View Full Version : 6 weeks old with hurt wrist or fingers

06-09-2022, 09:02 AM
Hey! I had a 6 week old squirrel brought to me that had fallen out of a tree and momma was no where to be found. First thing i noticed was his wrist/fingers... he can move it, grip with it, but when he walks his fingers tuck in and he drags it. When i feed him, he tries so hard to use it but cant open his fingers to grab. He has absolutely no pain or emotion towards it. He acts like it doesnt effect him but he is trying really hard to use and move it... any advice? He is otherwise healthy and happy�� attached is a screenshot of him eating in a video with how his paw looks

06-09-2022, 11:24 AM
How long have you had him... has it been long enough to know if it is improving?

I would try to place a soft splint on it. There is always a risk of wrapping too tight which can be disastrous so be careful! A couple wraps of vet tape on a baby's arm can go a long ways in immobilizing and allowing the arm to heal... if they'll leave it alone.

06-09-2022, 11:25 AM
Hi! I don't see the attachment.