View Full Version : Introducing Kevin

03-19-2022, 12:07 AM
Hi All. I'm so happy to have found The Squirrel Board and to be able to post here.

Hubby & I found this little guy, now named Kevin and affectionately called Little Monster, two weeks ago while walking our pups. He was lying in the middle of the sidewalk, quiet as a mouse. So quiet, in fact, that the lead pup, Roscoe, walked right past him. A miracle indeed, because Roscoe is not small animal safe and would have made short work of Kevin. Neither pup is, but I spotted the baby before pup 2, Jack, spied him. I looked around for the mom squirrel but didn't see any sign of her. I placed him at the base of the tree I believe his nest was in and tried to walk away. I know I should have stayed to watch for Mom, but we were nearly a half mile from home and had dogs with us. "She'll come back for him," I told myself, along with "Circle of life, circle of life." I didn't make it 50 yards. I couldn't stand it. It's a fairly busy street, men with big equipment were pressure washing a building right beside the tree, and there was a dog inside a porch barking to be let outside. Plus he had cried out for Mom when I picked him up to put him by the tree. So back I went and scooped the little fella up. and he curled up in my hand immediately & went to sleep.

I knew enough to get him started and put him in a container on a heating pad as soon as we got home and hydration and nourishment after he was warmed. I did some Googling and guesstimated his age to be between 3 and 4 weeks. I did some quick shopping--found the powdered Esbilac but couldn't for the life of me locate a syringe smaller than the 10ml I had. I sent a text to a rehabber that took a baby squirrel I found a couple years ago, but she never answered. More Googling led me to Henry's Healthy Pets--ordered the FV 20/50 and smaller syringes--and Henry's led me here. (Big shout out to them because they ship so fast.) I bet I read that care guide five times over the next couple days. I realized the smaller syringes I had ordered weren't small enough, so I ordered smaller ones along with a couple of the Miracle Nipples. And I don't how I did it, but until those supplies came in, I managed to feed Kevin using that giant 10ml syringe, and I did it without him aspirating. (And he even gained 9 grams between Friday and Tuesday.) I have read and learned so much here, and I've tried to follow everything as closely as I could. Kevin is in a little bin on a heating pad in my bedroom, and the dogs don't even know he's here. I weigh him every day in grams--he started at 54 and is now at 105. His eyes opened Monday, and I'm pretty sure I saw a top tooth just starting to poke out. His appetite is great, his eyes opened Monday, and he's just starting to pee & poop on his own sometimes.

I ordered a bag of the Henry's Healthy Blocks and introduced him to a small piece on Wednesday, thinking just to get him used to the smell. Well, he took that piece and started nibbling on it like he'd been eating it his whole life. I seem to be his safety person, and he snuggles & goes to sleep in my hand after every meal. He's such a little love.

I'll have lots of questions as we get closer to his release. But for now, I'll just share some photos. Thank you thank you for all the information shared here.

Diggie's Friend
03-19-2022, 01:15 AM
Welcome to TSB LittlestMonster's Mom and Kevin; you've come to the right place.

So glad you went back to rescue him; from what you shared it was meant to be!

You appear to have the touch for feeding a nursing infant; another probably wouldn't have been able to get the drops of formula

into him safely the very first try to feed a baby squirrel using larger syringe.

03-19-2022, 01:30 AM
Welcome! :wave123

Wow, what a cutie!

Diggie's Friend
03-19-2022, 01:33 AM
Your sweet boy Keven is very photogenic!

Great photos; indicative no doubt of those steady hands of yours.

Keep up the good work!!

03-19-2022, 06:33 AM
:klunk:Welcome. We’re glad you’re here! Kudos to you for doing such a great job with Kevin. :w00t Yep, you’re in for quite an adventure raising a squirrel, but we’re glad we’re along for the ride! As any questions arise please don’t hesitate to ask.

I’m not sure if you saw the healthy diet but I’ve posted the link so you have some ideas of what to feed Kevin once he’s eating the Henry’s blocks well. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

island rehabber
03-19-2022, 07:47 AM
Wonderful job raising Kevin! :bowdown

If you do plan to release him (and I hope you do ) You may want to think about finding a local rehabber who has babies his age. If he can join them 3-4 weeks before release time it is so much better for him. He'll have a "gang", they will stick together and nest together for their first 6 months or so. :great

Glad you found us!!

03-19-2022, 10:49 AM
Oh, he is ADORABLE! I am so glad you didn't fall for that "circle of life" crap! And so is Kevin, obviously!

You simply MUST email the pic of him nomming on the Henry's block to Henry's. Leigh, the owner, is one of us and she would just love that one!

Charley Chuckles
03-19-2022, 12:09 PM
Such a doll Kevin is 🥰

03-19-2022, 09:29 PM
:klunk:Welcome. We’re glad you’re here! Kudos to you for doing such a great job with Kevin. :w00t Yep, you’re in for quite an adventure raising a squirrel, but we’re glad we’re along for the ride! As any questions arise please don’t hesitate to ask.

I’m not sure if you saw the healthy diet but I’ve posted the link so you have some ideas of what to feed Kevin once he’s eating the Henry’s blocks well. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

Yes, thank you, I have the info from the healthy diet link saved to my desktop for easy referral.

03-19-2022, 09:40 PM
Wonderful job raising Kevin! :bowdown

If you do plan to release him (and I hope you do ) You may want to think about finding a local rehabber who has babies his age. If he can join them 3-4 weeks before release time it is so much better for him. He'll have a "gang", they will stick together and nest together for their first 6 months or so. :great

Glad you found us!!

Yes, the plan is to release him. He's such a sweetie and a little love, but I know he's meant to live outside as his wild self. And I love my dogs. Trying to keep Kevin as a pet would be setting them up to fail, with Kevin paying the price for their failure. I won't do that to any of them.

The idea of Kevin joining other babies his age for release together is very logical. I don't feel my yard is the ideal place to release him, even though I'd love to be able to (hopefully) keep an eye on him. I'll look into this, thank you so much.

03-19-2022, 09:42 PM
Oh, he is ADORABLE! I am so glad you didn't fall for that "circle of life" crap! And so is Kevin, obviously!

You simply MUST email the pic of him nomming on the Henry's block to Henry's. Leigh, the owner, is one of us and she would just love that one!

Yeah, I suck at "Circle of Life" crap, always have. Hubby knew the baby was coming home with us even as I was placing him by the tree.

And I will email the photo!

03-20-2022, 07:20 AM
Yes, the plan is to release him. He's such a sweetie and a little love, but I know he's meant to live outside as his wild self. And I love my dogs. Trying to keep Kevin as a pet would be setting them up to fail, with Kevin paying the price for their failure. I won't do that to any of them.

The idea of Kevin joining other babies his age for release together is very logical. I don't feel my yard is the ideal place to release him, even though I'd love to be able to (hopefully) keep an eye on him. I'll look into this, thank you so much.

We have a member who has a rehab center near Atlanta, if this might work for somewhere for Kevin to go for release?

03-20-2022, 09:51 AM
We have a member who has a rehab center near Atlanta, if this might work for somewhere for Kevin to go for release?

Can you point me please to this person?

Ugh! Can't believe how attached to him I already am, but I know the right thing to do isn't always the easy thing to do.

03-20-2022, 02:10 PM
Here it is:

GA State Licensed
Wildlife Rehabilitator
The Cumming Nuthouse Wildlife Facility

I think he has a website for his facility. I’d try that first. You can also send him a private message on The Squirrel Board. Send it to Javarat. Private messages are accessible under the notifications heading at the top of the page.

03-20-2022, 02:25 PM
You may want to take a peek at these two threads by Javarat:



Javarat has a VERY specvial thing going. He has two neurologically damaged female squirrels, the incomparable Noelle, and her protege, Nancy, who act as "baby mamas" for his baby squirrels. They adopt the babies and live with them, cuddling, sleeping, grooming - doing everything a normal mama would do except nursing them, resulting in very happy, well adapted babies. Trust me, watch a couple of the videos and be amazed.