View Full Version : How old is Christopher

05-03-2022, 06:06 PM
I am just wondering if anyone has any guesses as to how old my Lil Christopher is. He weighs 211g. He seems underweight to me therefore I am giving him 3 Henry cubes plus fresh veggies and fruits with an assortment of dried fruits as well. We are playing around with what he'll eat. Any suggestions in that dept are most welcome. Actually any dept. Thank you all.

05-03-2022, 06:40 PM
Is he still getting formula? It is hard when they are so scrawny to age them. He looks young enough to absolutely still be getting formula.

05-03-2022, 07:04 PM
Well shoot. I thought he was older than that. I haven't given him any. I probably ought to have sat outside and watched for a bit but I thought he was alone. There was another squirrel I saw that day that something was very wrong with. That one was emaciated. If that was his mom she'd be no help to him. I'm not sure he's as scrawny as he looks in that pic because his back end is paralyzed and those legs are totally atrophied.

05-03-2022, 07:41 PM
Well shoot. I thought he was older than that. I haven't given him any. I probably ought to have sat outside and watched for a bit but I thought he was alone. There was another squirrel I saw that day that something was very wrong with. That one was emaciated. If that was his mom she'd be no help to him. I'm not sure he's as scrawny as he looks in that pic because his back end is paralyzed and those legs are totally atrophied.

Oh, I know his little legs are messed up.

I would order some Fox Valley 20/50 formula - Henrys sells it. It is very robust formula and he may just love it. Get yourself some syringes, but he may just slurp it off of a little plate for you, too. If he does, you need to make sure you wipe him down really well every time he eats - don't let it dry on his skin. Mamas nurse them until they are 11 or 12 weeks old. My first boy was still sucking down mass quantities at 19 weeks! He grew up to be a BIG, BIG boy!

05-04-2022, 02:52 PM

05-31-2022, 06:43 PM
I just thought I'd give an update on our little Christopher. He is now 351 grams! Such a playful little thing. He spends most of his time in a cage lined with several layers of newspaper and a nice layer of shavings. This has been working great as he loves to dig and destroy it all the while staying dry. No baths washing off his urine soaked rear end anymore! Thank you all for the support. I couldn't have done this without you!

05-31-2022, 07:41 PM
Aw, good for him!

Something you would probably never think to do but having seen problems with it again and again with squirrels that have hind end mobility problems - their ears. Squirrels use the long nails of their hind feet to clean their ears - and those who's hind ends don't work? Well, you have to do this for him, or he will likely develop ear related problems later in life. I would find a puppy/kitten super gentle ear cleansing drops and use them and very carefully, q-tips, and get him used to it. My first squirrel used to just about die of happiness when I did his ears - he LOVED it!

05-31-2022, 08:07 PM
I just thought I'd give an update on our little Christopher. He is now 351 grams! Such a playful little thing. Thank you so much for posting an update, I love hearing how things progress. I went back as I couldn't fully recall your original story and you said you were having trouble befriending him. I take it that he came around; does he actually tolerate touching and playing with you? I assume you've read all sorts of stuff but just in case you hadn't run across this, they do love stuffed animals to play with. Before mine learned to play with a human hand, he sort of began practicing on a stuffed penguin animal about his size that I would make dance around and he'd play with it. There are some safety issues to look out for when choosing one, but can't remember them in case anyone wants to chime in. So glad to hear about Christopher!

06-05-2022, 02:30 PM
Oh sorry, I forgot to update on our friendship. Its going good and getting better. I have always held him in a towel. First because he felt better that way, not getting peed on was a bonus due to his incontinence. We have been binge watching Outlander together. He thinks "Jamie" is a beautiful example of the human species as do I. We are taking baby steps toward playing together. He gets in such playful moods but we don't really know how to play together yet. I gave him a small stuffed animal and he LOVED it. I've been searching for another suitable one. The most fun he seems to have is with shoe boxes or other little boxes. Last one was a Pop Tarts box. He picks them up and throws them, rolls around upside down in them and also does the cutest "Sit n Spin" routine on them after he's flattened them! Lol All other suggestions welcome!

06-05-2022, 04:18 PM
All other suggestions welcome!
Aw, it sounds like he is doing so well. I think you really need to upload some videos!
Don't know if you saw this one a while back or if it would be okay with his situation.


I've been looking for the right sized ball like this. Saw some at a dollar store although not certain if it was small enough.

06-05-2022, 10:23 PM
Somehow I missed this thread. Christopher sounds like an absolute delight! :Love_Icon
Thank you for being his person.

06-12-2022, 07:40 AM
I've found a wonderful toy! After watching the video you posted I had an idea. I grabbed one of the dogs Kongs. He loves it! Let me see of I can get this video uploaded...I could not. I believe my format is wrong. I dont know how to change that but I'll work on it. It's a shame too because he does the funniest things. My daughter put in a piece of folded cardboard in his cage the other day and he throws it around and shakes it like a dog does with a toy. Its the most adorable and hilarious thing! How do you guys play with these little ones? I think Christopher aka "Squirrely Whirley" wants to play fight with my hand but I have such a healthy respect for those nails?! Sharp little knives they are! And do these guys know how to play bite? I do believe he is ready for a big cage now. He comes up to the little one to see me. When I pick him up it doesn't terrify him anymore. I think we're friends :grin2
What is a good size for a squirrel to feel comfortable?

Diggie's Friend
06-15-2022, 10:53 AM
Our squirrel loved playing with empty cereal boxes, flipping them over and over, and going in and out.
Just cut off just the portions of the opening flaps where they have a bit of glue, leaving as much as you
can so that thee box will remain open.

Another favorite toy we made out of a clean tube sock with an empty cardboard paper roll inside, knotted the end.
It may take a week or so for it to smell right to them to where they will wrestle with it just as juvenile squirrels do
with their siblings, rolling around with each other to play fight. When it goes flat just replace the empty cardboard
paper towel holder. Be sure to replace the sock should it get a hole in it as the exposed inside threads can catch on
their claws.