct dosage for her....amount to give and how often. I'm so worried. I have tried to be sooo careful at feedings. 😞

07-24-2022, 10:42 PM
My sweet tiny girl started clicking tonight. I've been reading all of your wonderful posts and have a little bit of Baytril left from one of my rabbits. It has been kept in the frig. The dosage is 20mg/ml suspension. My little girl is only 14 grams. I would be forever grateful if someone can give me the correct dosage for her....amount to give and how often. I'm so worried. I have tried to be sooo careful at feedings. 😞

07-24-2022, 10:51 PM
I just checked on her because I'm absolutely terrified and I don't hear it right now. I plan on feeding her again around 1am. I would love to have the dosing for the antibiotics please in case the clicking sound returns. Thank you so much 💓

07-25-2022, 07:09 AM
I merged your 2 threads together so that all the info wold be in the same thread (her weight, the concentration of Baytril, that the baby is doing better and is no longer clicking, etc.).

All babies will usually have an intermittent click after eating. This comes from their mouth while the Aspiration Pneumonia (AP) clicking comes from the lungs and is almost always a persistent clicking.

Other signs of AP included loss of appetite and lethargy; lethargy is not something easily determined in a small pinky that sleeps all the time but pinkies will loss their appetite and eat much less or stop eating altogether.

If you will confirm the Baytril is 20mg/ml and if it is confirm that it is not expired. I worry this may be a specially compounded oral Baytril that may expire relatively quickly?

07-25-2022, 07:15 AM
Thank you Spanky!!! I am so new to this and scared half to death.

The baytril is 20ml and it is an oral med. It doesn't have an expiration date on it but was received on 3/23/22.

She ate fine this morning and is not clicking now. Dumb question. How can you tell the clicking is coming from the lungs in a pinkie this tiny?

Thank you for fixing my threads.

07-25-2022, 07:24 AM
Thank you Spanky!!! I am so new to this and scared half to death.

The baytril is 20ml and it is an oral med. It doesn't have an expiration date on it but was received on 3/23/22.

She ate fine this morning and is not clicking now. Dumb question. How can you tell the clicking is coming from the lungs in a pinkie this tiny?

Thank you for fixing my threads.

It is terrific news that she is eating well this morning. What formula are you feeding her?

Sorry, but can you be very specific about the concentration of the Baytril? From the posts, it seems to be 20mg per 1ml and the bottle contains 20ml? I am being careful since 20mg/1ml is not a typical concentration of Baytril.

Not a dumb question and the mouth clicks after feedings can be alarming, especially after reading about AP! For pinkies, the best way to listen for a clicking (IMO) is while they are sleeping... at least 30 minutes or so after eating. Use a plastic cup like a Solo cup. Cut the bottom out, hold the bottom end to your ear and hold the large end over the baby(ies) while they are sleeping. The plastic cup will help amplify any clicking and if they are clicking while asleep like this it is likely AP.

island rehabber
07-25-2022, 07:24 AM
Thank you Spanky!!! I am so new to this and scared half to death.

The baytril is 20ml and it is an oral med. It doesn't have an expiration date on it but was received on 3/23/22.

She ate fine this morning and is not clicking now. Dumb question. How can you tell the clicking is coming from the lungs in a pinkie this tiny?

Thank you for fixing my threads. I'm just jumping in because I do a fair number of pinkies each season (the other rehabbers around here can't or won't take them). If you hold the baby up to your ear like a phone you might hear a tick tick tick sound after she is fed-- This is OK. The tick tick is like an old fashioned wristwatch. Or a TV bomb, lol. It stops intermittently. The pneumonia clicking is sometimes a click and sometimes a pop but it occurs on every inhale and exhale, And may get faster as the baby moves around. This is the dangerous sound and when you want to use the baytril.

07-25-2022, 07:29 AM
It is terrific news that she is eating well this morning. What formula are you feeding her?

Sorry, but can you be very specific about the concentration of the Baytril? From the posts, it seems to be 20mg per 1ml and the bottle contains 20ml? I am being careful since 20mg/1ml is not a typical concentration of Baytril.

Not a dumb question and the mouth clicks after feedings can be alarming, especially after reading about AP! For pinkies, the best way to listen for a clicking (IMO) is while they are sleeping... at least 30 minutes or so after eating. Use a plastic cup like a Solo cup. Cut the bottom out, hold the bottom end to your ear and hold the large end over the baby(ies) while they are sleeping. The plastic cup will help amplify any clicking and if they are clicking while asleep like this it is likely AP.

I am feeding her the powdered Esbilac formula and have the mini miracle nipple. I have checked the formula and it is the one with the prebiotic. Her poop seems to be normal and I have not noticed any bloating.

The baytril does say specifically 20mg/ml. If it helps it was for a 13 pound Flemish Giant rabbit so that may be why it's not a typical concentrate.

She is sleeping now so I am going to do the cup trick!

07-25-2022, 07:38 AM
I'm just jumping in because I do a fair number of pinkies each season (the other rehabbers around here can't or won't take them). If you hold the baby up to your ear like a phone you might hear a tick tick tick sound after she is fed-- This is OK. The tick tick is like an old fashioned wristwatch. Or a TV bomb, lol. It stops intermittently. The pneumonia clicking is sometimes a click and sometimes a pop but it occurs on every inhale and exhale, And may get faster as the baby moves around. This is the dangerous sound and when you want to use the baytril.

Thank you!!!

07-25-2022, 04:37 PM
Thank you Spanky for all the info. Jeri has done well today with feedings and I did not hear any clicking when I tried the cup trick while she was sleeping. I really can't thank you enough.