View Full Version : Age estimate for a little one
Hi, I think this little one lost his momma, I found him today - he was in the same location for several hours and I was told that he had been there for 2 days. I wasn’t sure if I should intervene so I kept an eye on him hoping that he would climb to a nest or somewhere safe at night. That didn’t happen so I made him a bed in a box and that is where he is now, safe and warm. I am trying to figure out if he is old enough to be on his own, am hoping people can weigh in with opinions on age… for reference the little plastic cup next to him is a small fage yogurt cup (5.3 oz)
Any guesses on age? I just ordered a squirrel house that I am going to put in a tree, do you think he is old enough to be on his own?
Thanks for your help everyone!!! (Sorry about the pic I can’t figure out how to rotate it!)
04-23-2022, 11:06 PM
When they walk up to humans because mom isn't around anymore, don't get into the trees at dusk and / or make use of human help like that, they are not old enough to be on their own. Good call taking him in. I would buy or build a larger cage, something you can have indoors for now, and use as a release cage when he is truly ready. Is he eating anything? He may be dehydrated and water would be a good start. Time to order some rodent block at Henry's if possible. Avocado without skin is also a good option. Can you weight him?
It was so sad, my husband held the box next to him and the little guy (or girl) just went right in, poor little thing. I think he ate some almond/walnuts earlier. I put water and some food next to his box, blueberries, apple and walnut. He hasn’t eaten since I brought him in. I don’t think he has come out of his box, I am trying not to disturb him because I am guessing he is probably exhausted. I will give him some avocado in the morning and I will try to weigh him. Do you think he needs formula?
island rehabber
04-24-2022, 08:09 AM
At his age (8-9 weeks, I'm guessing), he probably won't take formula but you can make a quick hydration fluid:
2 cups very warm water
1.5 TABLEspoons of sugar or 1/2 TEAspoon of honey
1/5 TEAspoon of salt
see if he'll lap it on his own, or try a syringe with nipple attachment. Hard to say which he'll prefer. All he may need is some good hydration and his appetite will return. DEhydration causes lack of appetite -- which causes more dehydration - which causes death. We need to break him from this circle and get him eating again.
IN THE MEANTIME....let us find a rehabilitator for you who specializes in squirrels. I don't believe this little one's mamma is around anymore, since he's been down for several days. No point in trying to reunite, but getting him to the right person will ensure that he gets to live a happy squirrelly life. :D
island rehabber
04-24-2022, 08:27 AM
mmc, check your private messages in about 10 mins. I am sending you three options for good, approved wildlife rehabbers in Philly. Good luck!
Thank you to everyone who reached out with advice and resources! This morning I was able to reach Schuylkill wildlife center and I was able to take him there so that he can get the support he needs to grow big and strong!
I found out that he is a she :) weighs 212 grams, and is probably 10 weeks old. They thought she seemed to be in good health and expect that they will have no issues releasing her when she is ready!
Thank you again everybody!!! :grouphug
04-24-2022, 04:39 PM
I was going to suggest Schuylkill - have taken many squirrels there over the years - it is a great place. I'm sure she will do fine. Happy to hear the update and thank you for rescuing her!
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