View Full Version : Finger gone
06-15-2022, 06:39 PM
My Boy (Moby) 8 years old in October (Fox squirrel) as many as you know has been a super active boy even after all these years, great diet (Henry blocks twice a day, viggies, some fruits and a nut (hazelnut from Henry's a day)
Well, this morning He ate and drank and went to his box, not sleeping just lying in there which is not like him at all, he usually spends at least the first 4-5 years of the day roaming around going crazy like a non stop train, today he has been inside all day, I MEAN ALL DAY. I tried to get him out every way I can, he came out and took the hazelnut, ate that and back to the box.Now I am dragging him out and inspecting and behold, one of his fingers on his right hand is GONE, not just the nail tip, the whole thing is GONE. I dont know what happened or how, and I think this is why he has been feeling like this. I am very worried about an infection
WHAT DO I DO. (BTW I dont have a vet)
06-15-2022, 06:48 PM
Post pics if you can.
Watch diligently to ensure this is not self-mutilating activity.
Check his cage for pinch point that may have trapped his toe... what type of cage does he own?
06-15-2022, 06:50 PM
It wont let me upload images, I have the right format but still wont. I can text them
He has not been in his critter nation cage since yesterday morning
This is not self harm at all.
06-15-2022, 07:16 PM
It wont let me upload images, I have the right format but still wont. I can text them
He has not been in his critter nation cage since yesterday morning
This is not self harm at all.
Try this image upload website (its free, no account needed):
After the upload, copy and paste the direct link into your next post over here.
Is the wound seeping fluid? Bleeding outright? Swollen? Any bone sticking out?
06-15-2022, 07:25 PM ( ( ( ( ( ( (
06-15-2022, 07:27 PM
Get yourself a bottle of Betadyne 10% povidone iodine. Dilute it - 1/4 teaspoon to 1/4 cup water - and use that to clean his wound. You can just squeeze the contents of a cotton ball on the sore part. Do it at least twice a day. Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and it doesn't burn or sting at all in the dilution I recommended.
Give him some infant ibuprophen. That hurts like h*ll. The infant ibuprophen will help it a lot. We need his approximate weight.
06-15-2022, 07:46 PM
Get yourself a bottle of Betadyne 10% povidone iodine. Dilute it - 1/4 teaspoon to 1/4 cup water - and use that to clean his wound. You can just squeeze the contents of a cotton ball on the sore part. Do it at least twice a day. Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and it doesn't burn or sting at all in the dilution I recommended.
Give him some infant ibuprophen. That hurts like h*ll. The infant ibuprophen will help it a lot. We need his approximate weight.
I found Mortin for infants, but not the Betadine, is it called something else? Does walmart have these things? if so, could I trouble you with the links and I can grab them in the early morning
06-15-2022, 08:06 PM
He ate and drank water now, he is just so jumpy and acting very careful of everything. I think I can see bone and not just a nail lose... very worried
06-15-2022, 08:09 PM
Can I use this??
06-15-2022, 08:17 PM
No. Do not use Hydrogen Peroxide.
I am surprised that Povidine Iodine 10% (Betadyne) was not at your Walmart, but my local Walmart (at least on-line) says it is not available for pick up... I assume that means they don't have it on the shelf?
Any pharmacy (CVS, Walgreens, etc) will have this and a store brand of it as well.
Edit: I would not be overly concerned about the finger... it may be bothersome for a few days, but not something that is in any way life threatening.
06-15-2022, 08:24 PM
No. Do not use Hydrogen Peroxide.
I am surprised that Povidine Iodine 10% (Betadyne) was not at your Walmart, but my local Walmart (at least on-line) says it is not available for pick up... I assume that means they don't have it on the shelf?
Any pharmacy (CVS, Walgreens, etc) will have this and a store brand of it as well.
Edit: I would not be overly concerned about the finger... it may be bothersome for a few days, but not something that is in any way life threatening.
Thank you so much for saying that, I am a little calmer now. I cleaned out his box, changed his bedding. He just ate an avocado slice, half a block since he had one this morning, fresh water and two blueberries. And now he is back in his box
06-15-2022, 09:06 PM
Awwww, wookit dat face! :Love_Icon
06-15-2022, 09:32 PM
Thank you so much for saying that, I am a little calmer now. I cleaned out his box, changed his bedding. He just ate an avocado slice, half a block since he had one this morning, fresh water and two blueberries. And now he is back in his box
You can get Betadine over-night on Amazon:
If I would place salad on my current guy's head, I'd be the one missing a finger. He really got pissed off today when I tried to feed him some leek.
He hates healthy food. He is a wild that grew up in a bad part of town. So he steals my cookies.
06-15-2022, 09:53 PM
You can get Betadine over-night on Amazon:
If I would place salad on my current guy's head, I'd be the one missing a finger. He really got pissed off today when I tried to feed him some leek.
He hates healthy food. He is a wild that grew up in a bad part of town. So he steals my cookies.
haha :grin2 I laughed when i saw the remote in mint condition, you should see mine, destroyed.
BTW those better not be chocolate cookies :tap chocolate is the enemy of animals
06-15-2022, 10:06 PM
haha :grin2 I laughed when i saw the remote in mint condition, you should see mine, destroyed.
BTW those better not be chocolate cookies :tap chocolate is the enemy of animals
He nibbles the biscuit side only. Was his second day out in my house, so that explains the condition of the remote. Took him in with a hurt arm, and he goes back to the park in a few days, where he can steal his favorite food from park visitors again: French fries.
Diggie's Friend
06-16-2022, 12:23 AM
He has a grumpy pooky face! :Love_Icon
Is there a way you can get a photo of the underside of his effected paw perhaps?
06-16-2022, 08:04 AM
He has a grumpy pooky face! :Love_Icon
Is there a way you can get a photo of the underside of his effected paw perhaps?
Hi Diggie- I read your message, thought I would respond to your post though as that really scared me after I started feeling a little less panicked last night. He woke up today, still lazy, staying in his box (very unusual) He ate his block, drank water and now just sitting around.
I am going to go get him the "Betadine" and "ibuprofin infant" this morning. I never gave him any medication, so this is new and scary to me.
It is impossible to get a photo of his PAW, he just wont let me
06-16-2022, 08:25 AM
Ok, so just now I had to hold him in a way he did not like, but I got a better look at it (taking a picture was impossible)
The paw is there, but it looks like the nail is completely removed from the very base, and I think there is bone pointing out
What should I do! :(
06-16-2022, 09:20 AM
The paw is there, but it looks like the nail is completely removed from the very base, and I think there is bone pointing out
What should I do! :(
This --->
Watch diligently to ensure this is not self-mutilating activity. I am re-emphasizing this not as the original cause, but because when they have injuries like this there is always a risk they start chewing at themselves and do bad damage.
I am not sure there is much you can do except allow it to heal... unless you have a vet (and even then, they may not want to do anything invasive). You can give pain meds (ibuprofen) if you believe they are needed. Watch for redness, excessive welling and other signs of infection. Do you have any antibiotics on hand in case an infection begins to develop. The betadine should pretty well prevent infection.
06-16-2022, 10:05 AM
Cropped one of those photos. Looks relatively decent in my opinion, I don't see any swelling or infection, just redness.
You could buy the linked below, cheap camera on Amazon for 28 bucks and place it over his nest box. This will allow you to see if he chews his wound. You can watch it on your smartphone or a website. You will have to click "continue" every 15 min or so, the stream only goes uninterrupted if you pay for a cloud services. I use this cam to check on my guy all the time.
My best guess is, that he got stuck with that nail somewhere, and ripped it out in order to get away. Check for anything and and around his cage. Maye you can find the nail in a gap, piece of wood, etc.
Screenshot from my cam a minute ago, its only black and white at night or when its dark:
06-16-2022, 10:11 AM
Betadyne (10% povidone iodine) should be available at your local drug store. Not sure why Walmart is shipping only. Most drug stores sell it in their own store brand too - get that by all means - it is a few dollars cheaper. BTW, it is the best wound care/wash/disinfectant I have found for humans and I have tested it HARD!
06-16-2022, 11:09 AM
Betadyne (10% povidone iodine) should be available at your local drug store. Not sure why Walmart is shipping only. Most drug stores sell it in their own store brand too - get that by all means - it is a few dollars cheaper. BTW, it is the best wound care/wash/disinfectant I have found for humans and I have tested it HARD!
Hi Critter I went and got the Betadyne (10% povidone iodine) this morning, I just applied a dime size on a kitchen napkin and ran that on the area. is that good? and how often?
Also, I got infant ipuprofen, how many drops do I give him, or do I need that at all.?
06-16-2022, 11:15 AM
Hi Critter I went and got the Betadyne (10% povidone iodine) this morning, I just applied a dime size on a kitchen napkin and ran that on the area. is that good? and how often?
Also, I got infant ibuprofen, how many drops do I give him, or do I need that at all.?
I'm sure CM will send you a PM for dosing. Don't give him too much ibuprofen and adjust if needed, or he will be literally high on drugs and become too active, which may put his healing wound at risk.
06-16-2022, 12:14 PM
The betadyne should be diluted for use. Put 1/4 teaspoon in 1/4 cup water and use that to clean the wound.
Can you give us an estimate of his weight?
06-16-2022, 12:23 PM
The betadyne should be diluted for use. Put 1/4 teaspoon in 1/4 cup water and use that to clean the wound.
Can you give us an estimate of his weight?
Opps, I did not dilute it :(
He comes in at 655 grams
Diggie's Friend
06-16-2022, 04:19 PM
You are in very good hands with Spanky's and CM's wound care support!
Sorry Ramis, I thought it important that you were made aware of this potential issue. And though lesions are very common in older rats, in heavier NRs as mine were,
the incidence of lesions increases with age, excess weight gain, and inactivity. Here are a number of natural organic sources that have been confirmed to significantly improve the health of older rodents. I stretched out the text to make it easier to read and see the amounts for each source I've noted.
'Quercetin', a natural compound found in fruits and vegetables and the leaves of some non toxic plants; has been the focus of research studies over many decades. With wounds becoming rather itchy towards the end of the healing process. Quercetin has been found to reduce itching in rats by suppressing histamines which promote itching.
(1/64 Tsp.) added into a moist food daily.
Pycnogenol" (PYC), is an extract of the living (cambium) layer of the Pinaster (Maritime) Pine. From the perspective of the wild diet, PYC replaces the inner layer of tree bark which the squirrels strip the outer bark of their food trees to get to the living inner layer which contains calcium, potassium and other vital nutrients.
Researched over 50 years in over 100 studies. It it is a high source of polyphenols that have been found to have significant health improving and supporting properties. It is well tolerated in rats at much higher doses when required; yet most of the doses used to treat various conditions were much lower. It is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti oxidant, anti-viral, found to promote skin healing and counter diabetes in rats. Also, PYC has been found in rats, to lend protection from toxic damage in the liver and improve kidney function which lends to extending the life of older animals that have lowered kidney function PYC normalizes blood pressure, which in older overweight pets is common. PYC also was found to increase calcium bone density in menopausal rats.
(One quarter of one capsule powder) from (Pycnogenol 30 mg. by, "Healthy Origins") added to a moist food like baked organic Butternut squash. Add a couple of drops of food grade organic pumpkin seed oil to enhance the aroma and improve the taste of baked or boiled squash.
(see 4 oz. bottle option on page)
Probiotics/prebiotic countering bad bacteria and improving digestion and availability of nutrients from the diet; they have also be found to improve healing, aid in improving calcium bone density, and countering viruses. Again from the perspective of the wild diet, this source provides a replacement of naturally occurring soil based probiotics that tree squirrels access by pulling up tufts of grass and flipping them over to chew on the soil that surrounds the roots. Known as, 'geophagy', 'soil ingestion', many species of mammals are known to engage in this behavior. I saw the foxer we raised do this in late spring, shortly after their release.
Recommend (one quarter portion of a capsule),of, "Pet Flora" by "Vitality Science" be added daily to a moist food, like naturally sweetened applesauce, or baked butternut squash and food grade pumpkin seed oil from this source.
Recommend (1/64 Tsp.) of Calcium Citrate from, "Pure Bulk" be added to a 1/2 Tablespoon portion of avocado to offset the phosphorus content.
Mini measuring spoon set:
06-21-2022, 08:54 AM
Hi everyone- UPDATE:
So, he is back to his normal self, playing, running AKA (going nuts :grin2) so very happy about that. I still add Betadine here and there on the injury but no swelling that I can see so far. The one thing I am not understanding are the patches on both sides as you see in the pictures attached, any ideas?
Just fyi, he does not stay in the cage so no chance of him getting caught in anything leading to hair being stuck or removed that way!! ( (
06-24-2022, 11:38 AM
06-24-2022, 12:23 PM
I think those patches are unrelated to the finger injury.
Did he get a new nest box with tight opening?
He will be 8 soon, he just may start losing fur in certain places. Since this is happening on both arms its another indication for an age relate symptom.
06-24-2022, 07:43 PM
I think those patches are unrelated to the finger injury.
Did he get a new nest box with tight opening?
He will be 8 soon, he just may start losing fur in certain places. Since this is happening on both arms its another indication for an age relate symptom.
Thanks :)
I am no expert for sure, but I would have thought in the case of age these would be random! this is in the same spot on both legs. His box has a pretty big entry whole, its cardboard so I dont see that as the issue!
06-24-2022, 07:56 PM
They will generally lose fur at and around the site of an injury. Considering he has the toe injury and the asymmetrical fur lose on his "forearms" it makes me wonder if he had gotten into some or after something that caused the toe injury and maybe slight injuries to the forearms? I am imagining him trying to, as an example, reach under a door or the like and having gotten tangled in something like a rug... like a bathroom rug.. that his nails got hung up in and as he struggled he caused some topical damage on the forearms and maybe the toe got so hung up...
I am making this up out of whole clothe, but just spit-balling on how all this may have came to be...
06-25-2022, 08:49 AM
For what it is worth, squirrels that lose some or all of a finger, after they heal up, seem to adapt quite well.
A wild squirrel in my yard we call Mama Squirrel had a badly injured front paw in late winter 2020. As she had pups at the time and catching her was unlikely anyways, I managed to get her clavamox via pecan and she made a nice recovery.
She lost an entire toe on her front paw. (Photos are five weeks apart - before and after.) Anyways, Mama Squirrel is still going strong more than two years later. (She is at least 4.5 years old at this point.)
06-25-2022, 01:00 PM
Hi All- So I just looked close at his hand, and its 100% a bone sticking out!! He is playing and acting normal but when I try to hold the hand to take a look he pulls right away! any advise on the bone sticking out?
06-25-2022, 08:14 PM
Hi All- I just took a video hoping you can now see the tip and that what seems to be a bare bone sticking out and maybe give me some advise on this :(
06-25-2022, 10:47 PM
Hi All- I just took a video hoping you can now see the tip and that what seems to be a bare bone sticking out and maybe give me some advise on this :(
It looks clean. If he doesn't start messing with it it should heal. The exposed bone may die and fall off, and new skin grow around to close the end, or it may just grow over what's exposed. The big thing to watch out for is him to start chewing on it.
06-27-2022, 10:12 PM
Thanks Chrips, I am seeing some swelling today. Also, the nail seems to be growing but the bare bone right under it is not falling off and every time i try to touch it he pulls away which tells me its painful
06-28-2022, 07:23 AM
Thanks Chrips, I am seeing some swelling today. Also, the nail seems to be growing but the bare bone right under it is not falling off and every time i try to touch it he pulls away which tells me its painful
The nail growing out seems a positive sign.
I raised one squirrel Mookie who lost a nail which ultimately grew back completely normally.
I raised another Iggy where the injury was worse and the nail was just hanging there. Eventually the nail came off, and Iggy ended up with a somewhat shorter finger with no nail or claw. Iggy is still around more than two years after that injury, and the stumpy finger does not seem to bother him.
06-29-2022, 05:26 PM
Hi everyone-
OK, I am back in PANIC mode!! His finger looks very strange now, he is much more sensitive using it as well, he is keeping his hand up, I need to help him climb today, pictures below, I did my best to capture the finger ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
06-29-2022, 06:27 PM
What I can see (sort of) sticking out looks like it is somewhat curved. Is that correct? Could you be seeing a now deformed claw growing out?
06-29-2022, 06:53 PM
There is the nail growing on the top then there is the bare bone right below that pointing up, I am trying to upload a video but its taking for ever.
I am worried about a possible infection and I have no vet. Would there be a vet that can be trusted to do a telehealth call or something like that? I also have no meds available like antibiotics so I am very worried.
Thank you all
06-29-2022, 07:46 PM
This is the best I can do now with a video
Charley Chuckles
06-29-2022, 07:52 PM
Just saw the video, sorry guess I'm not sure how the finger was gone but I have a girl missing her finger she came to me that way🤷 I think it got messed up in her carrier not really sure.
I can't see but your baby doesn't look infected.
06-29-2022, 07:53 PM
I have no earthly idea how he lost the finger sadly.
07-03-2022, 10:45 AM
HI everyone-
I see the nail growing, but the finger (nuckle) looks bigger than the rest of the fingers, does it look swollen to you guys? Also the bare bone is still there and has not fallen off yet at least ( (
Diggie's Friend
07-03-2022, 11:01 AM
Can you get a photo of the underside of the paw?
07-03-2022, 12:32 PM
HI everyone-
I see the nail growing, but the finger (knuckle) looks bigger than the rest of the fingers, does it look swollen to you guys? Also the bare bone is still there and has not fallen off yet at least ( (
While it is hard to judge color in a photo, the healing finger appears more pink than red, which seems like a good sign, i.e. healing but not infected.
Between that and the claw growing back, to me things look like they are going well.
Like Diggie's Friend, I'd like to see a picture from the underside.
I would expect the finger might be swollen as it heals, and might even end up larger than normal in the end.
Iggy broke a finger when he was about two months old, and it healed up so that it is a bit longer as well as thicker. This photo is a few weeks later after the break healed. (Iggy is now almost three years old, a happy free squirrel. On his other front paw, he has about 2/3 of a finger (minus claw) from an injury after release.)
Diggie's Friend
07-03-2022, 02:18 PM
What a sweetie; he really trusts you, even when taking the video. :Love_Icon
As long as he doesn't chew it again, or the toe pad become hard like a solid rubber ball enlarging quickly,
or a bit redness below here you can see the vein enlarge, I wouldn't be overly concerned.
As for infection that I'm not sure of without seeing a photo from below.
Does it feel warmer on the toe area, than his other forepaw?
07-03-2022, 07:02 PM
I tried to get more photos, its very difficult to get pictures from underneath his hand ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
island rehabber
07-04-2022, 02:45 AM
The color and shape of this injury does not alarm me right now. Should it become red or hot to the touch I would get to a squirrel- or rodent- experienced vet immediately. Watch carefully and take good notes.
07-04-2022, 09:22 AM
Sadly I do not have a vet I can take him to
07-04-2022, 09:38 AM
just in case, would there be a Vet willing to do a phone (like telehealth) visit?
Diggie's Friend
07-04-2022, 11:57 AM
Should you need a vet, Dr. E of Florida does consultations on test results and other data; you could show her your photos.
07-04-2022, 12:12 PM
That would be fantastic to have handy, I would be grateful if you can PM me Dr. E's contact info
07-05-2022, 08:02 AM
New pictures from this morning below- current treatment: 0.10ML Iboprofine twice daily, Betadine clean twice daily or when he allows ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
07-06-2022, 07:54 AM
New pictures from this morning below- current treatment: 0.10ML Iboprofine twice daily, Betadine clean twice daily or when he allows ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Diggie's Friend
07-06-2022, 03:55 PM
With the nail involved; I'm concerned that any present infection might spread to the bone. An x-ray would show if it has or not. and hopefully eliminate the possibility of a tumor in what is left of the toe. No problem, they can live with the removal of the entire toe. The exotic vet I sent you the link to comes with the highest approval for treating various conditions in tree squirrels.
If you should decided to take him in to be seen, send me a PM, as I would like to share some tips on how to lessen the stress during an appt. DF
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