View Full Version : Not eating blocks

03-03-2022, 01:07 PM
My 6 month old wont eat his robent blocks. I have made boo balls as well. Im not sure what else to do?

03-03-2022, 02:33 PM
Are you giving any nuts? If so, stop….all of them!

What rodent block are you feeding? All rodent block doesn’t taste the same. The best tasting block is Henry’s Picky Eater or Hazelnut. A squirrel needs a maximum of 2 per day along with healthy foods from the squirrel food pyramid. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

I have been told that one of the hard extruded blocks that tastes the best is Envigo Harlan Teklad 2018. It’s also one of the healthiest of the hard blocks. The other options are Mazuri and Oxbow.

If you’ve made your block into boo balls did you add some ground nuts to the mix? Have you experimented with different baby food varieties? Are you feeding an assortment of veggies that your squirrel is eating? Which ones?

This scenario is why we recommend that block be the first food introduced to a squirrel as soon as it’s eyes open. Only after the squirrel is eating the block we’ll do we recommend introducing veggies.

You are going to implement tough love and not give in to nuts or other foods. A squirrel won’t starve itself if there’s food available…..like block or boo balls.

Diggie's Friend
03-04-2022, 12:48 PM
Some members have found that adding a few drops of organic food grade Chia oil to the block improves it's scent and taste appeal for their squirrels. It ia also a high source of Omega 3 fatty acids which supports immune health.

Chia Oil (food grade) organic by, "Foods Alive" https://www.amazon.com/Foods-Alive-Artisan-Cold-Pressed-Organic/dp/B007788AZA

03-05-2022, 11:03 AM
Are you giving any nuts? If so, stop….all of them!

What rodent block are you feeding? All rodent block doesn’t taste the same. The best tasting block is Henry’s Picky Eater or Hazelnut. A squirrel needs a maximum of 2 per day along with healthy foods from the squirrel food pyramid. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

I have been told that one of the hard extruded blocks that tastes the best is Envigo Harlan Teklad 2018. It’s also one of the healthiest of the hard blocks. The other options are Mazuri and Oxbow.

If you’ve made your block into boo balls did you add some ground nuts to the mix? Have you experimented with different baby food varieties? Are you feeding an assortment of veggies that your squirrel is eating? Which ones?

This scenario is why we recommend that block be the first food introduced to a squirrel as soon as it’s eyes open. Only after the squirrel is eating the block we’ll do we recommend introducing veggies.

You are going to implement tough love and not give in to nuts or other foods. A squirrel won’t starve itself if there’s food available…..like block or boo balls.

I'd too avoid eating those blocks if I could have tasty and easy to chew nuts. Or fries. Or Cheetos. Or whatever my local greys get thrown at, at the park.

While all my buddies discovered my trail mix on day one, I'm now trying to introduce some better food like apple, baby carrots, cucumber and bananas. Only my female eats those so far, the other ones take it in hand, give it a bite, spit it out, and not just drop it, they kinda throw it away. Gives me a chuckle how direct they can be.

Making them eat more veggies and fruit will be a challenge with so many people cooking up much tastier stuff at the park.

03-05-2022, 07:26 PM
The foods that are usually a hit with wilds are avocado (no skin or pit), coconut chunks, chunks of fresh corn and sometimes sweet potato and sugar snap peas. You can always sprinkle a little calcium carbonate on to a bowl of these veggies to make it a little healthier.