View Full Version : New baby VERY aggressive with mama

05-21-2022, 06:49 PM
My squirrel(wild-ish) had four lovely babies, and this Wednesday was their first day out of the nest. I notice one in particular being super aggressive with his mama, constantly taking food out of her paws, and mouth. Id say 9/10 times, the baby gets the food and Mama is left with nothing. I know she is exhausted from taking care of these babies, and now she can barely get a bite to eat.

i feel so bad for her! and i worry that this behaviour will just get worse.

any thoughts? is this normal? thanks.


05-21-2022, 07:16 PM
My squirrel(wild-ish) had four lovely babies, and this Wednesday was their first day out of the nest. I notice one in particular being super aggressive with his mama, constantly taking food out of her paws, and mouth. Id say 9/10 times, the baby gets the food and Mama is left with nothing. I know she is exhausted from taking care of these babies, and now she can barely get a bite to eat.

i feel so bad for her! and i worry that this behaviour will just get worse.

any thoughts? is this normal? thanks.


He is what is technically referred to as "a little jerk." What a pushy boy. Except trust me. Mama could put him DOWN so fast it would make your (and his I am sure) head(s) spin. Mama squirrels are total bada**es to their kids! I watched a mama kick one of her babies all over my backyard because he wandered down the tree to see what I was all about! I was about to try to step in when she grabbed him finally, ran up the tree and unceremoniously stuffed him back on the hole. So this is something else. Maybe she is teaching him to be bold - I don't know. But what I do know is that the day some pipsqueak little boy like this is gonna take treats from his mama is the day his mama WANTS him to take them. Keep watching and if you are concerned, you can give some additional food. I am just wondering if he grows up to be an abuser or King of Squirrels!

05-21-2022, 07:48 PM
I once watched the alpha male give a baby a drubbing around his ears, a good one, for eating before the king of the tree. That's how they learn alright. And my Fatty Mama was a terror in her day.

05-21-2022, 08:26 PM
Totally normal. Squirrels are food aggressive and he is learning early, its called evolution and is part of the 'survival of the fittest' law, aka natural selection.

This boy will make it.

Mom will always give the strongest full support, weak and sick babies get often kicked out. It's all about passing on strong genes so the next generation may not only survive but prevail.

How we humans feel about rude behavior in squirrels has no impact on how they rule. As a matter of facts, squirrels are not social and loving animals. They are solitary creatures. The male doesn't get involved in any parenting. Males even kill babies from other males at times. They play and fight very hard, are extremely territorial.

And all that makes them interesting in my eyes. While they look cute, I don't expect them to be nice, fair, or cuddly. Such expectation would be pretty ignorant. Nature is harsh, that's just the reality.

05-22-2022, 12:13 AM
Your mama is awfully tolerant. I've got one with kids their age and she doesn't let them do that. Maybe when they started eating block she may have let them to teach them what it is, but if she did I missed it. But now? With almonds? She defends her food from inquisitive/pushy babies as if they were other squirrels. I bet your girl will give the kid the smackdown when she's had enough.