View Full Version : Major Behavioral Changes

Snicker Bar
03-02-2022, 04:57 PM
In the last two weeks, Miracle my amputee has drastically changed. This is the girl I can pick up at night and cuddle up under my chin.

I allow she and Victoria (para) out of cage time together. V doesn’t like Miracle; will chase her, but she could never catch her and they have never fought. They keep distance, and play in the room.

But last Sat when I opened Miracles door, she hopped on my shoulder as usual, walked down my arm, and then started grinding her teeth, in my hand?!! Like , she was frustrated and had to gnaw something?? I wanted to blame it on V’s presence; she was perched too close to us, on Miracle’s cage in fact . So I blamed myself for not making sure there was social distancing before letting her out .

But later the same day, cleaning another empty cage that she was exploring, she went after my hand , again !! V was asleep in her cube! And then, at bedtime when she gets head scrtiches , she lunged and nipped a third time!!

So, two very sore hands here .

That was last Sat. Since then, I tried moving her 18 wheeler CN set up to opposite side of bedroom as far away from the others as possible. I hold my hand to the door at night, when we usually cuddle, and test her mood. It’s still foul :(

She will come out and ride my shoulder, to go to the porch, or cat tree to play. But I make sure my hands are hid! :(

I just can’t figure??

I can’t check her vulva; terrified to touch her. Is this typical??

I seem to vaguely remember a moody spell last year, but never was is this bloody on my end!

These are to be expected, I realize . She IS a wild animal. But just trying to understand what/why all of a sudden?? Nothing has changed ,
No stashes,

Just her foul mood, and many punctures on my bony hands :(

03-02-2022, 05:10 PM
It could be hormonal. But my flyer got very pissy when he didn’t feel well and had a UTI. He stopped eating, too. Is she eating ok?

Snicker Bar
03-02-2022, 06:17 PM
I think so, but last night the bowl was untouched. But maybe because I had moved her cage. I’ll see tonight when get home. She just seems so off. It scares me; paranoid after Honey, if food is left in dish.

I may move her cage back to it’s original place it’s been, and move Elliot/Sweet pea across the room. Maybe changing her spot is just adding to her irritation.

None of the other girls are acting this way at all.


This is a dumb question, but how are we supposed to react (with composure??!) when this happens??

I know they are not a cat or dog, but, does it do any good to at least say “No!!” ?? Or, just drip blood and not fuss for fear of them holding a bigger grudge than whatever set them off?

Charley Chuckles
03-03-2022, 08:05 AM
Oh Marie I'm so sorry seeing this 😕
I've been attacked before and I'm not good with keeping calm, it's more like a bee is after me and the yelling that goes with it 🙄
I wish I could tell you why she is acting this way my hunch is hormones too.
Just let her tell you when she wants lovens. Until then I'd just keep talking to her putting your hand up but not too close:grouphug

03-03-2022, 08:25 AM
I’m sorry you’ve been attacked, too. :sniff:eek. I know how painful those bites are. :sadness. I will say from my own experience it is very hard to regain the trust once it’s been broken. When it happened to me it was with a squirrel I could release. I moved her out to the release cage pronto and began the soft release process. I know this isn’t a possibility with your girl, so I think it will just take time to reform a trust.

Have there been any changes in smells….detergents etc? Its the right time of year for it to be hormones, so hopefully that’s what it is and it will pass soon.

You might consider wearing a pair of gardening gloves. I know the gloves by themselves are usually not accepted well by squirrels, but it might offer a little protection so you can do the necessary feeding and cage cleaning with a little less anxiety.

I have read and been told that putting a squirrel on its back and telling it “no” when it bites helps you maintain dominance. When it happens it’s so quick I don’t know how anyone could possibly use this method….I guess if you had a compromised squirrel….maybe…. I think making some type of loud noise when it happens that frightens them pisses them off, but it might help them associate the behavior with a startling noise and make them think twice in the future. I just don’t know??

03-03-2022, 08:56 AM
It is tough to not thrash about or reactively try to fling off a squirrel when they are biting but you don't want to hurt them.

I think Mel listed common stuff (ie new smells from a change in hand soap, hand lotion, clothing detergent, shampoo etc etc). There are also behavioral changes centered around estrus/hormone cycles that could be involved.

I wonder about putting a pair of gloves in her cage and allowing Miracle's scent to get on them, then remove them (before she shreds them) and wear them when you handle her? Also, if you are going to feed them or give them out of cage time, maybe do this with Miracle first and then Victoria second?

I would also wear a pair of safety glasses like these while this occurs, you need to protect your eyes!


03-03-2022, 09:02 AM
I got nothin', :dono just wanted to say so sorry to hear this and I hope Miz Hyde turns back to Miz Jekyll soon. You don't deserve this.

Snicker Bar
03-03-2022, 09:26 AM

This was us just a couple weeks ago after a bad day at work. She loves nighttime scratches and cuddles and kisses . She grooms my thumb and literally we both fall asleep sometimes.

Thanks Mel, I’ll try washing my hands ; maybe it’s the scent of hormones from someone in heat , or a wild from outside , it’s definitely spring here thank goodness! One day a couple weeks back, (I recorded it) she made a call /sound all day long. She didn’t seem angry, no tail flicking . Just over and over this sound /call. Maybe she was calling a mate??

I so hate she couldn’t be released :( Some said she could be, and I guess she could have survived for a time?? But the thought of her being chased by predators, or trying to carry babies with three legs?? She would not have lasted long I’m afraid. I want to make her life as happy as possible in between these moody spells, whatever I can do.

Jon got me some gloves from the shop. I did (after the second bad bite) kind of brush her off my arm very quickly and said No!!!

She absolutely hates (but tolerates V, is submissive to her). I never let them out together, ( except with V and supervised) but they all seem to have an evil habit of deliberately hopping over the ceilings of the cages (when it’s their shift for out of cage time )of those who hate them the most??! Almost as if to deliberately tick off their enemies, from the safety of the bars??! I cover everyone’s cages with fleece but still, it’s impossible to prevent this unless I segregate Miracle’s cage to a totally different place in the house. She’s had this window spot since she was a baby (she’s 3 now). Maybe I. need to roll her into the big bathroom that joins our bedroom. I just figured they benefited from seeing each other when they do have to be put up , but I maybe not if they hate each other :(

CC, I’d love to hear your story of being chased by bees, next time I need a laugh! If it’s anything like the owl story….

Snicker Bar
03-03-2022, 09:30 AM
I didn’t think of that TD; maybe give her the first shift. I’ll try that tonight.

Thanks for moral support as always Chirps!

Snicker Bar
04-06-2022, 10:06 PM
Horrible day at work. Horrible after hours hair.

But my Angel Girl “Miracle” is back :Love_Icon

Nothing makes the stress melt away like cuddles with my girls Miracle and V :Love_Icon

The others are too busy to cuddle but they help make the bad days end well :)

04-06-2022, 10:11 PM
I'm sorry you had such a bad day at work. :grouphug

But glad that your friend is helping you to put it behind you. :w00t

Charley Chuckles
04-07-2022, 08:31 AM
And she's back in her mommy's arms again ❤️😍
This is wonderful to see 😀

04-07-2022, 08:50 AM
So happy to see this! :dance