View Full Version : Accidentally Released Too Soon

Snicker Bar
05-22-2022, 09:12 PM
Our first of the Quad came March 22 at 73 g. They all came within a week about same size and eyes open.

They’ve graduated from a double CN to the indoor /outdoor soft release set up on edge of our woods behind our shop. They needed more room to grow. They’ve been outside about a month but have access to a smaller indoor cage (with a/c) via a portal . They were just starting to use their wooden nest box in the big outside cage.

Fri. Jon was burying our dog and he accidentally backed up and bumped the face of the cage with the tractor. It was the side that had the big drop cloth blocking their view of our house etc. He didn’t realize it busted the floor and made a huge gap. All four were there last night but gone today.

By counting from March 22 Oak would have only been 13 weeks old if she was 5 at intake, but we aren’t sure?? All four of these were small and scrawny but eyes open. They were at least 200 g+ by time they went out to big cages.

I was absolutely sick. I wanted to keep them a min of another month. The weather was horrible today . Rain and storms. I left the light on in their little building , and the door to the outside cage open . They didn’t use a portal so just opened the door. No predator can fit through the PVC pipe connector.

Just now, I find one terrified baby that came back to the cozy cube inside. Before dark, I moved the big nest box to the nearest tree and feeding station .

What now??

Do I just let nature take its course?? Leave the door open ? Or lock up this one??

I’m going to go check the nest box now. If by a miracle the other three came maybe I can carry it back.

I’m just sick. This was too soon. They were acclimated, and I guess they were fairly grown. But not 20 weeks yet :(

Just sick; this was not the way it was supposed to happen :(

Jon is a wreck as is. He didn’t see the damage under the tarp :(

Snicker Bar
05-22-2022, 09:26 PM

Here are some pics of the only one that came back, so can see size vs cozy cube

05-22-2022, 11:10 PM
A little young for a release, 4 months is usually the minimum for an ideal outcome.

Not much you can do besides keeping the cage in the same spot as it was when they left, the door slightly open for a few nights, while making sure that no predators can came in.

I'd keep the one that returned in a closed-up section of the large cage, or a small cage right next to it.

Did you avoid any contact so they can wild-up? If not, you can try to call them tomorrow.

Snicker Bar
05-22-2022, 11:31 PM

Here is the big cage on outside and the door that is still open. The PVC pipe that goes in through the window is only big enough for a squirrel to pass. I can’t really lock the one up without cutting off access to the inside cage. I’m just hoping for reunification of at least two, but all four would make me sleep better ,

I gave her (?him) a few treats and turned off the light. There were none in the nest box I placed just a few feet away on the tree line :


I’m just hoping they were actually older than their size indicated on intake. They really bloomed within no time on the FV.

I left food inside and also on the feeding shelf the nest box was placed on.

Just sick but nothing can do about . My husband feels horrible, but he was such a wreck moving our dog for burial. That was also totally unplanned (his euthanasia Friday).

I said it before ,
Never doing this again!!

And , here I am , again :(

And two more on deck.

05-23-2022, 05:07 AM
{{{{{Snicker Bar}}}}}

I think as long as they can dodge the varmints as they learn their surroundings they will find their way back. Is the tractor a noise they've heard much? I'm just trying to picture the scene the way a squirrel would. If it was scary to them, they probably hunkered down in the box or inside while it was there, and you said they were there last night, so it doesn't sound like the tractor scared them away, but more like they discovered the way out later. So they will probably discover the way back barring unfortunate encounters with predators, but that was always the risk anyway, even if they were three years old and on their own. We just have to hope now that the month they had there prepped them more than you think it might have. I hope they show up just to give you some much deserved peace of mind.

Charley Chuckles
05-23-2022, 07:31 AM
I'm sure they will hang around, it would be hard to corral them all.
They will stay where the food is👍

Snicker Bar
05-23-2022, 07:41 AM
Still just one here

Yes they are used to farm sounds, been out here (in rehab bldg) for a month.

He was burying him lay Fri afternoon; he was huge and I guess he needed to use the tractor and he bumped the cage and it cracked the frame on bottom . I actually fed /checked them Fri PM, and Sat and all four were here. And the drop cloth had the spot hid. They must have just found the spot yesterday:(

So still leave big door open , and let this one choose ?

Snicker Bar
05-23-2022, 08:04 AM
I have two youngers I could move out here but they lack a good 4/5 weeks or longer before release . But they could come out here for company ?

Maybe they could be combined ? Or best to just leave this one to it’s own out here?

05-23-2022, 10:55 AM
This is just my opinion but I would leave the door open, let this one rejoin his siblings or let them rejoin him. I like to keep them till 15-16 weeks so you are just a little bit under that window. It is not ideal but also not completely unreasonable. I would keep the portal or door open wide enough for them to return and keep it stocked with food and water. They may all return so check every night after sunset.

Of course you both feel terrible and are kicking yourselves but we have all been there (had accidental/premature releases) so don't beat your self up too much and pass this on the Jon too.

Still just one here

Yes they are used to farm sounds, been out here (in rehab bldg) for a month.

He was burying him lay Fri afternoon; he was huge and I guess he needed to use the tractor and he bumped the cage and it cracked the frame on bottom . I actually fed /checked them Fri PM, and Sat and all four were here. And the drop cloth had the spot hid. They must have just found the spot yesterday:(

So still leave big door open , and let this one choose ?

Snicker Bar
05-23-2022, 06:00 PM

Here is what I did this am. I closed the big door, and opened a portal and drug a big limb to make a ramp towards the woods.

Ordinarily I move the cage up against a tree but in this case I just had to make do this am.

The tree with the orange tie is where the releases are fed. And the tree I set the box in.

Headed home to see who if any is still home.

I guess on a happy note my AP bunny is still alive ,

Snicker Bar
05-24-2022, 07:43 AM

The one that left yesterday came back this am for breakfast. So relieved it knows how to find the opening back in to eat here. Also still feeding at the other two places in the woods.

Charley Chuckles
05-24-2022, 08:45 AM
That's great news😀

05-24-2022, 08:49 AM

The one that left yesterday came back this am for breakfast. So relieved it knows how to find the opening back in to eat here. Also still feeding at the other two places in the woods.

That’s Aspen the only male. ♥️♥️♥️

Snicker Bar
05-29-2022, 10:26 AM
Just wanted to update on The Quad,

It’s been a week today they released a little too soon. But all seem well as best I can tell?

For the first two days I saw one or two at the cage, and actually in the indoor cage where I still leave food daily . I also saw daily activity in the tree tops of the woods, nearest the cage and where we placed the nest box and feeder for the the previous releases from last year.

I was putting food here daily but never witnessed any actually coming to eat until about three days ago. Now I know for sure they can find food outside, if some are hesitant to go back through the portal to the inside to eat. And yesterday, while Tuff’s mom was here, we think it was “Oak” (one of her rescues) actually took a nut from her hand :)

Here are two a couple days ago eating and drinking:

And here is one taking a nut today (but has a healthy buffet too ):

So this is a huge relief! I didn’t mention, but last Sunday was very stormy. I figured they had panicked and got lost and separated deep in the forest :( My first group ever (“Trio”) had a normal soft release at 20+ weeks old; but, an unexpected storm blew up that same day, snd I never saw those three again. I bawled then , and even worse last Sunday night when I realized these had escaped:( But all seems well at the moment :)

And ,also update on “Cedar”, the one Tuff’s Mom rescued that had a facial injury. Thought she was permanently blind in that eye. This was her on intake:

She has come such a long way. She seems totally fine with her mobility and can now eat block and even crack a nut. So we sought out a release buddy for her . It took awhile for the two to bond, but they now share a nest .

Since the others still come and go from the main release cage I was able to persuade Jon to make a second indoor/outdoor set up in the same building. And while temps are still bearable here we moved them last night via pillow case method lol.

They love the extra room and limbs. Here they are in the outside part:


The inside part is just for food and sleeping . All lack is a proper nest box but for now they have a couple familiar cozies :

Down to one little bunny :( Had 4. Seems like GI/bloat issues were the death of them. I’ve begged for ANYONE to take this last one. Nope. No one wants the bunnies here. But this last seems stronger , maybe will pull through.

The last issue is the hungover chipmunk, helping Tuff’s Momeith her . She’s on day five of pred. She will eat boo balls from my fingers, and take formula. Haven’t witnessed her drink on own from a water bottle. She wants to stay hid in the fleece. She will eat small pieces of baked boo balls on her own at least . But what to do from here?? We’ve tried reaching out and reading . I just don’t know? What her life would be like ? Most places I’ve read seem to imply they are like cottontails. They do not like captivity. But if she’s a permanent neuro, maybe she would remain as docile as she is?? Idk . So torn what to do with her:


The rehabbed we help just took in another chipper. Has a broken leg. Not sure, if they would be a moral support to each other ??
Should we combine them ? Do they like to have buddies??

So little info on threads about wilds. Most are about the ‘Siberian Chipmunks’. Never heard of. We just have the basic MS version .

Any thoughts or advice would be so appreciated!:)

That’s all for now :)

05-29-2022, 02:01 PM
Nice outcome all around! I'd get a buddy for the chimp.

Oh, and Aspen called me last night. He has had enough and wants to move in, WITH ME!

So cute. WANT! :Love_Icon :grin2