View Full Version : No bowel movements today, after amoxicillin treatment for sinus infection/aspiration

02-28-2022, 04:12 PM
Hi, I'm new to the forum. I found a baby squirrel injured on a major roadway about a week ago (probably 5 to 6 weeks of age). I've been caring for him and things have mostly been going well aside from yesterday's sinus/mucous/clicking scare. I had amoxicillin tabs with I crushed and diluted to the proper concentration based on his weight. The sinus issue has cleared after about 30 hrs. He got his appetite back and has eaten twice, but his bowel movements have been conspicuously absent since the amoxicillin treatment. Is there anything I should do to beyond the cotton swab stimulation trick? (The formula he's eating does have digestive biotics included--sometimes I add a drop or two of goat yogurt as well).

On a separate note, is anyone aware of a vet in the southeast who would take an appointment for a squirrel, or am I completely out of luck on that?


Charley Chuckles
02-28-2022, 04:42 PM
Welcome and thank you for taking in this baby ❤️
Others will chime in ....
When you say south east, could you be a little more specific. There are many many vets that will 👍

02-28-2022, 04:52 PM
What formula are you feeding? And how did you know the dosing to breakdown the antibiotic to? It’s important that you have the correct dilution and dosing for the antibiotic. Especially because the meds need to e continued for about 5 days. You don’t want to overdose him on antibiotics.

02-28-2022, 04:53 PM
If he was not eating for a bit he likely just doesn't have anything to poop out yet. As long as you aren't seeing signs of bloating, continue to feed him and potty him as usual - you do know you have to stimulate them to poop - and I bet you will see some soon.

What formula are you feeding him?

02-28-2022, 04:57 PM
Hi, I'm in GA ... can't find a vet immediately nearby with keeping him considered illegal here, but I could easily drive somewhere near the border in TN, SC or FL. Rather establish a client relationship early on in the case of another emergency or needing medication RX in the future.


Welcome and thank you for taking in this baby ❤️
Others will chime in ....
When you say south east, could you be a little more specific. There are many many vets that will 👍

02-28-2022, 05:16 PM
Hi, I found some veterinary literature which suggested dosing amoxicillin at 150 mg/kg of body weight. I went a little less at only 100 mg/kg just to see how he'd respond. And yes, I have to continued to administer every 12 hours. I intended to do so for 5 to 7 days. If that dosing seems off, please let me know. This is my first time doing this, so I don't want to make a misstep which would jeopardize his health.

As for formula, I've been using PetAg's PetLac (puppy formula) supplemented with some added lactose-free fat. If you have any suggestions for a better feed, I'm definitely listening, I was kind of at the mercy of what nearby pet stores had at the time I found him. He snout was bloody (probably fell from a tree) and seemingly near hypothermic, so it was kind of mad dash to grab basic supplies and get him home and warmed up on the day we found him.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

What formula are you feeding? And how did you know the dosing to breakdown the antibiotic to? It’s important that you have the correct dilution and dosing for the antibiotic. Especially because the meds need to e continued for about 5 days. You don’t want to overdose him on antibiotics.

02-28-2022, 05:21 PM
That's what I was hoping ... I made sure he stayed hydrated with Pedialyte, but he had no appetite for about an entire day. He finally began eating again this morning. I've been giving him both PetAg's PetLac (puppy formula), and goat's milk with a dab of added goat yogurt, in alternation. If you have any suggestions on a better diet, I'd welcome it. I'm still learning how to proceed. At least his sinus infection and mucous discharge seem to have cleared.

Thanks for your reply.

If he was not eating for a bit he likely just doesn't have anything to poop out yet. As long as you aren't seeing signs of bloating, continue to feed him and potty him as usual - you do know you have to stimulate them to poop - and I bet you will see some soon.

What formula are you feeding him?

02-28-2022, 05:27 PM
Yikes. We use a rehabbers guide called "Wild Mammal Babies: The First 48 hours and Beyond" for our dosing guide, and they use 20mg/kg.

I would strongly suggest that you transition him to a different formula. We have had lots of issues with the Pet Lac. It is designed to be a cheaper formula than the same company's Esbilac Puppy Formula. He is old enough to transition to Fox Valley 20/50, which you will have to order.

While you are there, order some blocks - he will be needing them very soon: https://www.henryspets.com/diets/ the first three products on the page/

I would recalculate the amoxicillin stat.

02-28-2022, 05:29 PM
POWDERED puppy Esbilac is the only over the counter formula we recommend. It’s the only one we’ve found that doesn’t cause diarrhea and it’s the closest to moms milk. You can order Fox Valley 20/50 online but it will likely take a few days to arrive. Your baby will be on formula till he’s close to 12 weeks old so you need to have the correct formula.

There is an amazing squirrel vet in north Florida on the east coast south of Jacksonville. Dr. Alicia Emerson, Ravenwood Vet Clinic, 386-788-1550. I also know of one near the northwest part of Florida if that’s closer to you. Let me know and I’ll look up the name.

What does your squirrel weigh? Eyes are open?

02-28-2022, 05:37 PM
Vet access: What part of Georgia are you located?


02-28-2022, 06:02 PM
Good to know. He clearly didn't like the taste (it's diluted in non-fluoridated infant water), and dribbled a decent portion of it while he wasn't feeling well--so, effectively, he probably only received 40 or 50 mg/kg on the two occasions he's received it so far. But I will adjust my dosing immediately for the remaining few days. Thanks for that info. I'll order the Fox Valley formula tonight as well. And, as an update, he finally pee'd and poop'd. He's super active this evening after a day and a half of lethargy.

Yikes. We use a rehabbers guide called "Wild Mammal Babies: The First 48 hours and Beyond" for our dosing guide, and they use 20mg/kg.

I would strongly suggest that you transition him to a different formula. We have had lots of issues with the Pet Lac. It is designed to be a cheaper formula than the same company's Esbilac Puppy Formula. He is old enough to transition to Fox Valley 20/50, which you will have to order.

While you are there, order some blocks - he will be needing them very soon: https://www.henryspets.com/diets/ the first three products on the page/

I would recalculate the amoxicillin stat.

02-28-2022, 06:07 PM
The Atlanta metro region. He was literally lying on the edge of busy street bleeding from his snout and fading in and out of consciousness when I found him last Monday. He's looking much better this evening, much more alert and active.

Vet access: What part of Georgia are you located?


02-28-2022, 06:13 PM
NW FL is probably closer in distance, though I'll try to make contact with the one in Jacksonville. It's a bit of a drive, but not unreasonable.

He's 105g as of today, and yes, eyes open. I'd guess he's around 5 or 6 wks, since his upper and lower teeth have emerged and he's fully covered in fur.

Another member suggested I switch formula, too, so I'm ordering the Fox Valley stuff as of this evening! Thanks!

POWDERED puppy Esbilac is the only over the counter formula we recommend. It’s the only one we’ve found that doesn’t cause diarrhea and it’s the closest to moms milk. You can order Fox Valley 20/50 online but it will likely take a few days to arrive. Your baby will be on formula till he’s close to 12 weeks old so you need to have the correct formula.

There is an amazing squirrel vet in north Florida on the east coast south of Jacksonville. Dr. Alicia Emerson, Ravenwood Vet Clinic, 386-788-1550. I also know of one near the northwest part of Florida if that’s closer to you. Let me know and I’ll look up the name.

What does your squirrel weigh? Eyes are open?

02-28-2022, 07:10 PM
Tha vet in NW Florida is Dr. Hubbard, Crittercare 850-726-0838, Panama City.

There’s another vet in Gainesville, FL. Dr. Molly Pearson, Micanopy Animal Hospital. I don’t have the phone number.

You’d need to call either of these and be sure the vets I’ve listed still practice there and see squirrels.

03-01-2022, 03:38 PM
I was able to book an appt with Dr. Emerson next month, since you recommended her in particular. She only sees squirrels on Saturdays, I was told, since she's usually booked for surgeries on other days. Thanks so much for the info!

Tha vet in NW Florida is Dr. Hubbard, Crittercare 850-726-0838, Panama City.

There’s another vet in Gainesville, FL. Dr. Molly Pearson, Micanopy Animal Hospital. I don’t have the phone number.

You’d need to call either of these and be sure the vets I’ve listed still practice there and see squirrels.

03-01-2022, 03:43 PM
Transition to new formula GRADUALLY. Mix up a batch of each, then mix those together - a feeding or two at 75% old, 25%new, then a couple at 50/50, then a couple at 25% old, 75%new, then finally you will be feeding just the new FV formula.

03-01-2022, 03:59 PM
Okay, I did order the Fox Valley formula ... should arrive tomorrow. I'll begin transitioning as soon as it's delivered. Today, he's been the most active I've ever seen him, climbed the leg of my jeans when he knew he was getting fed, which he's never done before. A good sign he's recovering, I think.

Transition to new formula GRADUALLY. Mix up a batch of each, then mix those together - a feeding or two at 75% old, 25%new, then a couple at 50/50, then a couple at 25% old, 75%new, then finally you will be feeding just the new FV formula.