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05-15-2022, 12:26 PM
When rescued a young red squirrel that fell from the sky no where near a trees with bird flying over. Not sure how he ended up at the end of front yard but he certainly was stunned. His leg is not perfect but he gets around nicely. He weighed 45 grams at rescue and now weighs 78 grams drinking formula from syringe. He started to refuse his FV a few days ago and now wants no part of it at all. I tried to add a little cream and yogurt, which he seems to enjoy on its own but but not if I mix it in his formula. I took away his blocks last night and was hoping he would be hungry enough to take his formula this morning, but he still refused. I even tried to put it in a plate for him to drink on his own. He loves mushrooms, blueberries, carrots and almonds. I tried cooked oatmeal, but he was not interested. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. He is a sweet little guy and I have had him over a week. Thank you for your time.

05-15-2022, 12:58 PM
Where do you store the FV powder? It should say something on the bag, but unfortunately it doesn't - but the powder will go rancid once the bag is opened if just left on the counter. I keep all formula powders stored in the freezer - they don't even need to be brought to room temp to mix them up, and the freezer keeps them fresh. I made my first squirrel very sick with rancid formula powder. If you have been storing at room temp this may be what has happened.

05-15-2022, 02:48 PM
Are you sure that he is 78 grams? Maybe he is older than assumed and done with formula, since he is eating almonds?

05-15-2022, 04:15 PM
Are you sure that he is 78 grams? Maybe he is older than assumed and done with formula, since he is eating almonds?

I am unsure of age but just weighed him in at 78 grams. He enjoyed the formula until a few days ago.

05-15-2022, 04:21 PM
Where do you store the FV powder? It should say something on the bag, but unfortunately it doesn't - but the powder will go rancid once the bag is opened if just left on the counter. I keep all formula powders stored in the freezer - they don't even need to be brought to room temp to mix them up, and the freezer keeps them fresh. I made my first squirrel very sick with rancid formula powder. If you have been storing at room temp this may be what has happened.

Thank you for that information. I have had it on the counter and the blocks in the freezer. I wonder if that is why he is refusing it. The bag states to store in a cool dry place and it hasn't been hot here but I will give the company a call.

Do you think I should see if he will take the Esbilac again? That is what I started him on while I was waiting for the FV.

05-15-2022, 04:22 PM
He is a little red squirrel - y'all don't have them in FL. They are tiny - the adults are just a little larger than a chipmunk. Did you see my post abut storage of the powder?

05-15-2022, 04:32 PM
He is a little red squirrel - y'all don't have them in FL. They are tiny - the adults are just a little larger than a chipmunk. Did you see my post abut storage of the powder?

Yes I did. Thank you so much. Do you think I should see if he will take the Esbilac again? He seems to be ok but I don't want him to take a turn for the worse.

My profile picture is of the the day I rescued him.

05-15-2022, 04:48 PM
Yes, I would definitely give him the esbilac until you can get some fresh FV. You can add the yogurt and cream to that, too. Both of them should be kept in the freezer. It never occurred to me that POWDER could turn rancid - until it did.

05-15-2022, 05:02 PM
Yes, I would definitely give him the esbilac until you can get some fresh FV. You can add the yogurt and cream to that, too. Both of them should be kept in the freezer. It never occurred to me that POWDER could turn rancid - until it did.

I am going to go buy a new can of Esbilac. I am not going to take any chances. Both FV and Esbilac are only a week or two old but it isn't worth him getting sick.

Thank you for your help. It is greatly appreciated.

05-15-2022, 05:15 PM
Well, the store is closed and I am not sure what to give him in the meantime. Any suggestions? I have unflavored Pedialyte. Can I mix some heavy cream or yogurt with that until tomorrow?

05-15-2022, 06:22 PM
No, don't mix pedialyte with formula or the other milk products. What does the esbilac you still have look like? Nice, white powder? Or is it clumpy and smells off? If it is white and looks like it did when you were feeding it previously, give him a small feeding and see how it goes. You obviously live somewhere in the northern US - have you had really high temps in your house that would have caused the formula to turn?

05-15-2022, 09:16 PM
No, don't mix pedialyte with formula or the other milk products. What does the esbilac you still have look like? Nice, white powder? Or is it clumpy and smells off? If it is white and looks like it did when you were feeding it previously, give him a small feeding and see how it goes. You obviously live somewhere in the northern US - have you had really high temps in your house that would have caused the formula to turn?

It smells off and it is not white like it was when I bought it. I threw it away. Yes, I am in northern US. I gave him some heavy cream, fruits, veggies, almonds. He also had some water. I will buy some new formula tomorrow and hopefully he will go back on it. I don't think he will go back to eating from the syringe, he seems to like drinking and eating from hand and plate.

Should I give him any Pedialyte or just continue without it?

I just checked him to see if he was doing well. He looked up at me, yawned and then climbed in my hand. He seems quite content for the night and is snuggled in his bedding.

Thank you for all your help.

05-16-2022, 04:45 PM
No, don't mix pedialyte with formula or the other milk products. What does the esbilac you still have look like? Nice, white powder? Or is it clumpy and smells off? If it is white and looks like it did when you were feeding it previously, give him a small feeding and see how it goes. You obviously live somewhere in the northern US - have you had really high temps in your house that would have caused the formula to turn?

Have new can of Esbilac and mixed some for baby, he refuses to take it from syringe or drink it off plate. I tried 1/3. I wonder if he just doesn't want formula anymore.

Nick is sending me out a new bag of FV. He asked that I keep him posted. He also said that FV can be kept on counter as long as it is used, as it is not made with animal fat, but coconut and something like carnation creamer, vitamins, nutrients, etc.

Any ideas on what to feed baby. He likes some things but I am worried about his nutrition. I see there is something called "complete" squirrel feed, but I am not sure it is for red squirrels that are in rehab.

Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks for your help.

05-16-2022, 05:10 PM
How old is he?

Get this: https://henryspets.com/diets/ Any of the first three items on the page - the Hazelnut and the Picky blocks seem to be the faves.

Keep your FV in the freezer!

05-16-2022, 05:13 PM
How old is he?

Get this: https://henryspets.com/diets/ Any of the first three items on the page - the Hazelnut and the Picky blocks seem to be the faves.

Keep your FV in the freezer!

I am uncertain of his age. I posted an album, can you see it?

05-16-2022, 05:48 PM
Yes - cutie. When did you get him? Were his eyes open or closed at that time?

The Nut Lady
05-16-2022, 09:03 PM
I am uncertain of his age. I posted an album, can you see it?

Hi there. Where can I see the album? I'm excited to see the little fella.

05-18-2022, 12:08 AM
Yes - cutie. When did you get him? Were his eyes open or closed at that time?

They were opened, I have attached the picture of the day I rescued him on May 4th.

05-18-2022, 02:26 AM
OMG what a cutie! :Love_Icon

05-18-2022, 08:06 AM
OMG what a cutie! :Love_Icon

I have to agree! He is still putting in weight and full of energy. He certainly makes me smile. He has started to “groom” me. Lol. I suppose that is a good sign. I just worry about nutrition. The blocks should be here today😀.

05-19-2022, 11:09 AM
Good morning, all. I am so glad to have found this group! He seems to be doing well, very active and cute as a button. He is still putting on weight and makes a purring sound when snuggled to my chest. He loves mushrooms. I was wondering if there is anything else that he would enjoy that is nutritious for him. Any ideas for the little red buddy?

05-19-2022, 02:28 PM
Go easy on the mushrooms. Reds LOVE them, but they have bad calcium to phosphorus ratio which in large amounts can lead to MBD.

Gave you seen this?: https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

05-20-2022, 10:54 AM
Go easy on the mushrooms. Reds LOVE them, but they have bad calcium to phosphorus ratio which in large amounts can lead to MBD.

Gave you seen this?: https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

Thank you. I just took them out of his stash. Is there a difference in feeding reds? I wasn't sure if one variety required more or less of nutrients and digestive issues. He is going to go in a bigger container soon. I still haven't received that formula promised but at this point, I may just store it, unless you think I should give it a try. He is eating everything under the sun, including cream and a little yogurt.

Have you been able to guess his age?