View Full Version : Found a Baby Fox Squirrel!

06-15-2022, 03:56 PM
Hey all!

Thanks for all your help in the past. I recently found one of my wild squirrels eating rat poison and she is now happy and healthy more than 2 weeks after the poisoning. :)

My latest situation: this morning I found a little baby squirrel wandering around on the ground by my apartment complex. There are builders doing maintenance on the roof, and I’m pretty sure they disturbed a nest somewhere in an attic area. They told me the baby had followed them along the road and they were laughing/nudging him. I waited to see if mama was around but then scooped him up because there are loads of cats and dogs out and about, and it’s well into the high 90 degrees out today. He seemed confused and was just walking around the ground. He’s likely a baby of one of my wild mamas, they all seem to be nursing currently.

I have him in a little dog cage where I kept my previous adult squirrel who was injured. He can sit up, eat solids and climb - not sure about jumping, I don’t think he can. He’s healthy looking. No fear of humans whatsoever.

He’s been nibbling some Henry’s blocks and avocado. Couldn’t open a hazelnut when I offered him one just to check. Can anyone help me age him? I’m trying to figure out what I can do next to assist him.


06-15-2022, 04:33 PM
Oh and I weighed him, he’s around 297 grams.

Diggie's Friend
06-15-2022, 06:37 PM
Thank you for rescuing him when you did; he is not old enough to release yet.

Even before they wean, if not seriously ill or impaired by an injury or congenital defect, tree squirrels can spring like crickets:

this more vertical than you see with the adults when they aim to jump to a specific target.

Should you desire assistance and want to bring him to a rehabber; this group which is located in LA, rescues and rehabs tree squirrels.


06-15-2022, 06:54 PM
Oh wow. Yeah, I’m going to see if I can’t find anyone with a good set-up for him.

06-15-2022, 06:58 PM
And if I can’t get anyone to help (it’s been difficult in the past with my less than friendly location) I’m determined to somehow do it myself :)

06-15-2022, 07:30 PM
Then come back. We can help. Thank you for helping the little guy!

Diggie's Friend
06-15-2022, 07:39 PM
One word of caution: Don't tell the person you speak to over the phone your name or address initially, because some rehabbers are so full up this time of year with nursing infants that they may not have time or the space to even care for weaned juveniles. And because the law doesn't allow those without licenses in this State to have squirrels in their possession, even if they don't have anyone to care for the squirrel, they just might come to take the squirrel out of your possession.

That you have already provided care and the right foods for a young weaned squirrel, and cared for squirrels before unto their release, you are sufficiently qualified to care for this squirrel; a sight better than the powers that be doing their thing I should say!

Bottom line, make sure first that there is a person that will care for them, rather than one just wanting your name and address.

And should you have any NR I wouldn't call them, as it could potentially compromise your keeping an NR.

06-15-2022, 10:43 PM
Thank you for the kind words and help!! I managed to get into contact with a very sweet lady in my area who has a couple other squirrels my boy’s age in a soft release cage in her yard. She is going to put him into the mix and fingers crossed he will be able to integrate and get back into the wild soon!

Selfishly, I wanted to do it all myself :( but I think having a few adopted siblings and a nice big space will be a better outcome for him.

Until the next squirrel adventure! :)

06-16-2022, 11:19 PM
Hi, just read this thread. I missed the part about how old is this baby. Is he old enough for prerelease? Is he weaned?

And Bonbon, thanks so much for the update on your poisoned girl. I kept thinking about her and wanted to look for an update in that thread . . . And then kind of didn't either if you know what I mean. So happy she's okay!

06-17-2022, 11:35 PM
Thanks Chirps! I didn’t see my poisoned girl for about a week and I was in despair. I left dosed nuts by her tree just in case... And then she came back! I was with her earlier - and now every moment feels precious.

The lady who took my baby didn’t age him, but he was weaned and eating solid food. Maybe 12 weeks? I’m going to ask her for an update soon and see how he is getting along with his new situation.