View Full Version : I suspect pneumonia in a 5-6 week orphaned squirrel
05-06-2022, 01:18 PM
Two 5-6 week old squirrels found me outside of my house on Tuesday. No signs of mom and I suspect they had been there for a day or two as they were rather cold when I picked them up. Immediately warmed them, hydrated and purchased the Pet-Lac at the pet store (waiting for my Fox Valley formula to arrive as well as the nipples and proper syringes) but I fear that one may have A/P. I phoned my vet this morning and the receptionist kindly reminded me that it is illegal to have a squirrel in our state and told me to call the game commission. I am only looking to rehab these beautiful critters so they can one day be reunited in my yard with their family. I have amoxicillin 250 mg #20 capsules that were left over from my cocker spaniel. I do not have a scale but they appear to between 120-150 grams and consuming approximately 7ml (+/-) of formula at each feeding about every 4 hours (4 times a day). I would like to start the amoxicillin as soon as possible but not sure how to make a liquid form with the capsule and how much and how often I should administer it. I would be most greatful if someone could help me here.
05-06-2022, 02:01 PM
Please do me a favor - copy these directions and let me know when you have done so, so that I can delete my response. We do not dose on the open board for fear someone will use the info erroneously and you haven't posted often enough yet to enable your private message function.
I strongly suggest you give this baby some probiotics as amoxicillin is hard on the tummy. I prefer the probiotic capsules for humans you can get at the drug store as you only need a very tiny pinch of the powder inside them, whereas the animal probiotics are quite weak and you need to give a bunch of it. They should be given either 3 hours before or after dosing the meds, not along with the meds.
Remember, respond to this post once you have written this down.
05-06-2022, 02:12 PM
Thank you so so much. I have been juggling math equations for the last hour. My sister is actually on her way with her kitchen scales. I want to do right by this precious baby.
God bless you. I will follow your instructions and pray. Thanks again
05-06-2022, 02:17 PM
Thank you so so much. I have been juggling math equations for the last hour. My sister is actually on her way with her kitchen scales. I want to do right by this precious baby.
God bless you. I will follow your instructions and pray. Thanks again
If there is a dramatic difference in his weight from what you gave me, post it here - I will keep checking. I can recalculate for you.
05-06-2022, 02:22 PM
Oops - also... If you happen to have any Cipro in the house perhaps from a past UTI, it is faster acting on aspiration oneumonia than amoxicillin and doesn't have the stomach issues. If you do, post the size and I will dose that.
05-06-2022, 03:49 PM
Weighed baby Betty (she's the one I suspect has A/P) and she weighs 88 grams. Her sister Wilma weighs 107. That's a big difference.
She had given me a bit of a worry from the beginning because she seemed to be the more fragile of the two. Such a lovey girl. I did give her just one drop of the Amoxicillin mixture in her feeding at 4:15 (she drank 5ML). Not great but good. I will give her another drop with her 8:15 feeding.
My goal is to get a script for cipro and get that started 1st thing tomorrow - working on that now. Will the dosage using cipro be the same as for the amoxicillin?
Thank you so much again
05-06-2022, 03:59 PM
Weighed baby Betty (she's the one I suspect has A/P) and she weighs 88 grams. Her sister Wilma weighs 107. That's a big difference.
She had given me a bit of a worry from the beginning because she seemed to be the more fragile of the two. Such a lovey girl. I did give her just one drop of the Amoxicillin mixture in her feeding at 4:15 (she drank 5ML). Not great but good. I will give her another drop with her 8:15 feeding.
My goal is to get a script for cipro and get that started 1st thing tomorrow - working on that now. Will the dosage using cipro be the same as for the amoxicillin?
Thank you so much again
Give Betty .04ml of the meds 2x per day.
Dilution and dosing of the cipro will be very different. Do you know the milligram size? It is available in 250 and 500.
05-06-2022, 04:54 PM
Give Betty .04ml of the meds 2x per day.
Dilution and dosing of the cipro will be very different. Do you know the milligram size? It is available in 250 and 500.
Waiting to hear on the availability of Cipro. Keeping my fingers crossed. I don't want to continue giving her the Amoxicillin if I don't have to (hate the thought of trading one evil for another). Will keep you posted.
I see you are an administrator to this site I found. I want to personally thank you .... from the bottom of my heart for not only responding so quickly to my concern but for your obvious "genuine concern" and in sharing your expertise and knowledge. It certainly wasn't my plan on Tuesday to interfere with mother nature but once I picked them up and realized the urgency of their needs, I became committed. I had raised an orphaned squirrel about 20 years ago. He stayed in our yard for about 10 months and then moved on. It was a privledge I will never forget. I hope to do my very best for Wilma & Betty. Thank you so much again !!!!!
05-06-2022, 05:13 PM
Well, the Cipro is just more effective for this. I can help you with the dosing when you know which size. Love their names! They are quite addictive - obviously - you haven't kicked your habit after all these years!
05-06-2022, 05:27 PM
Well, the Cipro is just more effective for this. I can help you with the dosing when you know which size. Love their names! They are quite addictive - obviously - you haven't kicked your habit after all these years!
My husband calls me Ellie Mae. I've raised possums, racoons, a squirrel (now 2 more) and a number of birds. What can I say ... there's just a special place in my hear for those that can't fend for themselves. I even stopped my car on a bridge one time to help a rather large snapping turtle make it to the other side. However after realizing how far they can stick their necks back, I probably won't be doing that again. Who am I kidding ... yes I will. LOL
BTY ... their names were originally Fred and Barney but that didn't quite fit after looking things up.
05-06-2022, 07:35 PM
My husband calls me Ellie Mae. I've raised possums, racoons, a squirrel (now 2 more) and a number of birds. What can I say ... there's just a special place in my hear for those that can't fend for themselves. I even stopped my car on a bridge one time to help a rather large snapping turtle make it to the other side. However after realizing how far they can stick their necks back, I probably won't be doing that again. Who am I kidding ... yes I will. LOL
BTY ... their names were originally Fred and Barney but that didn't quite fit after looking things up.
Oh, possums. I love those guys. Climate change has pushed them into my area now but the winters are so hard on them and so many don't make it. Their poor little ears and tails take such a beating without fur when it gets really cold - it hurts my heart to see them. I always try to make sure they have stuff to eat, at least. The babies are so cute! I did a similar thing with an enormous snapper a few years ago. There was no way I could pick him up - he looked like one of the monsters you see down south - so I just poked and prodded and ANNOYED him across the road (some say I am very good at that)!
You can now get private messages. I have sent you dosing for both 250 and 500mg Cipro just in case you get some. At the very top of the page on the RH side it says Notifications - click there and you will find it.:grin2
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