View Full Version : Crazy moves for a squirrel

05-18-2022, 07:24 PM
I saw a young squirrel in my driveway Sunday. It was laying on its belly and kind of awkwardly pulling itself into my lawn. I went out to check on it. It was really out-of it. I was worried a car got him. I didn't see any blood. It tried to climb the tree, and fell right off.

I wanted to put her in a crate with a cooling mat and some water. And contact someone with squirrel or wildlife rescue. She had enough energy to get away from me. This seemed positive, but still so odd.

I was worried about stressing it out. So, I managed to get her in my front porch flower bed under some shrubs to give it protection from the birds. Plus, i wanted to monitor her for a better idea of what was going on. Put a water dish next to her and brought her a piece of Ezekiel flaxseed bread. I hope I'm not in trouble for that.

Monday morning I looked out the window to check on her. She was rummaging around in the yard. Like nothing was ever wrong.

Something was definitely not right. I'm wondering if anyone here has seen anything like this?

05-18-2022, 07:45 PM
It is really hot where you are, isn't it? They can and do have trouble with the heat sometimes, and she may have been horribly dehydrated. Perhaps a drink and someplace cool was jusr what she needed???

05-18-2022, 10:07 PM
Overheating, stroke or fall / hit, followed by shock. Luckily she recovered fast.

05-19-2022, 05:10 PM
Thanks ya'll. It is abnormally hot here for this time of year. It was scary. I didn't think she would make it to morning. She did. Like a little miracle ✨️ 😌

05-22-2022, 06:31 AM
When it gets super hot in Florida, and the wild water spots have dried up in yards/homes, my squirrels would do the 'laydown superman' move with their arms/legs spread wide.

I got some of these to put water in. They have a rubber base, so they dont spill it as easily... also, LOW to the ground, as theyll try to stand on the lip.