View Full Version : AP Baby Bun

Snicker Bar
05-22-2022, 04:59 PM
The one that had the ant bites on intake has really fought hard. The bites are healing . But over last two days he’s started having breathing issues (gets stressed/like a baby squirrel doing guppy mouth) and we have to stop. Since yesterday am he’s barely able to take formula.
I started Baytril and sub q fluids as directed by Hrt; it turned Ringer around that first bad episode .

Short of euthanasia are there any other things that can help a nose diving bunny?

Heartbroken he’s made it this far only to develop lung issues. The original rehabber said he was cold and wet on intake , I guess this was a factor maybe? He never aspirated during our feedings best I could tell?

I won’t let him suffer, just wondering before we resort to that :(

Charley Chuckles
05-22-2022, 05:52 PM
When my Irma and willy did the guppie breathing I used a nebulizer with distilled water and a drop of Albuterol
I did 2 treatments about 12 hours apart. It worked 👍
Prayers to the baby 🙏