View Full Version : Need Vet in Oklahoma / Texas area
07-07-2022, 01:36 PM
I need HELP please-
My boy is not doing well. After his nail injury, I tried treating it with Iboprfin twice a day proper dosing. The swelling is worse, he is now over grooming and I see patches of hair falling off from that grooming which is not normal for him
I tried giving him Amoxi/Clavu but he bit me and wont take it at all.
I really need to get him to a vet since he will not take the AB's ( ( ( (
If there is a trusted vet out there that you know of in the area please PM me, I am very worried about my boy
Age: 8 years
weight: 650g
07-07-2022, 02:08 PM
Unfortunately, a vet is just going to give you antibiotics to give him too. Draw up the med and then draw up something sweet like grenadine or maple syrup to make it sweet.
07-07-2022, 05:05 PM
Thanks SM.
I just need to get him checked out to understand the severity of this situation. He is not doing well this afternoon, just overgrooming, I am finding hair everywhere. I am so worried he will slip away :sad
07-07-2022, 05:59 PM
Just get that medicine into that boy.
07-07-2022, 06:14 PM
He is now taking amoxicillin/clavulanate. I am thinking it may be bothering his tummy right now. Hopefully some probiotics will help.
07-07-2022, 06:19 PM
Thanks SM.
I just need to get him checked out to understand the severity of this situation. He is not doing well this afternoon, just overgrooming, I am finding hair everywhere. I am so worried he will slip away :sad
Hi RamiS:
I agree with you! The swelling suggests an abscess which is a pus pocket. The enlarged part of the toe may instead; be entirely due to local tissue swelling due to infection involving the skin itself (called a cellulitis). However what you are seeing may also be a combination of an abscess and surrounding cellulitis which is quite common. Antibiotics are used to treat a cellulitis but abscesses usually need to be drained as antibiotics do not penetrate into an abscess very well. Abscesses can and do "come to a head" and drain spontaneously but this should not be something to count on.
You mentioned the possibility of seeing a Vet in Texas. I do not know where you live or where you may be willing to travel to have your Squirrel seen by a Vet but and I have two Vets to suggest. One is Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital in Grapevine ( Unfortunately, they often have a long wait time for appointments. Also, a caution if you decide to call them or go to their website; they have an emergency facility associated with them but I know that this emergency facility will confiscate your Squirrel. The other facility is one I just found out about when I recommended TA & E to another Squirrel Board member recently and she found that there was a two week wait there and she contacted another facility in Dallas called Summertree Animal & Bird Clinic ( They saw her Squirrel very quickly and seemed quite experienced and comfortable with Squirrels.
I have pasted excerpts from the thread I referred to below for your review. I hope this helps. There are some cautions in those comments that are very important to consider. Please read them! Again, I would strongly recommend that your Squirrel be seen expeditiously by a Veterinarian. Please keep us updated on your Squirrrel's condition. What is your Squirrel's name?
Re: Swollen cheek, abscess? Ft W. TX area
Quote Originally Posted by SamtheSquirrel2018 View Post
Hi MissAmy & Teddy:
Please try Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital in Grapevine. Here is a link:
At my last inquiry which was approximately 3 weeks ago, they confirmed to me that they will see Squirrels and specifically "pet" Squirrels without requiring the human client be a rehabber. Please confirm this when you call them and please ask specifically if they will confiscate your Squirrel; just so you will have this issue out in the open and hopefully put to rest before you take Teddy. Also, of great concern was that when I contacted them, they had a 2 week wait time for an appointment which is very disappointing and potentially risky. It may be that you can "plead Teddy's case" to them and they will see him expeditiously. Maybe even offer a premium payment. I would try whatever may work to get Teddy seen ASAP.
NOTE: do NOT take Teddy to the associated Emergency Veterinary Clinic that the Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital mentions in their after hours phone message or may refer you to if their appointment schedule is full! There is also mention of this Emergency facility on the TA&EH website! That Animal Emergency Facility told me specifically that they will confiscate Squirrels except possibly if you were were a licensed Texas rehabber. I hope that the Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital will work out for Teddy and you!
Also, you mentioned that "I’d rather they take my baby than let him die" and I would too for a Squirrel in my care except that if "they" do take Teddy, he will most likely be euthanized or hard released in which case he suffer the the cruel end nature often has has in store for those not adequately prepared for the wild! My suggestion is to NOT let anyone take your baby with the possible exception being someone who has an established reputation on the Squirrel Board and who also has the support of one of the Admins or other trusted members based upon direct experience!
Please let us know how thing went and how thing are going with Little Teddy
I was referred to Texas Avian and exotic hospital but they were booked out two weeks still and I didn’t think it was prudent to wait that long. I made sure Teddy wouldn’t be confiscated before going to Summertree in Dallas. It was only about an hour drive from my house, I was so grateful. I was willing to drive out of state to get him care. I’m so grateful for the team at the vets office. The vet said, “ I’m not the police, the only thing I’m obligated to say or do is to tell you that you’re supposed to have a permit. Now let’s get Teddy taken care of for you.” They had me put him in the clear box so they could sedate him and get a look at him. She said they usually see a deterioration of the jaw with dental disease but his jaw was in perfect condition from the X-rays. She pulled the teeth on his lower left side of the jaw, she said they came out so easily with just foresepts because they were very loose. They called this morning to see how he was doing and he’s doing great. Eating his liquid diet/food like a champ and wanting more. The swelling has diminished significantly. She did use a needle to pull out about 3ccs of puss from the abscess. He’s on pain meds and antibiotics. Thank you for all the information."
Diggie's Friend
07-07-2022, 07:07 PM
If you happen to have, "Grandma's", or "Brer Rabbit" Dark or Light molasses, add a drop or two to the med; foxers go crazy for it. Blackstrap molasses is too high iron; which puts stress on the heart.
07-07-2022, 07:21 PM
Hi RamiS:
I agree with you! The swelling suggests an abscess which is a pus pocket. The enlarged part of the toe may instead; be entirely due to local tissue swelling due to infection involving the skin itself (called a cellulitis). However what you are seeing may also be a combination of an abscess and surrounding cellulitis which is quite common. Antibiotics are used to treat a cellulitis but abscesses usually need to be drained as antibiotics do not penetrate into an abscess very well. Abscesses can and do "come to a head" and drain spontaneously but this should not be something to count on.
You mentioned the possibility of seeing a Vet in Texas. I do not know where you live or where you may be willing to travel to have your Squirrel seen by a Vet but and I have two Vets to suggest. One is Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital in Grapevine ( Unfortunately, they often have a long wait time for appointments. Also, a caution if you decide to call them or go to their website; they have an emergency facility associated with them but I know that this emergency facility will confiscate your Squirrel. The other facility is one I just found out about when I recommended TA & E to another Squirrel Board member recently and she found that there was a two week wait there and she contacted another facility in Dallas called Summertree Animal & Bird Clinic ( They saw her Squirrel very quickly and seemed quite experienced and comfortable with Squirrels.
I have pasted excerpts from the thread I referred to below for your review. I hope this helps. There are some cautions in those comments that are very important to consider. Please read them! Again, I would strongly recommend that your Squirrel be seen expeditiously by a Veterinarian. Please keep us updated on your Squirrrel's condition. What is your Squirrel's name?
Re: Swollen cheek, abscess? Ft W. TX area
Quote Originally Posted by SamtheSquirrel2018 View Post
Hi MissAmy & Teddy:
Please try Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital in Grapevine. Here is a link:
At my last inquiry which was approximately 3 weeks ago, they confirmed to me that they will see Squirrels and specifically "pet" Squirrels without requiring the human client be a rehabber. Please confirm this when you call them and please ask specifically if they will confiscate your Squirrel; just so you will have this issue out in the open and hopefully put to rest before you take Teddy. Also, of great concern was that when I contacted them, they had a 2 week wait time for an appointment which is very disappointing and potentially risky. It may be that you can "plead Teddy's case" to them and they will see him expeditiously. Maybe even offer a premium payment. I would try whatever may work to get Teddy seen ASAP.
NOTE: do NOT take Teddy to the associated Emergency Veterinary Clinic that the Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital mentions in their after hours phone message or may refer you to if their appointment schedule is full! There is also mention of this Emergency facility on the TA&EH website! That Animal Emergency Facility told me specifically that they will confiscate Squirrels except possibly if you were were a licensed Texas rehabber. I hope that the Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital will work out for Teddy and you!
Also, you mentioned that "I’d rather they take my baby than let him die" and I would too for a Squirrel in my care except that if "they" do take Teddy, he will most likely be euthanized or hard released in which case he suffer the the cruel end nature often has has in store for those not adequately prepared for the wild! My suggestion is to NOT let anyone take your baby with the possible exception being someone who has an established reputation on the Squirrel Board and who also has the support of one of the Admins or other trusted members based upon direct experience!
Please let us know how thing went and how thing are going with Little Teddy
I was referred to Texas Avian and exotic hospital but they were booked out two weeks still and I didn’t think it was prudent to wait that long. I made sure Teddy wouldn’t be confiscated before going to Summertree in Dallas. It was only about an hour drive from my house, I was so grateful. I was willing to drive out of state to get him care. I’m so grateful for the team at the vets office. The vet said, “ I’m not the police, the only thing I’m obligated to say or do is to tell you that you’re supposed to have a permit. Now let’s get Teddy taken care of for you.” They had me put him in the clear box so they could sedate him and get a look at him. She said they usually see a deterioration of the jaw with dental disease but his jaw was in perfect condition from the X-rays. She pulled the teeth on his lower left side of the jaw, she said they came out so easily with just foresepts because they were very loose. They called this morning to see how he was doing and he’s doing great. Eating his liquid diet/food like a champ and wanting more. The swelling has diminished significantly. She did use a needle to pull out about 3ccs of puss from the abscess. He’s on pain meds and antibiotics. Thank you for all the information."
Thank you so much, this is very helpful for me. I will call them in the morning. I am about 4 hours away from that place. I gave him the first does of ABs today, I am going to wait until tomorrow morning as they have already closed today, if I see improvements then will give it a couple more days, if no improvements then I will put him in the carrier and blast it to dallas and plead the case for them to see him.
07-07-2022, 07:27 PM
I just dont understand the over-grooming, I can find hair here and there!!!
07-07-2022, 07:36 PM
Is he overgrooming only the injured hand or elsewhere on his body? The hand is likely caused by itching - and either infection or healing can cause that. They lick to make it stop - it doesn't work of course and they can infect themselves that way but that is one of the joys of working with animals...
07-07-2022, 07:48 PM
Is he overgrooming only the injured hand or elsewhere on his body? The hand is likely caused by itching - and either infection or healing can cause that. They lick to make it stop - it doesn't work of course and they can infect themselves that way but that is one of the joys of working with animals...
Hey, he keeps grooming his entire body
07-07-2022, 11:42 PM
My boy is not doing well
I gave him the AB at noon and ever since he has been itching nonstop
He cannot sleep and now almost midnight I got closer to him to hear if he is having tummy issues, his heart is beating so fast I never heard him like this I am very worried
07-08-2022, 04:40 AM
My boy is not doing well
I gave him the AB at noon and ever since he has been itching nonstop
He cannot sleep and now almost midnight I got closer to him to hear if he is having tummy issues, his heart is beating so fast I never heard him like this I am very worried
Hi RamiS:
I'm very sorry to hear this! It is possible that he is allergic to the Amoxicillin-Clavulanate antibiotic that you are giving (this would be a Penicillin allergy as this antibiotic is in that family of medications). I would not give another dose of this antibiotic just in case. An option would be to start another antibiotic. Benadryl can safely be given to Squirrels for allergy treatment or simply "itching." It is sedating also and that can be beneficial. One of the Admins can send you dosing instructions for one your other antibiotics and also Benadryl based upon your original weight of 650 grams or preferably an new very recent weight. I'll send a PM to CritterMom as she has been talking with you. I am awake at this hour because I unexpectedly had to go to work. It is early and CM or other Admins may not yet be awake.
The possibilities for what is going on include other issues beside allergies, however. It may be with his little heart beating much faster than usual that he now has a fever and a systemic infection. That would be very serious! It may be with the profound itching; he has some tiny skin parasites or even ants or other bugs in his cage or whatever that may just not have been noticed. It certainly would be worth checking. Also, is it possible that he ate something that may be toxic? Is your Squirrel drinking water? Fluid intake is essential. If he is not eating it is ok now. Of course he will need food but right now, adequate fluid intake is paramount and he must have fluids to prevent him from getting dehydrated! I do hope that you can get you little Squirrel in to see one of the Veterinarians suggested earlier! Please let us know how he (and you) are doing. I'm sorry this is going on! I'll be out of touch for most of the morning but others are here. Again, I will send a PM to CritterMom right now but other Admins may also become available on the Board or be able to be reached by PM.
Best regards,
Charley Chuckles
07-08-2022, 06:11 AM
Are you giving him pro-biotics in between antibiotics like benebac? ABS can be hard on their stomach.
Praying for your baby 🙏🙏🙏
07-08-2022, 08:04 AM
Hi everyone-
We made it through a difficult night of him barely sleeping as he came out every few minutes to groom some more. He drank some water last night a couple of times. This morning he ate half a block of Henry's and drank some water. I stopped all meds. I called the vet and the soonest they can see him is Monday morning
He is sensetive to the touch, if I try to pick him up he makes a gubbly sound like "dont touch me" and now he is back in his box again.
In terms of his cage, he barely stays in it, maybe 2% of the day. It is cleaned out all the time, I clean his fleeces once a week and wash and air dry them.
His diet is the same, 2 henry blocks a day, he drinks water on the regular, 2-3 blueberries, snap peas, avocados, 1-2 henry hazelnuts or 1-2 hazel nut stick pieces from henry's
07-08-2022, 08:46 AM
Praying for your little guy! :Love_Icon
Charley Chuckles
07-08-2022, 09:45 AM
Diggie's Friend
07-08-2022, 11:57 AM
Holding him up in my heart before the Lord. :hug
07-08-2022, 03:14 PM
Update- He woke up and got out of his box about an hour ago- He ate 3 snap peas, the rest of his henry block, and drank some water. I took some pictures of the finger status and also some photos of the damage done by his overgrooming himself ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
07-08-2022, 03:53 PM
Update- He woke up and got out of his box about an hour ago- He ate 3 snap peas, the rest of his henry block, and drank some water. I took some pictures of the finger status and also some photos of the damage done by his overgrooming himself ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Quick update- The grooming has started again :(
07-08-2022, 06:23 PM
Quick update- The grooming has started again :(
Hello again RamiS:
I feel so bad in behalf of your little Squirrel! I am glad, though, that he is eating and more importantly from a short term, acute standpoint; he is drinking water and has an apparent adequate fluid intake! What is your Squirrel's name? It's a question I always ask as being a Squirreler, I always like to refer to the Little Ones by name! You mentioned that you have discontinued all meds. Does that include Benadryl? By the way, just a thought; do you have any Gabapentin. It may help with refractory pruritus (itching that just does not seem to want to quit). It is quite safe for rodents and I'm sure one of our Admins could dose it for you if you have some available and would want to try another medication. When your Squirrel grooms himself; is he removing only fur or is he doing doing some damage to his skin? If there is skin involvement, there is additional risk of infection and further damage to the skin. Are you planning on taking your Squirrel to the Vet on Monday morning and if so, which facility is going to see him? Hopefully you discussed the risks of confiscation are are satisfied that your Little One will be seen as a regular patient and returned to you! My thoughts and concerns are with your Squirrel and with you RamiS! I wish you both the very best!
07-09-2022, 06:52 PM
Hi RamiS:
How is Moby doing and how are you doing?
07-10-2022, 08:57 AM
Hi RamiS:
How is Moby doing and how are you doing?
Hey SamtheSquirrel-
Thank you for checking in. Yesterday he spend most morning until noon sleeping after he ate his food and drank his water, but then around 4 pm he "flipped a switch" he was out and about, climbing up and down his cat tree, I have a bridge from the cat tree to the living room window so he was using that again back and forth, so for the most part he was and is this morning I would say 85% back to normal.
The finger is still swollen so I am still using Betadyne to drip on it with a syringe. I keep monitoring to determine if we still need to make that trip to the vet.
If anything, the best thing for me is now I at least have a Vet I can take him to in case of an emergency, which is something I always hoped I would have. so thank you for that :serene
Charley Chuckles
07-10-2022, 09:33 AM
That is good news😀
07-10-2022, 01:51 PM
Hey SamtheSquirrel-
Thank you for checking in. Yesterday he spend most morning until noon sleeping after he ate his food and drank his water, but then around 4 pm he "flipped a switch" he was out and about, climbing up and down his cat tree, I have a bridge from the cat tree to the living room window so he was using that again back and forth, so for the most part he was and is this morning I would say 85% back to normal.
The finger is still swollen so I am still using Betadyne to drip on it with a syringe. I keep monitoring to determine if we still need to make that trip to the vet.
If anything, the best thing for me is now I at least have a Vet I can take him to in case of an emergency, which is something I always hoped I would have. so thank you for that :serene
That's wonderful news RamiS!! Please let me comment on the Betadyne. Most likely the swelling of Moby's finger is due to an infection; either a small abscess or a cellulitis (an infection in the skin itself). In most every case, antibiotics are utilized in the treatment of an infection. There may even be a foreign body such as a splinter as the cause and that would ideally need to be removed. Betadyne is used basically as a skin disinfectant. It will not penetrate into the skin and is NOT an antibiotic. Betadyne cannot effectively be used to fight an infection in the skin. It will only kill germs on the surface of the skin. I know its a long distance to the Vet but hopefully that is still an option you will still consider as you periodically reassess little Moby's status. Please let us know how things are going and what you decided to do. Tell Moby that Sammy and I said hello!
07-10-2022, 03:07 PM
Thank you for your feedback. I am trying to weigh the pros and cons and I need some help from the experts of this board please.
I am attaching the most recent pictures of the finger just taken now. He is eating and drinking as normal, that has not changed since the injury three weeks ago today, I need some help figuring out if this finger is healing or getting worse. If this is an emergency then YES I will drive him there even if it is 8 hours 2 ways, my only concern is him handling the road and stress of it all. ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Again, I very much appreciate everyone's opinion, but I really need the experts here to give me some advise so I can make the best possible decision
07-11-2022, 02:01 PM
Charley Chuckles
07-11-2022, 04:19 PM
What antibiotic is he on now?
07-11-2022, 04:24 PM
What antibiotic is he on now?
none. He had a bad reaction to one of them
Charley Chuckles
07-11-2022, 05:34 PM
none. He had a bad reaction to one of them
Right, maybe some other type, but it's scary.
I suppose if you put anything on he will want to lick/chew 🤷
I was thinking of OTC cortisone cream, I'm using that on my boy now.
07-12-2022, 08:09 AM
Hi RamiS:
How is Moby doing? What did you decide to do about the Vet visit or further treatment?
07-12-2022, 05:14 PM
Hello- Eating and drinking still normal, I took some pictures of the finger this morning and some other scratches I found all around his body, I am assuming these were from the constant overgrooming he has done. this morning he was laying down on that orange sheet, its a soft bed sheet, this was after he woke up and I found the hair you see in the image where he was laying down ( I dont know if this is related or normal shedding)
He is not on any meds ( ( ( ( ( (
Charley Chuckles
07-12-2022, 05:22 PM
Mine shed some months more than others and I see hair.
That finger to me looks a little better🤷 is it hot to the touch?
07-12-2022, 05:26 PM
Mine shed some months more than others and I see hair.
That finger to me looks a little better🤷 is it hot to the touch?
I would say warm to the touch compared to the other hand which feels cooler
Diggie's Friend
07-12-2022, 06:41 PM
Is he barbering removing hair from his paw?
07-12-2022, 06:47 PM
Is he barbering removing hair from his paw?
07-12-2022, 07:18 PM
Here is a video of him 5 minutes ago
Charley Chuckles
07-12-2022, 07:33 PM
Cool setup👍
I'm just saying if it's warm then it could be infected of course you already knew that, wondering if it's less warm than when this all started.
Will he lick it if you tried ointments, even Benidine/water solution it won't hurt him to lick it but if it makes him lick it more than that causes more problems grrrrrr trying hard to figure something out🤔
07-12-2022, 07:56 PM
Cool setup👍
I'm just saying if it's warm then it could be infected of course you already knew that, wondering if it's less warm than when this all started.
Will he lick it if you tried ointments, even Benidine/water solution it won't hurt him to lick it but if it makes him lick it more than that causes more problems grrrrrr trying hard to figure something out🤔
Thats a good question CC, I am not sure if its less warm. I gave him some Ibuprofin this afternoon just in case he is in pain and to help with inflammation. But as you see he is up and about and eating, drinking normal.
I have rescheduled the vet for Thursday and intend to take him, I know its a long trip and he will hate more for it, even though from what I see I feel like he is Ok, but I want him to get checked out.
its a 4 hour drive each way so.. hope he does well. They said they will have to sedate him which I hope is normal and not harmful in anyway. Just hoping we go there, everything turns out fine and we can come hope with peace of mind finally after all the stress from the past two weeks
Someone told me the vet could possibly give him ABs in the form of an injection that will last 2 weeks, not sure if thats true or not.
Diggie's Friend
07-12-2022, 08:15 PM
Luv the climbing tubes you have used for his modern style squirrel pad!
He appears to be relaxed, and not uncomfortable in the video.
07-12-2022, 08:22 PM
Someone told me the vet could possibly give him ABs in the form of an injection that will last 2 weeks, not sure if thats true or not.
I'm glad you are going to take Moby to the Vet!
The medication that "someone" mentioned is probably Convenia. I do not know of any studies using Rats, let alone Squirrels withthis medication being used in these animal as a treatment for infection! The Zoetis company which manufactures this medication states specifically on the package that this is for "Dog and Cats only." It is a 3rd generation cephalosporin if that is something you might want to know. Its reported two week period of coverage could certainly be a convenience (probable the basis for the name of the medication) but my recommendation is to only use medication that has been proven safe and efficacious in Squirrels and if that is not possible and a particular drug may be felt to be necessary; at least it should have been used with definitive benefit and minimal risk with Rats.
07-12-2022, 09:06 PM
I'm glad you are going to take Moby to the Vet!
The medication that "someone" mentioned is probably Convenia. I do not know of any studies using Rats, let alone Squirrels withthis medication being used in these animal as a treatment for infection! The Zoetis company which manufactures this medication states specifically on the package that this is for "Dog and Cats only." It is a 3rd generation cephalosporin if that is something you might want to know. Its reported two week period of coverage could certainly be a convenience (probable the basis for the name of the medication) but my recommendation is to only use medication that has been proven safe and efficacious in Squirrels and if that is not possible and a particular drug may be felt to be necessary; at least it should have been used with definitive benefit and minimal risk with Rats.
it is NOT Convenia
07-12-2022, 09:11 PM
it is NOT Convenia
Thanks! What is the name of this antibiotic?
Diggie's Friend
07-13-2022, 03:18 AM
A Staph infection may explain both the swollen toe and the over all itching.
Quote from above webpage under, "Causes"
This infection is caused by the presence of the staphylococci bacteria that is commonly found on the skin of most animals. While most staph bacteria remain harmless, some species can cause a diseased state of infection when they are able to gain entry into the body. One of the most common types of disease producing staphylococci bacteria is the S. aureus. Infection typically occurs when the skin is damaged by scratching or bite wounds, or when the skin is injured due to small abrasions.
MSRP is a resistant strain of Staph skin infection, which has been found to effect rodents more than humans; whereas, MRSA has been found to effect humans more than rodents. See post #13, #14, #15 for more on MRSP in pets.
The challenge with the more rare occurring (MRSP) is that antibiotics don't knock it out. For this reason, when the more rare form of resistant MRSP occurs, more veterinarians are looking to, "Soil Based Probiotics and prebiotics, that don't contain sugars that promote the growth of both good and bad bacterial forms. That said most forms of Staph do well with treatment that they are sensitive to.
Building up the immune system both with Soil Based probiotics Pet Flora by, "Vitallity Science", and Organic food grade Chia oil by,
"Foods Alive" lend aide to a beleaguered immune system.
Diggie's Friend
07-13-2022, 03:46 AM
Pycnogenol® exerts anti-microbial activity against a broad range of micro-organisms: gram positive and negative bacteria, as well as yeast [Torras et al, 2005).
Fromm Pycnogenol (PYC) (30 mg. 60 capsule) by, "Healthy Origins"; reduce the total capsule powder to one quarter of capsule to to mix into moist or wet food daily.
07-13-2022, 09:17 AM
Thanks! What is the name of this antibiotic?
07-13-2022, 09:27 AM
I would question that long and hard. Your squirrel JUST had an apparent allergic reaction to a penicillin class drug, which THIS IS. But instead of leaving the system within a day after you stop taking it, what you are describing will NOT leave the system for some time, which would mean a long lasting allergic reaction.
If Moby did indeed have an allergic reaction to amoxiCILLIN clavulanate, then all CILLINS will do it to him.
07-13-2022, 09:35 AM
I would question that long and hard. Your squirrel JUST had an apparent allergic reaction to a penicillin class drug, which THIS IS. But instead of leaving the system within a day after you stop taking it, what you are describing will NOT leave the system for some time, which would mean a long lasting allergic reaction.
If Moby did indeed have an allergic reaction to amoxiCILLIN clavulanate, then all CILLINS will do it to him.
CM- I know. I was not going to have him take it, I was just stating what was suggested by another member thats all.
However, as his activity level has gone back to normal, his eating and drinking are still normal and good.
Here are the photos of the finger from this morning, its well worth noticing that the nail that has been re-growing is tilting to the left now instead of straight (not sure if this is because its going to break off or what) ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Diggie's Friend
07-13-2022, 11:07 AM
Ramis, the infection is ascending, he has symptoms of a Staph infection perhaps MRSP that occurs when there is a wound promoting an abscess and overall overall body itching.
This requires vet care asap.
07-13-2022, 11:21 AM
DF- I looked up the symptoms for what you are mentioning and he presents none of those, so how are you reaching this diagnosis by looking at these photos, can you explain your medical evaluations please?
Diggie's Friend
07-13-2022, 11:43 AM
It takes a veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis and give appropriate treatment.
07-13-2022, 12:18 PM
No one can look at this and diagnose MRSA/MRSP or any other pathogen. A culture/sensitivity test is the ONLY way to know for 100% sure what is going on and what agents will be most effective. MRSA/MRSP infections don't appear visually any different from normal staph infections (it is their response to available ABs that differentiates them apart). A vet can determine what is going on with a culture. That said, squirrel paw infections like this typically respond to regular AB, we have not seen a large number of resistant staph infections although it is possible. Its worth noting that SMZ-TMP can treat uncomplicated skin and soft tissue MRSA and MRSP infections.
07-13-2022, 05:45 PM
A Staph infection may explain both the swollen toe and the over all itching.
Quote from above webpage under, "Causes"
MSRP is a resistant strain of Staph skin infection, which has been found to effect rodents more than humans; whereas, MRSA has been found to effect humans more than rodents. See post #13, #14, #15 for more on MRSP in pets.
The challenge with the more rare occurring (MRSP) is that antibiotics don't knock it out. For this reason, when the more rare form of resistant MRSP occurs, more veterinarians are looking to, "Soil Based Probiotics and prebiotics, that don't contain sugars that promote the growth of both good and bad bacterial forms. That said most forms of Staph do well with treatment that they are sensitive to.
Building up the immune system both with Soil Based probiotics Pet Flora by, "Vitallity Science", and Organic food grade Chia oil by,
"Foods Alive" lend aide to a beleaguered immune system.
I feel that I must make a response to the above because I do not want any Squirrelers or other animal advocates (or people advocates!) to believe that MRSP or MRSA are some sort of super-bugs or even worse; have no treatment options. Both of these common beliefs are absolutely false! The issue with both (MRSA is Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus & MRSP is Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius
{a common Staph on dogs in particular}) is NOT that they cause a more severe infection (usually) or that they have no treatment options; it is that the "usual" drugs we would prescribe to treat a Staph infection caused by the "good old Staphs" which we now refer to as Methicillin Sensitive Staph aureus or Methicillin Sensitive Staph pseudintermedius cannot be used with these bacteria because they are resistant to them. There are, however, two very common, readily available antibiotics that can be used very effectively to treat both of these strains of Staph. The first is Doxycycline (or a closely related medication called Minocycline) and Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMZ). There are several other as well. There are certain benefits that have been associated with use of SBP's and Sammy is using these, BUT SBP's are not antibiotics and should never be used to treat an infection or be used in place of appropriate antibiotics.
Diggie's Friend
07-13-2022, 06:30 PM
I need to clarify that this quote I posted was just that a quote; not composed by me, nor shared here to pronounce in any case case a diagnosis of a Staph infection.
The rest I wrote was in context as to look for for a possible staph infection, nothing more.
this infection is caused by the presence of the staphylococci bacteria that is commonly found on the skin of most animals. While most staph bacteria remain harmless, some species can cause a diseased state of infection when they are able to gain entry into the body. One of the most common types of disease producing staphylococci bacteria is the S. aureus. Infection typically occurs when the skin is damaged by scratching or bite wounds, or when the skin is injured due to small abrasions."[/QUOTE]Thank you for your understanding, and my apologies for any misunderstanding from reading this quote for those that have assumed it to be other than just than information. DF
[QUOTE]Quote from above webpage under, "Causes"
"That Staph bacteria is found on the skin and orifices' of most mammals has long since been established. Whether this squirrel has this form of bacteria or another, which was well related; is yet to be determined through testing by a qualified veterinarian.
07-13-2022, 07:03 PM
Hi Everyone-
I want to thank you all for sharing your opinions, advise and good wishes for me and my boy. If I come off wrong in anyway, please forgive me. I have gotten some PMs and some opinions on different posts that have pulled me in every each direction and it dragged me down mentally and emotionally. Moby is my little boy and I cant imagine anything happening to him.
If I may, I would only ask that folks be mindful that self diagnosis is not effective and will leave those in need of educated rehabber help feeling disoriented to say the lease like myself thinking that he may have cancer, or a deadly infection or a tumor in a very dark place mentally.
I am taking him to the vet tomorrow morning, it is about 4 hours away, but it needs to be done. If the vet checks him and all is good, then its still worth the trip to put my mind about his health at peace. I will update you all when we get back tomorrow afternoon from the vet.
Again, Thank you all :hug
07-13-2022, 07:14 PM
Hi Everyone-
I want to thank you all for sharing your opinions, advise and good wishes for me and my boy. If I come off wrong in anyway, please forgive me. I have gotten some PMs and some opinions on different posts that have pulled me in every each direction and it dragged me down mentally and emotionally. Moby is my little boy and I cant imagine anything happening to him.
If I may, I would only ask that folks be mindful that self diagnosis is not effective and will leave those in need of educated rehabber help feeling disoriented to say the lease like myself thinking that he may have cancer, or a deadly infection or a tumor in a very dark place mentally.
I am taking him to the vet tomorrow morning, it is about 4 hours away, but it needs to be done. If the vet checks him and all is good, then its still worth the trip to put my mind about his health at peace. I will update you all when we get back tomorrow afternoon from the vet.
Again, Thank you all :hug
Thank you for your post RamiS! I'm very glad you are taking Moby to the Vet! I wish you and Moby a safe trip and please let us know what the Vet's opinion is and what was recommended.
07-14-2022, 02:15 PM
Hi everyone
I am currently at the vet. They did an X-ray and found that the bone is infected
She said if we do not remove it meaning the whole finger the infection will spread
The are now going to do surgery which she said will take 20 minutes
Can anyone recommend a way to keep him from licking the hand until it heals which she said could take 10 days but she said there is a risk if he opens the wound and reinfect it
Please keep my boy in your thoughts today
Charley Chuckles
07-14-2022, 02:50 PM
My one girl is missing her ring finger, she came to me that way.
I wish I could think of something to keep him from chewing, I know they say e-collar but I could never get one to work🤷
Many prayers the surgery will go well👍
Keep us posted❤️
07-14-2022, 03:27 PM
Hi everyone
I am currently at the vet. They did an X-ray and found that the bone is infected
She said if we do not remove it meaning the whole finger the infection will spread
The are now going to do surgery which she said will take 20 minutes
Can anyone recommend a way to keep him from licking the hand until it heals which she said could take 10 days but she said there is a risk if he opens the wound and reinfect it
Please keep my boy in your thoughts today
Both Little Moby and you are in my thoughts, RamiS! Please send an update when able.
07-14-2022, 03:44 PM
Hi everyone
I am currently at the vet. They did an X-ray and found that the bone is infected
She said if we do not remove it meaning the whole finger the infection will spread
I guess I called that one...
Here is something to consider....
Without his ability to take or administer a proper ab for him I do believe vet intervention is needed.
Worst case scenario is he may need to lose that finger which he would be perfectly fine without and it would elevate any further issues.
Too much time had passed, I'm really glad you finally got him to a vet. we can all breathe.
07-15-2022, 06:57 PM
Hi RamiS:
How is Moby doing after his surgery? Were you able to devise a means to help prevent Moby from licking or chewing at the operative site? Is there a recheck (actual or virtual) scheduled with the Vet?
Best regards,
Diggie's Friend
07-15-2022, 08:06 PM
07-15-2022, 08:20 PM
HI everyone- Sorry for the delay on the update- It was a long day yesterday and got home very late.
The vet wrapped the hand with a good bandit, he tried to mess with it last night but gave up. He was awake throughout the trip home but was so out of it I think from muscle relaxers that he was just laying flat on his side and along for the ride. Today sadly I had to keep him in the cage all day according to the vet and most likely will do that for the next 2 days as well so he does not try to jump or climb with that hand but will manage. He took his meds which were TMP-SMZ and two pain meds, the AB is once every 24 hours I believe at .4ml and the PKs are at .1ml each.
What I am having an issue now with the most is his grooming and itching, I can see bald spots all over his body from this, worth mentioning that this started about a week or so ago. I am trying to get my hands on some Revolution but it is proven to be quite difficult so if anyone can help me out here I would very much thank you and happy to pay for it and for overnight shipping.
The vet does not do virtual and going back there would need to be a must as its a very long drive and I have a job haha/ I must say this Vet is very nice, the staff was very professional and kind. ( ( (
07-15-2022, 08:42 PM
07-15-2022, 08:46 PM
shipping takes almost a month based on their website!!
07-15-2022, 10:28 PM
I need some HELP please--
Right about now I am supposed to give him another dose of Gabapentin but I got closer to him and leaned on his chest to see if I can hear anything abnormal and his heart rate is beating very fast..
Should I give the med or what do I do??
07-15-2022, 11:30 PM
I need some HELP please--
Right about now I am supposed to give him another dose of Gabapentin but I got closer to him and leaned on his chest to see if I can hear anything abnormal and his heart rate is beating very fast..
Should I give the med or what do I do??
Hi RamiS:
What is the other pain medication Moby has been prescribed? Gabapentin is the drug I mentioned in your thread in one of my prior posts that I suggested may help with Moby's itching and decrease his grooming behavior. It can also help with pain especially when used in combination with certain other medications specifically used for pain control. Also, please verify that your Vet wrote the prescription for TMP-SMZ to be given once every 24 hours. It is usually given twice a day or every 12 hours. If your Vet wrote the prescription for once every 24 hours, do NOT worry and do NOT increase the frequency. It can be and has been prescribed once daily but it usually is given twice a day and I just wanted to make sure that there was not misunderstanding on your part that could easily happen as Moby is not the only one in the family who is under stress, you are too! I just wanted to suggest that you check the bottle to make sure which dosing interval your Vet wants you to use.
As far as Moby's rapid pulse; there are several likely possibilities. I really don't believe it is related to Gabapentin or his medications although it is always a possibility. Pain, anxiety, and fear (and I'm sure Squirrels and most animals are able to experience these emotions) are quite often the cause for a tachycardia (rapid heart rate). Moby just went through a significant bit of surgery and now has one less finger, a dressing, and probably a fair degree of pain and discomfort; any of which could result in an increased heart rate. Along with this is the fact that the Little Guy doesn't understand any of what has happened to him in the past 24-36 hours and I believe that fear, anxiety, and pain are primarily responsible for his tachycardia. Gabapentin and analgesics (pain medications) can help with all of this. Also, it is not unusual for an animal who has undergone surgery to have been somewhat fluid depleted prior to the surgery and get a little further fluid depleted during surgery (unless supplemental fluids are given by the Vet) and postoperatively from normal fluid losses and less than normal fluid intake stemming from the time spent under anesthesia from later being sedated and in discomfort. Even mild dehydration can increase the heart rate. You seem very attentive to Moby's needs and I truly don't believe he is becoming dehydrated but as a suggestion, make sure he is maintaining his usual fluid and maybe a little extra as well.
I hope this may be of some help to you!
island rehabber
07-16-2022, 08:51 AM
SamtheSquirrel2018 :bowdown
07-16-2022, 09:55 AM
Hi RamiS:
What is the other pain medication Moby has been prescribed? Gabapentin is the drug I mentioned in your thread in one of my prior posts that I suggested may help with Moby's itching and decrease his grooming behavior. It can also help with pain especially when used in combination with certain other medications specifically used for pain control. Also, please verify that your Vet wrote the prescription for TMP-SMZ to be given once every 24 hours. It is usually given twice a day or every 12 hours. If your Vet wrote the prescription for once every 24 hours, do NOT worry and do NOT increase the frequency. It can be and has been prescribed once daily but it usually is given twice a day and I just wanted to make sure that there was not misunderstanding on your part that could easily happen as Moby is not the only one in the family who is under stress, you are too! I just wanted to suggest that you check the bottle to make sure which dosing interval your Vet wants you to use.
As far as Moby's rapid pulse; there are several likely possibilities. I really don't believe it is related to Gabapentin or his medications although it is always a possibility. Pain, anxiety, and fear (and I'm sure Squirrels and most animals are able to experience these emotions) are quite often the cause for a tachycardia (rapid heart rate). Moby just went through a significant bit of surgery and now has one less finger, a dressing, and probably a fair degree of pain and discomfort; any of which could result in an increased heart rate. Along with this is the fact that the Little Guy doesn't understand any of what has happened to him in the past 24-36 hours and I believe that fear, anxiety, and pain are primarily responsible for his tachycardia. Gabapentin and analgesics (pain medications) can help with all of this. Also, it is not unusual for an animal who has undergone surgery to have been somewhat fluid depleted prior to the surgery and get a little further fluid depleted during surgery (unless supplemental fluids are given by the Vet) and postoperatively from normal fluid losses and less than normal fluid intake stemming from the time spent under anesthesia from later being sedated and in discomfort. Even mild dehydration can increase the heart rate. You seem very attentive to Moby's needs and I truly don't believe he is becoming dehydrated but as a suggestion, make sure he is maintaining his usual fluid and maybe a little extra as well.
I hope this may be of some help to you!
FYI, RamiS got Septra (trimethoprin), gabapentin and meloxicam.
07-16-2022, 10:07 AM
FYI, RamiS got Septra (trimethoprin), gabapentin and meloxicam.
Thanks. Septra is a brand name (just like Bactrim is a brand name for the same medication) for a medication containing both sulfamethoxazole and Trimethoprim. Meloxicam is in the same family of medications as is Ibuprofen (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). This should help with pain in general and inflammation (which can also in itself, cause pain). How is Moby doing today?
07-16-2022, 12:16 PM
Hi everyone,
Well, what a night that was, I practically did not sleep watching over him. he woke up a few times during the night, again with the itching. I asked my vet to prescribe him "revolution" she actually did that this morning and I ordered it so I should have it in a few days, I want to rule out any possibility of mites.
As for his food, he ate his henry block this morning, small chunk of avocado and a small piece of henry hazelnut stick. He drank his normal amount of water. I cant find any pee anywhere but he is doing #2 normal, I also added a tiny amount of probiotics to his food yesterday a few hours after his medications to ensure his tummy is ok. I will most likely do the same today.
Activity levels are low, I will assume this is due to the meds. he moved a little bit and I put him on my shoulder for a bit he just layed down.
This morning after he ate I gave him the AB which is indeed every 24 hours at .1ML then I gave him the meloxicam but not the gabapentin, the gabapentin was mainly for him to stay relaxed and not mess with his bandit and he has not been doing that but it was also every 12 hours at .1ML so I am hoping just to do it every 24 hours and reduce the amount of at least this medication off his body.
07-16-2022, 12:35 PM
PLEASE make sure she called in Revolution (selamectin) and not a new one they have, Revolution Plus. We do NOT know if the additional med that is in the "Plus" is safe for squirrels. Please check and make sure that you are getting the older stuff that only has the selamectin in it. You do not use the entire vial - one or two drops only on the skin (pish the hair out of the way) on the back of the neck.
07-16-2022, 12:38 PM
This is what the vet recommended and said: The Revolution 5-15 (Blue Box) would be too high of a dose for Moby's size, so Dr. Siu recommends using the Puppy/Kitten strength and applying half of a tube each month.
07-16-2022, 12:44 PM
It sounds like Moby is doing great, eSPecially his eating and drinking. I personally wouldn't expect him to do much at all for a few days but sleep and have low energy, that's a lot of healing to do. I'm sure he is so appreciative of everything you're doing for him!
07-16-2022, 01:38 PM
This is what the vet recommended and said: The Revolution 5-15 (Blue Box) would be too high of a dose for Moby's size, so Dr. Siu recommends using the Puppy/Kitten strength and applying half of a tube each month.
Excellent. The new "plus" is for cats I believe and has an additional med with it. Puppies aren't cats so it sounds like the right stuff. Remember, a "dose" is the entire vial. We do not use that much. One to two drops, then recap the vial and store someplace where it can remain upright. I masking tape mine to the inside of the door of my refrigerator!
Charley Chuckles
07-16-2022, 03:50 PM
Excellent. The new "plus" is for cats I believe and has an additional med with it. Puppies aren't cats so it sounds like the right stuff. Remember, a "dose" is the entire vial. We do not use that much. One to two drops, then recap the vial and store someplace where it can remain upright. I masking tape mine to the inside of the door of my refrigerator!
I also put plastic wrap over the open end then place cap tightly on and tape it. I had a bottle evaporate on me it must have a lot of alcohol in it.
07-16-2022, 04:23 PM
So the vet called and said to continue all 2 pain meds and to try either a path with dawn soap or if he wont let me do that which he will for sure bite me to use a cloth dipped in the dawn diluted with water for the itching, breaks my heart how bad he itches
island rehabber
07-16-2022, 04:27 PM
Dawn is awesome, and cannot hurt him. Try the warm-water & Dawn wipe down; I think he will enjoy it.(I do this for 3-4 week old baby squirrels who come in with mites or lice and it works beautifully.)
07-16-2022, 04:49 PM
Thank you IR- the ninja boy just took the vet bandit off :tap so i had to move quick and used one i had at home and now he is throwing a tantum about it
07-16-2022, 04:51 PM
If you wipe him down with Dawn, you need to go back over him with a cloth that has just water several times, rinsing in between. Dawn is wonderful but it is harder to rinse off.
07-16-2022, 05:03 PM
If you wipe him down with Dawn, you need to go back over him with a cloth that has just water several times, rinsing in between. Dawn is wonderful but it is harder to rinse off.
Thanks CM, I know from doing the dishes :)
I will wait until tomorrow after I give him his meds he will be pretty out of it so its easier I think and lower risk of bites for me
07-16-2022, 05:26 PM
Thanks CM, I know from doing the dishes :)
I will wait until tomorrow after I give him his meds he will be pretty out of it so its easier I think and lower risk of bites for me
WARM WATER. The closer you can get the water to his body temp, the less alarming it will be for him.
07-16-2022, 07:01 PM
WARM WATER. The closer you can get the water to his body temp, the less alarming it will be for him.
I will use a food container but how much Dawn vs water ratio would you recommend
07-17-2022, 08:03 PM
Hi everyone, Moby has spent 95% of the time since we came back thursday night in the cage, we continue on the AB and pain medication daily. He took the bandage off sadly, I put on like 7 more times and he takes it off, I tried the Yukky paste but its not really helping stop him from licking it. he is full of energy if I let him out he will go bananas. I am wondering when I can let him free? @Samthe squirrel what are your thoughts on healing time
07-17-2022, 10:18 PM
Hi everyone, Moby has spent 95% of the time since we came back thursday night in the cage, we continue on the AB and pain medication daily. He took the bandage off sadly, I put on like 7 more times and he takes it off, I tried the Yukky paste but its not really helping stop him from licking it. he is full of energy if I let him out he will go bananas. I am wondering when I can let him free? @Samthe squirrel what are your thoughts on healing time
Hi RamiS and Moby:
A couple of questions: 1) in one of you post-op photos, it appears that there is a thin wire-like object projecting from the operative site. Is this something related to the operation and if so, what is it? 2) are there any sutures through the skin that are visible or have you been advised by the Vet that it will be necessary for sutures to be removed? Most healing of the skin itself takes place in 7-14 days but there are variations where it may take less time or more time. Whether or not Moby is indulging in chewing on and/or licking the operative site can easily affect healing time. I would suggest using the Gabapentin as prescribed because this can help with pain and also lessen the original grooming behavior as well as the natural tendency for any animal to lick or chew wounds but a wound on a foot makes it nearly impossible to keep the Squirrel from doing this if he should be inclined to do so. I still believe this will heal well anyway but the operative site needs to be frequently observed and also Moby's behavior needs to be monitored. If he is is very persistent with messing with his operative site, I would suggest notifying his Vet. For an animal capable of making short work out of walnut, there is also very little that can be an effective barrier for wound site protection. There are potential issues with E-collars and neck rings (I'm not a fan of either for Squirrels) but these are almost useless anyway when the goal is to prevent access to a foot. Please keep us posted.
07-18-2022, 09:06 AM
Hi Sam-
I am attaching photos from this morning- I spoke to the vet this morning and she said lets play safe and wait two more days. She said the wound looks fine, his food intake is normal, activity level is good. He is just so full of energy I feel bad for not letting him free for more than 10-15 minutes ( ( (
07-18-2022, 03:36 PM
Hi Sam-
I am attaching photos from this morning- I spoke to the vet this morning and she said lets play safe and wait two more days. She said the wound looks fine, his food intake is normal, activity level is good. He is just so full of energy I feel bad for not letting him free for more than 10-15 minutes
Hi Rami:
I'm glad you talked with the Vet. It appears that the Vet used a staple (metal clip) to close the surgical wound. It will need to be removed eventually based upon you Vet's advice. The surgical site looks very good to me too! I'm sure you were informed of this but some of the the things to watch for at the wound site would be increasing swelling, drainage (especially drainage of pus), warmth, and redness. The fact that the surgical site appears great and Moby is very active are very good clinical signs! The only suggestions I have are to verify with the Vet that the TMP-SMZ is to be dosed once a day. Again, this once daily dosing has been used but the pharmacokinetics of the drug usually favor dosing every 12 hours. IF the Vet replies by recommending the twice daily dose, you will need to ask specifically about how much to dose each time. Ordinarily it would be half of what you are dosing once a day but this should be verified anyway as a matter of standard caution. Also, unless you have this information already, it would be good to check on when the clip is to be removed and how to get this done. I'm very glad for Moby! He seems to be doing extremely well!
07-18-2022, 03:55 PM
Hi Rami:
I'm glad you talked with the Vet. It appears that the Vet used a staple (metal clip) to close the surgical wound. It will need to be removed eventually based upon you Vet's advice. The surgical site looks very good to me too! I'm sure you were informed of this but some of the the things to watch for at the wound site would be increasing swelling, drainage (especially drainage of pus), warmth, and redness. The fact that the surgical site appears great and Moby is very active are very good clinical signs! The only suggestions I have are to verify with the Vet that the TMP-SMZ is to be dosed once a day. Again, this once daily dosing has been used but the pharmacokinetics of the drug usually favor dosing every 12 hours. IF the Vet replies by recommending the twice daily dose, you will need to ask specifically about how much to dose each time. Ordinarily it would be half of what you are dosing once a day but this should be verified anyway as a matter of standard caution. Also, unless you have this information already, it would be good to check on when the clip is to be removed and how to get this done. I'm very glad for Moby! He seems to be doing extremely well!
Hi Sam- She did say that the stitch will not need to be removed by me or a vet, she mentioned it would eventually fall on its own which I found strange. In terms of the AB, I asked when I was there if I should do the dose twice a day at .2ml and she confirmed every 24 hours at .4ml. Of course Moby wants to run, jump and climb but I am thinking its not yet ok for this to happen, the vet said she believes that by Thursday he should be all healed up and free to go back to normal activities, that being said, I have heard different opinions on time frame, ranging from 3 days to 7 days for healing. As of now, I am letting him free here and there but I am watching closely so he does not over do it. The hardest part is putting the cream "ssd 1 silver sulfadiazine cream" on the hand as he keeps licking it so I stopped that one.
Charley Chuckles
07-18-2022, 05:05 PM
Poor baby I know how hard this is on you:grouphug
07-18-2022, 05:29 PM
Hi Sam- She did say that the stitch will not need to be removed by me or a vet, she mentioned it would eventually fall on its own which I found strange. In terms of the AB, I asked when I was there if I should do the dose twice a day at .2ml and she confirmed every 24 hours at .4ml. Of course Moby wants to run, jump and climb but I am thinking its not yet ok for this to happen, the vet said she believes that by Thursday he should be all healed up and free to go back to normal activities, that being said, I have heard different opinions on time frame, ranging from 3 days to 7 days for healing. As of now, I am letting him free here and there but I am watching closely so he does not over do it. The hardest part is putting the cream "ssd 1 silver sulfadiazine cream" on the hand as he keeps licking it so I stopped that one.
All sounds great Rami! I know Moby is "panting at the gate!" What the Vet did with the "stitch" is that she put it at the end of the operative site to hold the skin flaps together while they heal from the inside. The wound should be fully closed in 48 hours or so. Healing does continue for some time however and again, occurs from the inside. The outermost layer of skin will never heal as it is a dead layer anyway. As healing takes from underneath, the skin that the "stitch" is going through will get less and less blood flow and will eventually slough off by itself leaving some bright new Squirrel skin for Moby to show-off! I would trust your Vet as she obviously knows what she is doing but healing really is a complex process and it is not fully completed in 2, 3, or 4 days or anywhere near that BUT, Moby and you don't really care about the healing process itself, only how it impacts resumption of functionality. If the surgery involved a long incision, through skin that is stretched; I'm sure your Vet would have asked Moby to wait significantly longer to resume regular activities but the incision used for removal of the finger is just a few millimeters long and has relatively little stress on the wound edges. Most likely, Moby will do great in resuming activity as recommended by his Vet. You can, of course, wait a little longer and this would not hurt and may make you feel better as well while possibly reducing some minimal residual risk. Please keep us posted!
07-18-2022, 06:30 PM
All sounds great Rami! I know Moby is "panting at the gate!" What the Vet did with the "stitch" is that she put it at the end of the operative site to hold the skin flaps together while they heal from the inside. The wound should be fully closed in 48 hours or so. Healing does continue for some time however and again, occurs from the inside. The outermost layer of skin will never heal as it is a dead layer anyway. As healing takes from underneath, the skin that the "stitch" is going through will get less and less blood flow and will eventually slough off by itself leaving some bright new Squirrel skin for Moby to show-off! I would trust your Vet as she obviously knows what she is doing but healing really is a complex process and it is not fully completed in 2, 3, or 4 days or anywhere near that BUT, Moby and you don't really care about the healing process itself, only how it impacts resumption of functionality. If the surgery involved a long incision, through skin that is stretched; I'm sure your Vet would have asked Moby to wait significantly longer to resume regular activities but the incision used for removal of the finger is just a few millimeters long and has relatively little stress on the wound edges. Most likely, Moby will do great in resuming activity as recommended by his Vet. You can, of course, wait a little longer and this would not hurt and may make you feel better as well while possibly reducing some minimal residual risk. Please keep us posted!
One thing I forgot to mention is that the vet wants us to do the AB for 14 days instead of 4-5 days only. The barbering has reduced yesterday and today but I still want to use the revolution once I get it in the mail hopfully by Thursday
At this point I must have purchased 4-5 different bandages and wraps and nothing worked as he will not let it be so applying the cream is near impossible because if I cant cover it he will lick it and the vet said if he does lick it then stop it.
07-18-2022, 06:50 PM
One thing I forgot to mention is that the vet wants us to do the AB for 14 days instead of 4-5 days only. The barbering has reduced yesterday and today but I still want to use the revolution once I get it in the mail hopfully by Thursday
At this point I must have purchased 4-5 different bandages and wraps and nothing worked as he will not let it be so applying the cream is near impossible because if I cant cover it he will lick it and the vet said if he does lick it then stop it.
I believe that she is recommending this to help prevent a bone infection from developing in the bone that was exposed during surgery. For that reason, I would encourage you to give the antibiotic for the full 14 day period she felt necessary.
07-18-2022, 07:03 PM
I believe that she is recommending this to help prevent a bone infection from developing in the bone that was exposed during surgery. For that reason, I would encourage you to give the antibiotic for the full 14 day period she felt necessary.
This is almost certainly the case... dealing with bone infections versus most other infections (or conditions) is a much longer course of therapy. :thumbsup
07-18-2022, 07:05 PM
I believe that she is recommending this to help prevent a bone infection from developing in the bone that was exposed during surgery. For that reason, I would encourage you to give the antibiotic for the full 14 day period she felt necessary.
Of course I will. But we as in (TSB) peoplez have to find a way to finally solve the issue of keeping an open wound or injury covered for these little guys, its insane that NOTHING worked. I went to a few stores and looked through their pharmcy to try and engineer something (I mean its what I do for a living) and yup total mission failure :tap
Diggie's Friend
07-18-2022, 08:07 PM
This is you use when nothing else works. You will need to hand feed him, as he won't be able to reach his mouth with his paws, or his paws with his mouth.
07-18-2022, 08:09 PM
This is you use when nothing else works. You will need to hand feed him, as he won't be able to reach his mouth with his paws, or his paws with his mouth.
The vet tried and he snapped it off when he got up, and I tried at home, same.
Diggie's Friend
07-18-2022, 08:19 PM
that's not surprising as the plastic ones easily can snap off.
This is the reason for the pattern to make a custom E-Collar that you adjust to fit your own squirrel using cardboard construction
that once the fit is comfortable and secure, taped together and stays on till you are ready to remove it. A long time member
used this same pattern for their squirrel post op; and had no issue with their squirrel being able removing it.
It just may take a few tries to get it adjusted size wise just right for him.
07-20-2022, 08:41 AM
Hey everyone-
Day 6 post op update: Food and activity normal. He wants to be out more and do the crazy things he wants but I am keeping that very limited and having to give him train rides from one place to the other instead of having him use that hand much.
Thats a video I took this morning. Meds are same, AB every 24 hours, and pain med also every 24 hours. If all looks good I may start letting him go back to normal tomorrow.
07-20-2022, 09:02 AM
Hey everyone-
Day 6 post op update: Food and activity normal. He wants to be out more and do the crazy things he wants but I am keeping that very limited and having to give him train rides from one place to the other instead of having him use that hand much.
Thats a video I took this morning. Meds are same, AB every 24 hours, and pain med also every 24 hours. If all looks good I may start letting him go back to normal tomorrow.
That's great to hear, Rami! Thanks for the video. Moby is a cool little guy! Looks like he is doing very well!
07-20-2022, 11:32 AM
That's great to hear, Rami! Thanks for the video. Moby is a cool little guy! Looks like he is doing very well!
So the stitch has opened this morning, I dont know if its from him moving or just by itself.!!!
07-20-2022, 08:43 PM
So the stitch has opened this morning, I dont know if its from him moving or just by itself.!!!
Is there any bleeding or other drainage? Does it appear that the wound itself has opened? Can you upload photos? In your photos taken shortly after Moby's operation, there appeared to be a metal wound clip. Was there an actual suture there as well? Either way, there is very little extra tissue left at the end of finger following the amputation so the suture (and/or clip) would be there for only a relatively short period of time before being naturally sloughed off. I believe that is why you Vet told you that removal of the "stitch" would not be necessary. If the wound is still closed and there is no drainage, redness or additional swelling; I believe all is ok. Of course you can and should call Moby's Vet.
07-20-2022, 09:06 PM
Is there any bleeding or other drainage? Does it appear that the wound itself has opened? Can you upload photos? In your photos taken shortly after Moby's operation, there appeared to be a metal wound clip. Was there an actual suture there as well? Either way, there is very little extra tissue left at the end of finger following the amputation so the suture (and/or clip) would be there for only a relatively short period of time before being naturally sloughed off. I believe that is why you Vet told you that removal of the "stitch" would not be necessary. If the wound is still closed and there is no drainage, redness or additional swelling; I believe all is ok. Of course you can and should call Moby's Vet.
You are too good at this :serene The vet said the exact same things.
Thank you
07-21-2022, 09:06 PM
Hi everyone- So the stitches have fallen. No bleeding, redness, swelling. I apply betadyne once a day, then SDD cream. I tried again to put a bandage on there, stuck for a few minutes then took it off. I will try again tomorrow. He is still on AB of course for another week. Also on Meloxicam for pain and inflammation. So far his food intake and water are great, activity level is good but I am still restricting it and maybe letting him do 20 minutes here and there of activity to stay happy-ish.
I have been sprinkling a tiny bit of probiotics in a tiny serving of organic peanut butter daily since he is taking the AB.
I have two questions:
1- Once he is off the AB in a week, I will also stop the probiotics, will his digestive system be normal again without them?
2- I should be getting the revolution package tomorrow, I will apply 2 drops between his shoulder blades as close to the skin as possible, does this medication or treatment have any negative effects at all on their health or well-being? I am not even sure if the reason he is (was) and still kind of doing the barbering is fleas, but I figured I would give it a shot. ( ( (
07-29-2022, 07:53 AM
Hi Rami:
How is Moby doing?
07-29-2022, 01:46 PM
Hi Sam-
Moby is doing well. I sent pictures yesterday to the Vet, she called back and said everything looks very good and I can discontinue the medication. Moby is finally back to crazy normal life and I am very grateful to have passed this very stressful time :)
Diggie's Friend
07-29-2022, 03:06 PM
To answer your questions on whether to discontinue the probiotic; beyond the use of probiotics for supporting the gut biome of good bacteria vs. bad; "Soil based
organisms" (SBO) are acquired by tree squirrels in the wild (see post). This good bacteria from the soil is a vital source to reduce calcium lowering antinutrients,
support digestion and so the well availability of nutrients. (SBO) also work prophylactically to inhibit bacterial infections.
For these specific reasons, (SBO) should be supplemented by adding them to the diet in captivity.
Diggie's Friend
07-29-2022, 03:39 PM
Soil ingestion (geophagy) is common to many mammal species including tree squirrels.
Excellent Veterinary article on, "Soil based" probiotics and prebiotic)
07-29-2022, 05:52 PM
Hi Sam-
Moby is doing well. I sent pictures yesterday to the Vet, she called back and said everything looks very good and I can discontinue the medication. Moby is finally back to crazy normal life and I am very grateful to have passed this very stressful time :)
That is great news Rami. I'm glad Moby is now doing well and apparently back to his usual self! You did a very good job with your care of this Little Squirrel, Rami!
07-29-2022, 06:27 PM
That is great news Rami. I'm glad Moby is now doing well and apparently back to his usual self! You did a very good job with your care of this Little Squirrel, Rami!
Thank you Sam- TBH it was your recommendation of the vet that saved my boy. I have been looking for a trusty vet for seven years and I am very grateful I found one now.
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