View Full Version : Fox squirrel formula question

06-20-2022, 04:03 PM
Hello! I have raised and successfully released 5 squirrels over the last couple of years however when I always received the call to help them they have always been about 2-3 weeks old and I always just use esbilac puppy replacer for them. This baby squirrel I got a call for was about 3 days old I’m guessing! Just a pinky babe which I’ll try to attach an image of the day I got her versus today. So far she has been doing very well I just want to make sure I am doing the formula correctly. I read online for the first 10 days to feed her the homemade goats milk ( 3 tbls goats milk and 3 tbls plain yogurt and then after a week add the heavy whipping cream) I am at a week of her being on the goats formula and wondering do I add the whipping cream to her formula now? I have been feeding her every 2 hours and one night feeding. She poops and pees very well when stimulated but her poop is bright yellow but solid. Now that she is around 10 days old I read to go to feeding every 3 hours and a night feeding. She weighs 25 grams now. My question is just am I doing everything correctly for her and when can I switch to esbilac formula full time? or can i use that now and then at 4 weeks I read switch to Fox valley 20/50? I’ve alwAys ever just used esbilac in the past but want to make sure I am doing what is best for her to thrive! 322174

06-20-2022, 04:53 PM
My question is just am I doing everything correctly for her and when can I switch to Esbilac formula full time? or can i use that now and then at 4 weeks I read switch to Fox valley 20/50? I’ve always ever just used Esbilac in the past but want to make sure I am doing what is best for her to thrive!

Just to confirm the feeding amounts, they should be 5% - 7% per feeding (so for 25gram, 1.25ml - 1.75ml).

Personally.. and I have raised many dozens of pinkies... you can switch to Esbilac now (a gradually transition over a couple days). Of course, fall back to the goat's milk if she has issues. But if you want to stick with the goat's milk, I'd add the cream but if she does not tolerate it well back it out.

At 3 weeks though I would transition to a formula mix that is half Fox Valley 20/50 and half Esbilac and stick with that until weaning. My personal preference at this time is half FV 20/50 and half Zoologic 32/40, but the Zoologic has to be bought in larger quantities than you are going to use for a singleton (or only a few). The FV/Esbilac mix was my go to formula for many years until 2019 - 2020 or so.

06-20-2022, 05:07 PM
Just to confirm the feeding amounts, they should be 5% - 7% per feeding (so for 25gram, 1.25ml - 1.75ml).

Personally.. and I have raised many dozens of pinkies... you can switch to Esbilac now (a gradually transition over a couple days). Of course, fall back to the goat's milk if she has issues. But if you want to stick with the goat's milk, I'd add the cream but if she does not tolerate it well back it out.

At 3 weeks though I would transition to a formula mix that is half Fox Valley 20/50 and half Esbilac and stick with that until weaning. My personal preference at this time is half FV 20/50 and half Zoologic 32/40, but the Zoologic has to be bought in larger quantities than you are going to use for a singleton (or only a few). The FV/Esbilac mix was my go to formula for many years until 2019 - 2020 or so.

Thank you for the advice and help! So many different things I read online and felt so confused on what would be best! 😅