View Full Version : Poop Color Question

07-22-2022, 10:45 AM
I've raised several gray squirrels for release, but I'm not usually sucessful with super young pinkies. I have one now that still has a little button of black umbilical cord on her. Her first poop under my care was very dark and solid. I am feeding her Esbilac every 2-3 hours around the clock as her intake goes up. Now she poops yellow, still the teeniest little pellets, but they can be soft and sometimes she poops when not stimulated. I do stimulate her after each meal, and she pees, but does not always poop. Is this yellow softish poop normal? She does not have diarrhea, her appetite is great, and aside from being a typically fussy baby, she has the fierciest determination to live!. I've had her since Wednesday evening when she was found in a garden, under her upturned nest. No sign of mom or siblings after around 4-5 hours after she was discovered, so she was transferred into my care. Aside from a couple of minor boo boo spots (like 2 purple pin pricks on her back), and her cord, she seems solid and determined to survive. I mean to do my best to help her!

07-22-2022, 10:50 AM
The dark poop is mama milk, then the Esbilac normally is golden colored. The poops should form up soon, hopefully. If you eventually transition to Fox Valley 20/50 you will find they turn orange!

07-22-2022, 11:18 AM
Thank you! Yes, I am familiar with "Fox Valley Orange" hahaha. The yellow threw me off, looked like when my daughter was breastfeeding! Should I do anything about her cord stump? She's clean, warm, & pink otherwise :)

island rehabber
07-26-2022, 01:35 PM
the stump will drop off naturally at 10 days old. 🙂