View Full Version : Revolution use on lactating squirrel

03-24-2022, 04:30 PM
Is it safe to use 1 drop of plain Revolution given orally to a lactating squirrel? Babies are approx. 6-7 weeks old.

03-24-2022, 04:38 PM
Yes. In general, it is always safer to not dose pregnant/lactating moms but if you have to.... you have to. Also, do not dose the pups separately because they will get dosed through mothers milk.

Is it safe to use 1 drop of plain Revolution given orally to a lactating squirrel? Babies are approx. 6-7 weeks old.

03-24-2022, 04:41 PM
The original Revolution (just selectamin) can be used on lactating CATS... They won't have info on rodents I am sure. They also won't have info on oral use. I think that "probably" is the best we will be able to say.

03-24-2022, 04:42 PM
Is it safe to use 1 drop of plain Revolution given orally to a lactating squirrel? Babies are approx. 6-7 weeks old.

Is applying topically an option? I ask because selamectin (and ivermectin) "appear" to be safe (according to studies in cats and dogs) when administered topically.

While we know selamectin is effective when given orally (and safer than ivermectin), goving it oirally is "off label" so not studied much.

I personally would believe that it is safe to give to a lactating mother squirrel... and since these are "older kids" all the better!

(Somewhere, sometime on TSB I thought I read that someone used selamectin (or maybe Ivermectin) on all their furred intakes?)

03-24-2022, 04:56 PM
It’s not a pressing issue, if there’s a question about its safety. I can put off dosing till May has stopped feeding her babies. I thought I saw a flea on her but honestly I can’t be certain.