View Full Version : Health concern

06-02-2022, 01:52 PM
New to the forum. I've a 12 week old squirrel (approx) which we rescued about 7 weeks back. Aside from his initial distress, he's healthy and active. We've re-introduced him to "the wild" over the past three weeks and he now stays out about 10 hours a day and considers the house his nest. To be indelicate, he poops first thing in the morning and all has been fine until today when he had a bout of diarrhea. Should we be concerned? If it continues, what can we do to help? His appetite is good and he drinks a lot of water. I would appreciate any feedback.

06-02-2022, 02:58 PM
At 12 weeks he is way too young to be roaming freely and have the very best chance of long term survival.

In order to figure out the cause of the diarrhea you need to list what he is eating / being fed.

06-02-2022, 03:28 PM
At 12 weeks he is way too young to be roaming freely and have the very best chance of long term survival.

In order to figure out the cause of the diarrhea you need to list what he is eating / being fed.

His diet is getting more complicated: raw almonds is his preference, walnuts, pine cone seeds, maple tree seeds, apple slices (small pieces and not too many), has eaten hamster/gerbil blend but, not frequently and VERY occasionally cheese (real stuff not processed), arugula. What he may try out whilst running amok I wouldn't know.

His extended outdoor excursions have been mostly this weekend. As mentioned, he's healthy, active and full of "piss and vinegar." At around 3 - 4 PM he's comes to me when called, ready for food and drink and settling down to vigorous wrestling sessions, playing with toys and lite snoozing whilst listening to music each and every evening. In other words, happy and healthy with lots of fresh air and exercise. His stool has been solid up until this morning and everything has been normal. I just want to keep on top of things.

He's proven an absolute delight.

06-02-2022, 11:36 PM
[FONT=comic sans ms]At 12 weeks he is way too young to be roaming freely and have the very best chance of long term survival.
Add that to what he's being fed which is an open invitation to mbd, his chances at survival are very slim. All the nuts and seed are robbing his body/bones of calcium.
He needs to be on a proper diet to be at his healthy peak before release, and he needs to go through a proper soft release before any actual release.