View Full Version : Dose for Baytril. And further plan.

05-15-2022, 12:46 AM
Hi. I had posted earlier for a squirrel with diarrhoea. He's a pinkie. Looks to be a week old. Weights only 10gm. He had diarrhoea. There is no esbilac/fox valley available in India. After discussing with a local rescue here in another part of the country I started him on a mix of infant formula with whey/rice starch/probiotics. His diarrhoea has stopped. But he developed a clicking noise. Auscultation also confirmed it and he's become lethargic. He wakes up. Takes some 0.4ml feed and just drops asleep. He also looks shriveled- probably dehydrated too.
The rescuer advised subcut LRS. 0.5ml. Have given that last night. He's passing urine. I just procured Bayril and septran this morning- no stock nearby.
I've been giving him home made ORS once in 2 hours - 2 feeds alternate with 1 formula feed.
There is no pedialyte or any unflavoured ORS. A member had suggested Goats milk - neither fresh nor canned is there here. Tried ordering online but reviews are very negative.

I need help to save Dale.

1. For his feeds
2. For his pneumonia.

Thank u all in advance .