View Full Version : Moe and her overgrown teeth

03-21-2022, 08:19 PM
Good Evening:

I am new to this site and am reaching out to other squirrel owners for some guidance. 2 1/2 years ago, my family had 3 squirrels fall out of an Oak tree in our backyard. They were a day old. We followed all recommendations and the mother never returned to retrieve her babies. My family rescued and rehabilitated the squirrels to be released back to our backyard where we have plenty of other wildlife. We had 2 males and 1 female(Curley, Larry & Moe) At @ 5 months old Larry busted out of the cage that my husband had built which left us with Curley & Moe. 2 weeks later we had a family release of Curley & Moe in our backyard. We would awaken each morning to Curley and Moe sitting at our back door to be fed. They would eat out of our hands and approach us each time we entered the backyard. After being out only 4 days, the neighbors cat attacked Curley and he died on the way to taking him to the Vet. The next morning Moe came right to her cage and we rescued her once again. We purchased a very large cage off of Exotic pets which she has been housed in. I have recently noticed that she has overgrown teeth curving in that are extremely long which is posing a problem with her being able to eat and chew on branches, etc. Any recommedations on how to trim teeth or where I should bring her? Thank you in advance!

03-22-2022, 08:29 AM
There is a section in the Specific Ailment section on this forum about malocclusion. It shows pictures and offers advice. If her teeth are curving inward then they will need to be trimmed by either you or a knowledgeable vet. Do you have access to a vet? Im not sure what Louisiana laws are as they pertain to squirrels so I don’t want to guide you to a vet and have your squirrel confiscated.

There are videos online about how to trim teeth and there are others on here that do it regularly, I’m just not one of them. There’s also information about the correct tool to use….that’s very important so you don’t split the teeth and cause further damage.

03-22-2022, 03:00 PM
This is from another post that a rehabber posted.

Here are the ones that I have used successfully for years (Klein D275 flush cut). They were recommended by several TSB members which is why I purchased them originally:


Whatever is used should be sharp, that last thing you want it to crush the teeth.

Edit: I see you were the one that he responded to.