View Full Version : Please help !!! Swollen genitals, swollen bladder, diarrhea many days
03-30-2022, 05:07 AM
My English is not good, but try my best to explain.
We rescued 3 baby squirrel around 2 weeks old (5 days) ago. Ever since we got them, they have got diarrhea.
We tried everything:
* Rehydration before feeding
* Warm water bath (39-40 degree c)
* Restrict feeding amount
Nothing worked. They are still alive, but has been on diarrhea for 5 days now.
Now, two female squirrels have swollen genitals. Photos doesn't show much, but looks small blisters all over very red swollen genitals.
They can NOT pee now!
We always stimulate with warm wet cotton gently for 2 min after each feeding, they use to pee OK. But the two females are getting worse and worse with more swollen genitals. And now even after stimulation, they can not pee.
how do I get them pee??? please please help!!!
This is my first time using this forum, I don't know how to attach photos
After I click the "photo" icon, it tells me to "Add an Image from Url", my photos are in my mobile gallery, not sure how to change it to
03-30-2022, 06:54 AM
What are you feeding? I’m not sure what’s available in your area but Royal Canin powdered Baby Dog formula will work for squirrels. If you can’t find that then the homemade goats milk formula is the other option.
Here’s the recipe: 3 parts goats milk (fresh is best. If canned or powdered it must be reconstituted with water prior to measuring), 1 part heavy whipping cream and 1 part full fat vanilla yogurt.
Here’s the link for baby squirrel care. It’s 6 pages long, but a quick read.
They may be so dehydrated that they have no urine to pass. Here’s the recipe for homemade rehydration fluid: 1 cup warm water, 3/4 Tablespoon sugar, 1/4 teaspoon salt. Reward to an acceptable temperature before feeding. Squirrels like their food fairly warm, but not hot. Continue to hydrate. A dehydrated baby won’t eat and can’t digest food if given.
In order to post a picture scroll down below the text box and there’s a tab that says “manage attachments”. If you click on it it will give you the option to upload from your files or take a new picture, then follow the prompts to upload. Don’t forget to hit the “submit reply” button to post it to your thread.
03-30-2022, 10:31 AM
Thank you so much for your reply.
Just finished reading the link. Learned many new things ( Feeding Trance, Clicking (aspiration pneumonia), etc.)
I am still not sure if I did anything wrong currently. We are in Scotland, don't have Fox Valley 20/50, so I have been using the below puppy milk, and the below self made rehydration fluid. And followed strick 3 hour feeding routing (setting alarm at night as well).
* Petlife well puppy milk (says on the pack "closest substitute to notches milk") (see attached photo)
* 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 table spoon sugar, 1 cup water (boiled then cooled to 40 degree C), always ensure temperature is around 39 degree C when feeding.
The bladders of the females are very bloated.
Just made them had 6-7 min warm bath. After very gently stimulation, male urine like tap, famle still not urine.
I already stimulated the female twice, one after bath, one 30 min after bath. Nothing come out. Don't want to over stimulate and cause more swollen. So they are currently sleeping.
But the bladder is very scarily bloated.
I have attached photos of the female, one before bath and one 30 min after bath. The bladders are still bloated like a ball.
Again, thank you so much for your reply, This is my first time having any animal babies.
I called many vets and the Scottish SPCA on the first day when found them, but grey squirrel is not protected here (only red ones). They are not allowed to tell my any information, they can only take them away and kill them.
So I got no choice but to look after them. But I am so bad with newborns. Very very stressful experience, been crying all day. They are too fragile and skinny beyond belief. Seems always diarrhea and dehydrated.
03-30-2022, 10:55 AM
I know nothing about that formula so I’d stop using it and switch to the homemade goats milk formula. I already gave you the recipe. The wrong formula will cause diarrhea so you must correct that.
Fox Valley 20/50 can be purchased online, even from Amazon. Goats milk formula is only temporary. When they get to be 4 weeks old they can be switched to the Fox Valley and left on that till they wean themselves around 10 weeks.
Here is a TSB link to another link with a video on how to express a squirrels bladder. Please watch it and attempt it very gently. If the diarrhea is still continuing then continue with the rehydration formula in between formula feedings, but please switch to the goats milk formula.
03-30-2022, 11:06 AM
If Royal Canin puppy formula is available I know that is recommended in Europe.
03-30-2022, 03:51 PM
Thank you very much Mel1959 and Spanky
We haven't found "Fox Valley 20/50" online, so we have bought "Royal Canin puppy formula" , which should arrive tomorrow
We tried the express a squirrels bladder , didn't work... I think the pee is in the two small bloated bladder. Please see attached photo, the two bloated balls beside genitals are bladders, right?
Don't know what to do now.
* If rehydrate, they possibility would die of bloated bladder.
* So we have fed some home made goat formula, the moment formula went in (just when the baby git the first mouth full), it started diarrhea... Very liquid
We begged all vets and told them we don't mind any cost at any amount, we just want them to live... All of them told us by law if we bring them in, they need to euthanize them...
We just finished feeding them.... sit here crying... I don't think they can survive very long.
03-30-2022, 04:02 PM
Give them each a couple of drops of either pepto bismal or Imodium AD. Both are anti-diarrheal medicines. You might have something by a different name. Post what you have and I’ll post these two for active ingredients so you can compare.
Continue to hydrate.
03-30-2022, 06:24 PM
I just got 3 anti diarrhea medicine and 2 antiseptic cream. Yet don't know which one is suitable. I am going to drive home now, then search on the internet and study, to see which one is suitable.
Please see attached photos:
1. Imodium (downside: ingredients contain lactose)
2. Imodium plus comfort (downside: ingredients contain something may cause allergic reaction)
3. Galpharm DiarrhoeaRelief (downside: brand not match, not sure if ingredients on the package is 100% accurate)
4. Two antiseptic cream. (I am not sure if it's suitable or not, but I will buy it first, as the only 24hours supermarket here is a long drive)
Will come back to the forum when I back home.
03-30-2022, 07:02 PM
Had a look the information for the Imodium, one of the side effect is difficulty urinating (if take too much) ....
If adult and child over 12 (this medicine is not recommended for children under 12 years of age) are recommended for 1 capsule...
I am thinking to dissolve 1 capsule in 1L water, stir, then take 1ml out for each squirrel.
Do you still think it would be too much for them? Or shall I rather give 0.5ml of the diluted solution??
03-30-2022, 07:46 PM
The trouble urinating is a side affect of taking too much. I will send you some instructions in a PM.
03-30-2022, 11:55 PM
Thank you very very very much for the Imodium information.
Below is an update.
Diarrhea seems getting much better (not completely stopped). But definitely not liquid like, more cream texture.
I am still planning to give second dose Imodium 4 hours from the first drop.
I had finished rehydration, rest, Imodium, rest 1 hour, feeding goat formula, 6-8 min bathing each of them.
As genitals are still too red/swollen/blistering all over. I am not sure I can stimulate it... (Photos attached doesn't show the redness properly, but it is a good illustration of the bloated bladders)
I had searched on Google, nothing really mentioning if I can use the below two antiseptic cream (also attached) on their blistered genital or not
* Germolene (phenol and chlorhexidine digluconate)
* Savlon (cetrimide, chlorhexidine digluconate)
Any suggestions on whether if I shall use the cream?
I am worried if I don't use any healing/antiseptic cream (there is no antibiotic cream available over the counter) , I can't stimulate them to pee.
The bladders are still getting worse ...
03-31-2022, 05:52 AM
After looking up the ingredients of those two products, I’m not sure they contain the ingredients to help with what you’re trying to accomplish. If you can’t get any type of antibiotic ointment over the counter, then I’d suggest a diaper rash ointment. Most diaper rash ointments contain ingredients that coat the skin and help reduce redness. Even coconut oil will at least lubricate for stimulating purposes.
Do you have a kitchen scale that reads in grams? Babies are to be fed 5-7% of their weight at each feeding. Example 100gr baby would be fed between 5-7cc at each feeding. (100x5%=5.00 and 100 x 7%=7.00)
You should get in the habit of weighing them each morning and jot the amount down so you know how much to feed. Any increases in formula need to be very gradual so it doesn’t result in diarrhea again.
island rehabber
03-31-2022, 07:19 AM
Just a small suggestion that may help: use just the CORNER of a paper towel or napkin, dipped in warm water, to flick LIGHTLY over their genitals. Like a feather touch, no harder. Sometimes this stimulates urination better than anything, even though it seems they could hardly feel it. At least it will not hurt them any further.
03-31-2022, 01:53 PM
Thank you so so so much Mel1959, Skanky, island rehabber.
1 female baby had total 2 drops (1 drops each time) Imodium
Other two babies had total 1 drop (only once)
Now diarrhea of all three had stopped.
All three babies already had just switched to Royal Canin (see attached). We had gave approximately 4+% body weight for the first feeding (just to start slowly). Next feeding we plan to give 5-7% body weight.
(Yes we have got electric scale)
Currently no sign of diarrhea.
Peeing still is an issue, but the redness of the genitals are greatly reduced.
We are going to get some diaper rash ointment now.
They are still alive ! Thank you soon much ! We were so stressed yesterday, but feel bit hopeful today
03-31-2022, 03:59 PM
Continue to stimulate, but they could be urinating when you hold them in the warm bath or in their bedding.
If the diarrhea’s stopped don’t give them any more Imodium.
I don’t think I’d jump immediately to 5-7% of their weight with the baby dog formula. I’d go slow and let them get used to it. Ideally you should mix up the goats milk formula in one container and the baby dog in another container. Then when it’s feeding time in a third container take a 75% measurement of goats milk formula and 25% measurement of baby dog and combine them. You should feed this for a few feedings. Next time you mix 50%/50% of the two formulas in container #3 and feed that for several feedings. Next time you mix 25% goats milk formula and 75% baby dog in container #3 and feed for a few feedings. After that you will be at 100% baby dog. By doing this it allows their GI system to get used to the new formula. Baby dog will be much richer than the goats milk formula and you don’t want them to backslide with diarrhea again.
Baby dog may also stay in their stomach longer so be sure you look at their bellies and watch the milk line. It should go down to almost nothing before you feed again. Until they have lots of hair the milk line should be visible on their bellies.
03-31-2022, 09:42 PM
Thank you very much.
* It's been almost a week, the diarrhea has definitely stopped for all. Very proper poop.
* The male had been peeing OK.
* The female with the worst condition had been treated with 2 drops Imodium and diaper rush cream (see attached) had finally peed. (She's the only one I had applied the cream so far due to her condition)
* I just applied some diaper rush cream to the other female baby who have not peed. (Her bladders are bit hard to touch) Will give her sometimes to rest and check later.
However, I think the female baby who just peed maybe(or may not?) developed aspirational pneumonia. She has some clicking sound when breathing for a quite long time, then the sound disappeared when she went to deeper sleep.
I understand I need antibiotics (even if she is not sick , I think is better to prepare some).... However in order to get antibiotics here we need to bring the baby to the vets..... So I may ask around tomorrow morning see if anyone already have some....
Again, thank you so much for helping.
04-01-2022, 06:29 AM
Yes, see if any family or friends have any leftover antibiotics. If you can find something post what it is and the strength of the medicine. We’ll also need a weight on the baby to dose.
When you hold her up to your ear like a phone do you hear a click with each breath?
04-04-2022, 02:14 AM
The male baby dead. (See attached)
Before he dead, his abdomen was very bloated. So at the feeding schedule, I have hydration (rather than mine formula). Then put him back to the nest. Then after few minutes he started to squeaking. I took him out to stimulate more for pee and poop, little poop came out, not pee. Then dead soon
Does anyone know what may be the likely reason. So I can prevent it happens to the other female babies.
04-04-2022, 02:51 AM
Male was the healthiest one, no sign of pneumonia, never issue of milk/fluid went into nose, pee OK, poop OK until lately
04-04-2022, 01:24 PM
I am still not sure if I did anything wrong currently. We are in Scotland, don't have Fox Valley 20/50, so I have been using the below puppy milk, and the below self made rehydration fluid. And followed strick 3 hour feeding routing (setting alarm at night as well).
How frequently are the babies being fed currently?
04-04-2022, 06:10 PM
As on of the squirrel had upper teeth, but none opened their eyes, we estimate there are around 4 weeks old.
Please see the attached 4 weeks old feeding time chart we use, which we found from the below link:
We feed every 3.5 hours. 6%-7% body weight. But from 10pm to 5am (not 7am).
After diarrhea stopped, until the death of the male:
* Male gained weight from 58g to 66g (on the day of death)
* Two females gained weight from 52/54g to 59/60g
04-04-2022, 06:57 PM
Are you using a heating pad? Babies must be kept warm all the time - they cannot digest formula if they are not and they can't generate enough heat themselves to keep warm. They have to be warm, and the formula does, too. If not, the formula sits in the stomach and since it isn't being digested it eventually begins to ferment and then they bloat. Young, compromised babies are very difficult. You have started with the most difficult unfortunately. I am very sorry about the baby boy.
04-05-2022, 01:53 PM
Good news, one squirrel opened eyes, it was a very sweet moment.
Below is issue regarding pneumonia:
I am not sure if the female have aspirational pneumonia yet. She clicks when she is active, but when she is resting the clicks have stopped for the most part.*
However, I understand pneumonia can take them down quickly, so I post here the medicine I have, just for in case.
norfloxacine, 0.1g (in a capsule)
Anyone has suggestions for dosage?
The weight of the female concerned is 67g
04-05-2022, 02:21 PM
It just might. It is in the same class as the drug we commonly use for aspiration pneumonia.
The size you have given is a bit of a mystery. I find only references to 400mg pills, not 0.1mg capsules (??) Where did you get it and what was it used for. Can you take a pic of the capsule showing and markings on it?
04-05-2022, 03:30 PM
It just might. It is in the same class as the drug we commonly use for aspiration pneumonia.
The size you have given is a bit of a mystery. I find only references to 400mg pills, not 0.1mg capsules (??) Where did you get it and what was it used for. Can you take a pic of the capsule showing and markings on it?
We are in Scotland, we can not get antibiotics without taking the animal to the vets. However, by law, if vets see grey squirrel, they will euthanize her.
So the only antibiotics I can find is from a Chinese colleague. The package is in Chinese.
It is 0.1g each capsule of norfloxacin, not 0.1mg each capsule.
(Please see attached)
04-05-2022, 04:35 PM
OK, I am going to try to get dosing for you for this. It will come to you by a private message, and probably will be from someone else here.
You will need a 1cc syringe with clear markings on it to dilute the meds and then to dose your squirrel.
From the studies I read online, animal testing shows it to be a pretty safe drug...but of course that is on the 400mg pill that the rest of the world is using, so safety is contingent on this being what it SAYS it is...Given that it is from China and all. Do you have any experience with that at all? I can find them available for sale on the internet...
By the way, more than a clicking noise, the first sign of aspiration pneumonia is lethargy and loss of appetite. This baby is small enough to want to sleep all the time anyway, but if she is eating enthusiastically, chances are good that the noises you are hearing are coming from her mouth and not her chest. If she eats great every, say, 3 hours, and suddenly you take her out to feed at 3 hours and she just won't, THAT is a problem.
04-05-2022, 05:06 PM
OK, I am going to try to get dosing for you for this. It will come to you by a private message, and probably will be from someone else here.
You will need a 1cc syringe with clear markings on it to dilute the meds and then to dose your squirrel.
From the studies I read online, animal testing shows it to be a pretty safe drug...but of course that is on the 400mg pill that the rest of the world is using, so safety is contingent on this being what it SAYS it is...Given that it is from China and all. Do you have any experience with that at all? I can find them available for sale on the internet...
By the way, more than a clicking noise, the first sign of aspiration pneumonia is lethargy and loss of appetite. This baby is small enough to want to sleep all the time anyway, but if she is eating enthusiastically, chances are good that the noises you are hearing are coming from her mouth and not her chest. If she eats great every, say, 3 hours, and suddenly you take her out to feed at 3 hours and she just won't, THAT is a problem.
I don't have any experience using this antibiotics, just got it from a colleague. I understand it for treating human urinary tract infections.
The baby squirrel eat extremely enthusiastically. However, she is gasping for air when awake. And sometimes she start to breath heavily while sleeping, then I pull the cloth down to her chin to let her have some fresh air. After 15 minutes or so gasping for air, she go back to sleep.
04-05-2022, 05:24 PM
I don't have any experience using this antibiotics, just got it from a colleague. I understand it for treating human urinary tract infections.
The baby squirrel eat extremely enthusiastically. However, she is gasping for air when awake. And sometimes she start to breath heavily while sleeping, then I pull the cloth down to her chin to let her have some fresh air. After 15 minutes or so gasping for air, she go back to sleep.
Could it be too warm in her box?
04-05-2022, 06:43 PM
Could it be too warm in her box?
I don't think so. It's been the same temperature.My room is very warm by itself already. I have not opened window every since I got them.
We have not used a heat pad lately. Because every time we use it, (by putting under half of the box), it got severely dehydrated. Also she both have furs.(see attached) We also have man made cotton (not sure the name, but we took it out from our duvet) in the box.
Could you please share the dosage? I don't want to leave it the last minute, better be ready for in case she suddenly deteriorate.
After the male died, I temperately put both female together for a few feedings, and now they are back to separated box.
I noticed one of the lower limb of the other female started swollen. (See attached) I don't recall she being injured. Not sure what happened.
04-05-2022, 07:10 PM
We are trying to figure the dosing out - it will be sent to you as soon as we can.
Her leg looks like something got wrapped around it, right above where the swelling is. None of the bedding has threads or stringy stuff in it, does it? The stuffing inside pillows is made up of long, stringy fibers and can cause real issues this way. Check her leg very carefully and make sure there isn't something there. Even human hairs can cause this to happen.
You are using plain water to make up your formula, aren't you? Not the rehydration fluid?
04-05-2022, 08:19 PM
I sent dosing instruction in a PM. Keep us updated on her condition in case the dosage might need to be adjusted.
Would you mind posting a few pictures of her "full body" from both the front and back?
04-05-2022, 09:10 PM
There are two baby female squirrels:
* one female is 68.8g (just weighted) , suspected to have pneumonia. Very active, but have clicking sound. Heavy nose sound. I have not give her any dose yet, I was thinking to wait until obvious change, e.g. Lost appetite.Also, there might be a possibility we can find different antibiotics tomorrow day time.
Or do you think I shall start to dose her now?
* one female is 75.6g. This is the one start to have leg issue. One leg very swollen. It is getting bigger than last time I checked it. There is no strings on the leg, it is the folds between the skin (see attached). Also see attached, the cotton like thing we take out from the duvet.
04-05-2022, 09:13 PM
When the diarrhea stopped, both female babies had similar weight. But the one with the leg issue gained a much faster weight than the one with suspected pneumonia.
Not sure the reason. Maybe one weaker, gain weight slower? Or maybe the other have swollen leg, adding to the weight?
04-05-2022, 09:23 PM
Forgot to answer a few points.
* I seen few lose human hair inside the nest, removed it.
* We make milk formula with boiled, then cooled to 70 degree C (this formula ask us to use 70 degree C temperature water, rather than 40 degree C). Then we cool down the milk temperature to 45 degree C, suck it into the syringe. Tap the bubbles out, try temperature on back of my hand, then feeding with a tilted upper angle. By the time it delivered into the baby, it's likely to be around 40 degree, consider losing heat inside the syringe.
* If at a feeding schedule the baby is dehydrated, I give them around 2.5cc hydration fluid, then wait for 1 hour, then feed 6-7% body weight milk
04-06-2022, 12:28 AM
There are two baby female squirrels:
* one female is 68.8g (just weighted) , suspected to have pneumonia. Very active, but have clicking sound. Heavy nose sound. I have not give her any dose yet, I was thinking to wait until obvious change, e.g. Lost appetite.Also, there might be a possibility we can find different antibiotics tomorrow day time.
Or do you think I shall start to dose her now?
I would hold off as you suggest especially if she does not have other symptoms like loss of appetite or lethargy. We don't see norflaxacin being used very often so we don't have a whole lot of information on it's efficacy... though it is very similar to the best medication for Aspiration Pneumonia (AP) which is Ciprofloxacin (they are both in the same class of antibiotic).
There is no strings on the leg, it is the folds between the skin (see attached). Also see attached, the cotton like thing we take out from the duvet.
The cotton like thing is "polyfil' and is exactly what we often see get wrapped around legs and arms and cause this type of swelling. Human hairs can do the same thing. It can be very difficult to see these tiny strings, especially in the folds of the skin and with the swelling. Any chance she suffered any sort of trauma, like a fall that may have caused this injury / swelling?
* We make milk formula with boiled, then cooled to 70 degree C (this formula ask us to use 70 degree C temperature water, rather than 40 degree C). Then we cool down the milk temperature to 45 degree C, suck it into the syringe. Tap the bubbles out, try temperature on back of my hand, then feeding with a tilted upper angle. By the time it delivered into the baby, it's likely to be around 40 degree, consider losing heat inside the syringe.
* If at a feeding schedule the baby is dehydrated, I give them around 2.5cc hydration fluid, then wait for 1 hour, then feed 6-7% body weight milk
We always recommend making the formula up ahead of time. About 6 hours is a good period. The mixed formula can be stored in the fridge for 48 hours or so. Letting the formula sit for a few hours before feeding helps ensure it is more fully dissolved and makes it easier for the babies to digest. I will mix it up a few times during that 6 hours after it is mixed with water. Once the mixed formula is warmed for feeding, if it is not used toss it out. It should never be warmed for feeding, allowed to cool, then rewarmed and fed to the baby. It is okay to mix the formula initially with hot water then refrigerate. (The 70 degree C seems rather warm though, I use water that is closer to 50 degree C... but I am not using Royal Canin).
It is not uncommon for siblings to gain weight at different rates.
04-06-2022, 02:00 PM
* We make milk formula with boiled, then cooled to 70 degree C (this formula ask us to use 70 degree C temperature water, rather than 40 degree C).
I just want to make certain... I understand this to mean you are boiling the water, not the formula. After the water boils, it is allowed to cool to 70 degrees C and then used to mix with the powdered puppy formula (Royal Canin). It is important that the actual formula is not brought to a boil.
04-06-2022, 04:03 PM
I just want to make certain... I understand this to mean you are boiling the water, not the formula. After the water boils, it is allowed to cool to 70 degrees C and then used to mix with the powdered puppy formula (Royal Canin). It is important that the actual formula is not brought to a boil.
Thank you very much for double check Spanky.
* Yes, we cool down the boiled water to 70 degree (according to instruction, see attached), then use that to mix with milk power.
* Once finish feeding, we leave the big cooled bottle in the fridge.
* Now, every time we need milk, we pour out what's needed into a smaller bottle. Only warm this smaller bottle to approximately 45 degree C for the babies.
However, I just started the smaller bottle transfer. Previously (before reading your previous message), I have been warming up the big bottle for upto 45 degree every time. But we don't make a lot, only bit more than 3 feedings, and discard after 3 feeding.
04-06-2022, 04:33 PM
Do me a favor. Does the thermometer in your last pic come to a point at the end? If so, carefully run it down the swollen leg on that baby. Hold it almost parallel to the leg and push the point along so it is running right against the skin (make sure not to poke him). If there is a hair or something there, yo should be able to find it when the point slips under the hair or thread. I know you can't see anything but I have seen this happen on here so many time with baby squirrels. If the thermometer is too big, you can use a safety pin to do this - blunt the tip by rubbing it on something like a nail file, or even on a cement floor or a stone.
One more thing - you mentioned hydrating them sometimes. Are you using hydration fluid or plain water? The hydration fluid with salt is meant to be used for 24 hours only. If you have continued using it, that could be the problem. Stop, and for further hydration, just use plain warmed water.
04-06-2022, 05:21 PM
Do me a favor. Does the thermometer in your last pic come to a point at the end? If so, carefully run it down the swollen leg on that baby. Hold it almost parallel to the leg and push the point along so it is running right against the skin (make sure not to poke him). If there is a hair or something there, yo should be able to find it when the point slips under the hair or thread. I know you can't see anything but I have seen this happen on here so many time with baby squirrels. If the thermometer is too big, you can use a safety pin to do this - blunt the tip by rubbing it on something like a nail file, or even on a cement floor or a stone.
One more thing - you mentioned hydrating them sometimes. Are you using hydration fluid or plain water? The hydration fluid with salt is meant to be used for 24 hours only. If you have continued using it, that could be the problem. Stop, and for further hydration, just use plain warmed water.
Just run the tip of the thermometer few times, can't see anything (see attached). However, although the swollen become bigger, the movement of the leg seems better than before.
I have been using the same hydration fluid, but only when the back test shows dehydrated. Approximately around every 3-4 feeding. Both female babies have been hydration using the same fluid.(see below)
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 table spoon sugar
* 1 cup of water.
Shall I only hydration with warm water from now on? Or warm water with sugar only (remove the salt)?
04-06-2022, 05:24 PM
Just run the tip of the thermometer few times, can't see anything (see attached). However, although the swollen become bigger, the movement of the leg seems better than before.
I have been using the same hydration fluid, but only when the back test shows dehydrated. Approximately around every 3-4 feeding. Both female babies have been hydration using the same fluid.(see below)
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 table spoon sugar
* 1 cup of water.
Shall I only hydration with warm water from now on? Or warm water with sugar only (remove the salt)?
Sorry I made a typo.
The hydration fluid is 1/4 teaspoon salt! Not 1 teaspoon salt. (See attached)
Hopefully I didn't scare anyone
04-06-2022, 05:41 PM
Yes. Stop the salt. They can have the sugar but it shouldn't be necessary.
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