View Full Version : Anju's moving lower incisor

04-25-2022, 08:50 AM
We have one-and-a-half year old Indian palm squirrel. When she was a day old baby she fell from the second floor and her mother didn't notice her and didn't took her home. In our place, there are no rehabblers, even for normal dogs or cats . Not even a single veternary hospital ! In my country, there are not many experienced vets. We can't leave her so we took her in and raised her with guidance of websites, like yours. You might remember Anju from the thread " irregularly growing teeth piercing gums and mouth full of blood ".

Since two days, one of her lower incisors became loosely held in the gums, and it started moving. This is irritating her a lot ! She's very upset and she's not eating much too. All she wants is to remove that incisor causing trouble.


04-25-2022, 10:26 AM
Please tell us what to do now, she's in pain :sadness !
She is not active at all, not playing like she used to. She is just sleeping from morning onwards, we are making her to sleep, if we don't, she is just slapping her own cheek due to uneasiness.
We don't understand what to do, we have no other options.

Please reply !

04-25-2022, 05:22 PM
Do you still have the pain med you were using with her before? I think it was ibuprophen and paracetamol? If so, start her back on that.

04-26-2022, 03:19 PM
We are using your prescribed ibuprofen-paracetamol drops mam.
But this time the problem seems to be more complicated than I previously thought !
I am just giving the link to the videos I have uploaded. Please go through and please suggest me.
Here is the link


04-26-2022, 03:45 PM
Oh my. It looks like that tooth is just barely hanging in the jaw. I think she is pawing at it because it feels weird, moving around in her mouth, and may also hurt some. She must have hit it, or perhaps broke it chewing on her cage bars?

I genuinely don't know what to tell you, though I suspect she is going to get rid of it on her own if you don't do anything. My concern is not the part you can see, it is what you CAN'T see that is likely still embedded in her jaw.

04-26-2022, 04:08 PM
That is our concern also mam. Look, how she is feeling in the first video. I don't understand why she is doing like that and we are dead scared. She is repeating that very often, nonstop sometimes.
Today has been a horrible day for us mam, really to say. We have talked to a vet on the phone and he saw the second video.
He suggested that THERE MIGHT BE AN INFECTION, and there is AN INFLAMMATION.
For infection, Amoxicillin is the best one; COULD YOU PLEASE KINDLY GIVE HER THE DOSAGE of the same.
He's not experienced in squirrel care, he can just tell what can happen. I told know mam, there are no spealists in veterinary medicine in my country.

04-26-2022, 04:24 PM
Not in rodent medicine atleast ......

04-26-2022, 04:26 PM
That is our concern also mam. Look, how she is feeling in the first video. I don't understand why she is doing like that and we are dead scared. She is repeating that very often, nonstop sometimes.
Today has been a horrible day for us mam, really to say. We have talked to a vet on the phone and he saw the second video.
He suggested that THERE MIGHT BE AN INFECTION, and there is AN INFLAMMATION.
For infection, Amoxicillin is the best one; COULD YOU PLEASE KINDLY GIVE HER THE DOSAGE of the same.
He's not experienced in squirrel care, he can just tell what can happen. I told know mam, there are no spealists in veterinary medicine in my country.

He is actually right, amoxicillin is a very good med for tooth and gum infections. Do you have access to any? If so, can you tell us the size if the pill in milligrams, or if it is in a liquid form, the strength?

I think it is freaking her out because it feels so weird. Do you remember when you were a little child and one of your infant teeth was really, really loose but not QUITE ready to fall out yet? You mess with it nonstop with your tongue. Your little squirrel reminds me a bit of this. The big problem is that it is likely broken off, and part of the tooth root will remain in place when the rest comes out. The amoxicillin would be a very good thing to have in that case.

04-26-2022, 04:41 PM
Yes mam, it reminds me of that too.
Thank you so much mam ! Here is the amoxicillin....

04-26-2022, 05:09 PM
Trying to get some help dosing this for you. It is actually better than plain amoxicillin for this, so that is good.

Do you have any syringes? Preferred would be 1ml syringe with clear markings on it.

04-26-2022, 05:20 PM
I think it needs to come out in order to give her some rest, followed by feeding semi-liquid food, to be ground, prepared regularly every other day and stored in a fridge, until the tooth grows back.

04-26-2022, 05:51 PM
I think it needs to come out in order to give her some rest, followed by feeding semi-liquid food, to be ground, prepared regularly every other day and stored in a fridge, until the tooth grows back.

A squirrel's incisor teeth actually originate in the back of their jaw and grows forward, curved through supportive bone structures to emerge in the front of their mouths. I actually had a wild (likely one of my releases) that showed up seeking help after having been shot. Her lower incisors were missing when she showed up, and a vicious wound on the underside of her mouth. When the teeth grew back they grew through skin on the underside of her head / mouth. She was taken to Dr E and I received bad news that her bone structure to support the lower incisors was destroyed and her incisors needed to be removed. I mention this detail to illustrate just how complicated a squirrels incisors are...

Removing an incisor from a squirrel is not anywhere as simple as pulling a tooth...

04-26-2022, 06:07 PM
Dosing sent in a PM.

04-26-2022, 06:39 PM
A squirrel's incisor teeth actually originate in the back of their jaw and grows forward, curved through supportive bone structures to emerge in the front of their mouths. I actually had a wild (likely one of my releases) that showed up seeking help after having been shot. Her lower incisors were missing when she showed up, and a vicious wound on the underside of her mouth. When the teeth grew back they grew through skin on the underside of her head / mouth. She was taken to Dr E and I received bad news that her bone structure to support the lower incisors was destroyed and her incisors needed to be removed. I mention this detail to illustrate just how complicated a squirrels incisors are...

Removing an incisor from a squirrel is not anywhere as simple as pulling a tooth...

If its an out of control incisor that is still connected to the jaw bone, it for sure is a complicated intervention, but based on the 2nd video this thing is indeed just dangling and connected to some gum. She will move it around until it falls out. That will cause her pain, stress and not wanting to eat anything for days to come.

I have dealt with incisor in rodents many times back in the day, they cause the exact same issues in mice and hamsters. Seen so many abscesses from broken incisors that got stuck in the gum sideways, also followed by incisors growing crooked when old parts of a teeth remain in the gum. Related infections with bacteria, inflammations and abscesses quickly effect the eyes and the all over health of the animal.

05-09-2022, 10:00 AM
Thank you so much everybody!! Because of God's blessings and all of your well wishes, she finally made it. The tooth has fallen down 3 days back. She is okay now. Today we observed that a new one is coming.
You PEOPLE ARE REALLY DOING A GREAT JOB, helping squirrels all around the world.

We are filing her upper teeth these days with the emery board as per Island rehabber's suggestion. We need some help in this regard , how to do , what care should be taken etc...if any video is available, it would be of great help in understanding.
Would you please help us?.... Thank you all in advance....

Charley Chuckles
05-09-2022, 10:26 AM
Glad she is doing better :w00t
If you can burrito her in a fleece blanket just to expose her mouth covering her eyes so she stays calmer should help.
It may be a two person job :grouphug

05-11-2022, 12:15 PM
Okay, thank you Sir/Mam. We are doing the same but, as she's small, she always trys to hide in the blanket and so it's difficult.
Anju's upper incisors are growing inwards. Could you Please look into this and suggest us what to do???

05-12-2022, 03:50 PM
Her condition is a little serious, her upper incisors are growing inwards and we don't understand what to do with them. You might have seen many cases like this, so PLEASE SPEND SOME TIME TO HELP MY FURRY FRIEND ........
We're afraid THAT HER UPPER INCISORS MIGHT PIERCE HER UPPER PALATE if they continue to grow so.