View Full Version : Pneumonia

03-07-2022, 08:23 AM
So I have this baby squirrel that is around 6 weeks old. I made a post yesterday about how he keeps sneezing. I called the vets and they said it could be around $400 which I unfortunately don’t have to spend.

He started this morning to make faint clicking noises. I’m really worried about him and I want to do everything I can to help him. He is still eating very well and super active.

Is there anything I could buy as an antibiotic or something that I could give him to help? My very very last option would be to take him to a vet but if there are at home things I could do, I would much rather attempt those first.

I saw some antibiotics that others are recommending but I’m not sure which is best and how much to give.

03-07-2022, 08:30 AM
Do you or anyone you know have any leftover human antibiotics stashed in the medicine cabinet by chance?

EDIT: Just checked your other post. Does he have any discharge when he sneezes and is the clicking with every single breath or every now and then?

03-07-2022, 08:47 AM
No discharge, and it doesn’t happen all the time. He will be good for awhile then start sneezing and recently he started clicked after I fed him. I’m making sure I’m going very very slow with feeding to avoid aspiration pneumonia. But he started clicking afterwards so I stopped feeding him and cleaned him up a big and after a few minutes the clicking stopped.

03-07-2022, 10:17 AM
Sometimes babies will make these weird sounds, especially shortly after a fall. If he doesn't click with EVERY breath, it likely isn't pneumonia. He may still have some sinus issues from bumping his head. Hopefully that'll clear up shortly!

If you haven't, check the roof of his mouth to see if his teeth may have damaged that area. Is he grinding his teeth or jaw at all? That sometimes may sound like a click of sorts and it's sporadic