View Full Version : Pneumonia

03-24-2022, 11:59 AM
Ok Mt squirrel is making clicking noises, I can't tell if it's a noise they make or if it's pneumonia, he is Grey squirrel 5 weeks, there are no vets to get meds from here what do I do

03-24-2022, 12:22 PM
Hold him up to your ear like a phone so you can listen to his breathing. Pneumonia results in a clicking sound with each breath. Other symptoms of pneumonia are lack of appetite and lethargy. Either of these?

If this is pneumonia human antibiotics will work. Call around to family and friends to see if you can find a single leftover pill. Once you find something post the drug and the strength of it here so someone can dose it for you. They will also need a weight of your baby.

What are you feeding and using to feed your baby?