View Full Version : Irregularly growing teeth piercing gums and mouth full of blood.
02-19-2022, 06:11 AM
Please help !
We have one and a half year old Indian palm squirrel. When she was a day old baby she fell from the second floor and her mother didn't notice her and didn't took her home. In our place, there are no rehabblers, even for normal dogs or cats . Not even a single veternary hospital ! In my country, there are not much experienced vets. We can't leave her so we took her in and raised her with guidance of websites like yours.
As she fell from the second floor, she lost one eye and her mind is also not much good ; so she doesn't eat.Goodness, my Mom tried a hundread times but she only drinks milk and other liquid food. So we didn't release her in the wild. But because of that, her teeth started growing and piercing the upper palate. We had no option but to cut her teeth. We took every precaution.
But due to cutting her teeth every week. Her teeth started growing very irregularly , we can't cut those irregular teeth, because gums are coming through. My little squirrel is in pain. Blood is coming everyday. We can't understand what to do. We are very upset because of that. She used to be a healthy squirrel roaming all the house.
Please try to understand our grief situation. Please help !!
island rehabber
02-19-2022, 06:59 AM
:grouphugsiddana, I am so very sorry your little one has these troubles.
When a mamma squirrel rejects a baby like this, it is often because mamma knows something is wrong with that baby and it won't survive in the wild. YOU did nothing wrong , nor did your Mom. But it will be very difficult to save this squirrel without veterinary help. Have you tried the colleges or universities around you? Sometimes their veterinary programs will treat wildlife -- i don't know but it's worth exploring.
Do you absolutely have to trim every week? Most people with squirrels in this condition trim every 2-3 weeks...perhaps that will reduce the trauma on her teeth and gums. Just a suggestion.
Try making her some soft foods -- she probably doesn't eat well because her mouth hurts. Grind up some fruit, rodent blocks, even puppy formula (you have Royal Canin in India -- very good products) and see if she will take it from a syringe or even a spoon?
I know others who have dealt with this issue will also come in to help.....
02-19-2022, 07:36 AM
Oh no sir, she is eating liquid food normally. Her body is healthy according to us , and she is a little chubby too, when compared to other squirrels around us. Now also, my mom is feeding her milk and other liquid food through a dropper and she takes food from it. She was perfectly normal for almost one and a half year.
We were facing these problems only for one month.
What is her problem is that her teeth, they are piercing her gums and her mouth hurts.Her body is normal according to us, because we sent her photos to a vet and he said she is fine.
Could we get some medicine, to reduce her pain or could we get some solution for her growing teeth.
Thanks you for responding fast.
island rehabber
02-19-2022, 07:44 AM
ok glad she is eating something, Does she try to chew at all? Can you use a file (emery board) to file down her teeth a bit in between trimmings?
The best medicines for pain with a squirrel are both prescription (Rx) -- metacam and tramadol. Some people here on TSB also use infant ibuprofen, which is non-prescription here in the US. Not sure about India. Someone here on TSB can provide the dosage for Infant Liquid Ibuprofen.
02-19-2022, 08:26 AM
Sir, I have sent my dad to the medical shop. Infant ibuprofen is not available. But there is this medicine available - Ibuprofen and paracetamol suspension -Could we use this?
02-19-2022, 08:30 AM
Get the ibuprophen and make sure you have full information about the strength - it is likely on the container. It might take us a bit to calculate the correct dose but this would be your best bet.
you also need a way to weigh your squirrel, as we use this to calculate dosages. Plus, you will need a 1cc syringe or smaller - no needle, just the syringe part. Perhaps ask the pharmacist if they can give or sell you one. Again, we use the syringe to measure the dosage for meds, so the dropper you are using to feed won't work.
02-19-2022, 08:34 AM
Concentration of ibuprofen - 100 mg, paracetamol - 162.5 mg. Could we take this ? It's a syrup, so we could use this in very little amounts, if we have to.
02-19-2022, 09:10 AM
Concentration of ibuprofen - 100 mg, paracetamol - 162.5 mg. Could we take this ? It's a syrup, so we could use this in very little amounts, if we have to. Could we use this after weighing her , and knowing the correct dosage?
02-19-2022, 09:48 AM
Are they both syrups? Or is the ibuprophen a pill?
FYI for everyone else, paracetamol is what the rest of the world calls what WE call acetaminophen - like Tylenol.
I would prefer the ibuprophen, as what you are looking at here is inflammation, which Ibuprophen is a lot better at dealing with. If you can give us the weight of your squirrel, and have been able to obtain the 1cc syringe, we will eventually be able to tell you how to properly DILUTE a pill and then how much of the resulting dilution to use per dose for her.
02-19-2022, 10:06 AM
It's the combination of the two in a syrup( liquid form). Can I use a drop or two as a dosage? please suggest...
02-19-2022, 10:38 AM
OK, so the 100mg ibuprophen and 162.5mg paracetamol is, I assume, the amount in one dose? How big is the dosage size? We need to determine how much of the meds are in a specific dosage so we can reduce it for a squirrel. Perhaps you could take a pic of the bottle with the dosage info.
Neither I nor anyone else here is going to be willing to "guess" on dosage. We could vastly overdose her that way.
02-19-2022, 11:42 AM
It got a little blur on posting, is it fine ?
02-19-2022, 11:53 AM
Does that say "Each 5ml contains..."
02-19-2022, 02:01 PM
Yes mam.
02-19-2022, 03:04 PM
We are trying REALLY hard to determine if this combo is safe and how to dose it - there are a BUNCH of people working on this. Please don't think you are being ignored!
Are you certain you can't get just ibuprophen without the added paracetamol?
02-19-2022, 06:29 PM
I am sending you dosing info by PM (we do not dose on the open board).
Can you post some pics? We would like to see a pic of your squirrel if possible, with something to help calculate the size of her - a ruler, a can of soda, etc. I have some info on indian palm squirrels that I used to estimate her weight but it would be nice to see a pic. More importantly, can you get us a pic of her teeth? It will likely take 2 people to do this. If you can slip something behind the teeth to hold the mouth open - like a pencil - it would be best. We may have some people who can assist in correctly trimming without having problems.
02-19-2022, 09:21 PM
At present, I am only able to take this pic (of teeth). She is not allowing us to take the photo. I will take the time and send a better picture again.
02-19-2022, 09:38 PM
We are trying REALLY hard to determine if this combo is safe and how to dose it - there are a BUNCH of people working on this. Please don't think you are being ignored!
Are you certain you can't get just ibuprophen without the added paracetamol?
Oh mam, because of people like you only, we were able to raise her for one and a half year. Thank you very much mam!
02-20-2022, 12:17 AM
In this pic, her gums are a little yelow in colour due to turmeric milk.
Once in early morning and once in late night, mom is giving her(Anju) turmeric milk with honey, since last winter.
02-20-2022, 02:45 PM
You DID get the dosing info I sent, didn't you? Let us know if you are seeing any signs that she isn't hurting as much.
And I hate to say it but maybe more tooth pics? Focus just on the mouth so they are sharp. Are you trimming the tops, bottoms or both?
02-21-2022, 12:32 AM
We got the dosing info mam and we are following the same. She got some relief with the pain because she's playing also. Here are the pics.
02-21-2022, 03:38 AM
320991 320992
Here are Anju's lower jaw teeth. We trimmed (cut) her lower jaw teeth only for once. But we trimmed (cut) her upper jaw teeth several times. That's the problem mam, because of that her teeth have become blunt,thick and irregular.
02-21-2022, 06:33 AM
What happened to her teeth mam ?
Why are they like that, like two teeth on the same side, one behind the other ? I mean the teeth in the upper jaw.
What could we do with those teeth ? Please suggest......
island rehabber
02-21-2022, 06:36 AM
Wow. Mel1959: is it at all possible for Dr Emerson to take a look at these pix and give us her recommendation? I am honestly not sure what we are dealing with here.....:dono
siddana: Dr Alicia Emerson in Florida is the USA's top veterinarian specializing in rodent dentistry. She has helped more Squirrel Board babies than I can count, both in person and through her advice. She is extremely busy all the time, but it can't hurt to ask.
02-21-2022, 06:59 AM
I can send the pictures to Dr. Emerson, but could you also write exactly what you’re seeing in her mouth, what you’ve done as far as trimming (how many times, top, bottom), if the lower tooth pierced her palate or what tooth caused the blood, so I can give her some background information as well.
To me it almost looks like the teeth have been cut too short. I have heard of instances where a rogue tooth can grow where it’s not supposed to, which would be from a genetic abnormality. Does it seem like this might be the case?
02-21-2022, 09:02 AM
Till date we have trimmed the top ones nearly 20 to 25 times and lower ones only once. We never filed her teeth. Recently the lower gum has grown unevenly. We don't know why. So the upper ones are piercing this, which is causing this blood.
02-22-2022, 01:54 PM
Wow. Mel1959: is it at all possible for Dr Emerson to take a look at these pix and give us her recommendation? I am honestly not sure what we are dealing with here.....:dono
siddana: Dr Alicia Emerson in Florida is the USA's top veterinarian specializing in rodent dentistry. She has helped more Squirrel Board babies than I can count, both in person and through her advice. She is extremely busy all the time, but it can't hurt to ask.
Then please ask her from our side sir. Sorry for the late response, as I was a little busy in my studies.
island rehabber
02-22-2022, 03:58 PM
Then please ask her from our side sir. Sorry for the late response, as I was a little busy in my studies.
No problem, siddana. Oh, I am a 'mam', not a sir. :grin3
02-22-2022, 10:36 PM
No problem, siddana. Oh, I am a 'mam', not a sir. :grin3
Oh, extremely sorry about that mam. It's just a habit to say 'sir'.
02-23-2022, 09:19 AM
Then please ask her from our side sir. Sorry for the late response, as I was a little busy in my studies.
I have sent the photos and description to Dr. E.
02-23-2022, 03:05 PM
Mel1959: Thank you very much! And, I am so sorry that I forgot to tell this - When Anju wipes her nose, she is having WHITE TEARS. My Mom once informed me that- before three months, Anju had white tears when we trimmed her teeth. Then for one month we didn't see those white tears. But again, since two months, she's having white tears - when we trim her teeth and also when she wipes her nose. What to do, I thought that I told this but I just forgot due to my studies for my upcoming examinations.
PLEASE give this info also to Dr Emerson from our side !
Island rehabber: My Mom searched this squirrel board once and she found a thread in which you, mam, told Supriya Gusain in the year 2020 that these white tears or discharge can be caused by malocclusion and overgrowth of teeth. I don't know exactly this might be our Anju's case ,but just giving info. But most of the symptoms are matching our Anju's case.
02-23-2022, 04:16 PM
White tears are a sign of pain. When you trim her teeth it is hurting her. I’m not sure what tool you’re using to trim her teeth but the type of clippers we have in the US are VERY sharp and cut very quickly with very little damage to the tooth bed. Your tooth clippings could certainly have damaged the bed/roots of the teeth and be creating further problems. Treating her with the pain reliever that Crittermom recommended will help with her pain, but use the medication only as needed as it is hard on a squirrels kidneys. If you could find a prescription painkiller called Tramadol or Metacam (Meloxicam, Mobil) it would be better for her.
I will direct someone who knows the exact type of clippers that are recommended for teeth trimmings to post a picture on your thread.
02-23-2022, 04:40 PM
Mobic, not Mobil.
02-23-2022, 04:52 PM
What you want are called side cut wire cutters. Get the smallest ones you can find, and check them to make sure the blades meet cleanly, with no gaps anywhere. They are used by electricians, and are also used in jewelry making. This is one type: They are available in different sizes but you are working in a tiny mouth so obviously small is best.
I would also try to find a metal file of the type used to file fingernails. They are small and easier to use in a tiny mouth like this. Don't try to cut the teeth in one big cut. Instead, cut a tiny bit off the ends of the teeth, then a tiny bit more, and so on, until you are done. Then use the file to smooth the cut edges and blunt them. File very gently from SIDE TO SIDE, not forward and back inside the mouth. Don't press hard - it is better to make many gentle swipes than a few hard ones.
02-23-2022, 10:01 PM
What you want are called side cut wire cutters. Get the smallest ones you can find, and check them to make sure the blades meet cleanly, with no gaps anywhere. They are used by electricians, and are also used in jewelry making. This is one type: They are available in different sizes but you are working in a tiny mouth so obviously small is best.
I would also try to find a metal file of the type used to file fingernails. They are small and easier to use in a tiny mouth like this. Don't try to cut the teeth in one big cut. Instead, cut a tiny bit off the ends of the teeth, then a tiny bit more, and so on, until you are done. Then use the file to smooth the cut edges and blunt them. File very gently from SIDE TO SIDE, not forward and back inside the mouth. Don't press hard - it is better to make many gentle swipes than a few hard ones.
Oh, we've been using side cut wire cutters only, eversince we began cutting her teeth mam. The smallest one that we could find here,(almost the same sized as yours). And also it's very sharp; my dad says Taparia's cutters are good, which are very sharp for long duration of use.
Maybe, the problem came in the way of cutting, we will change the ways according to your suggestion mam.
But what about the tears which come WHEN SHE WIPES HER NOSE, mam. We can't understand why they are coming. Normally they are not coming, they are ONLY coming when she rubs her nose.
And also, the dosing info that you sent us is very good mam, we followed strictly according to it.Once again, thank you so much for taking time and giving us the info.
02-23-2022, 11:27 PM
02-24-2022, 11:50 PM
We got a new problem. The white tears have become a little severe because WHENEVER we leave her from our hands, she's rubbing her nose and mouth severely and WHITE TEARS ARE COMING.
And the medicines that you've suggested (Tramadol, metacam) are not available in our place. We have stopped using the ibuprofen after three days of use.
Do you think this might be MALOCCLUSION. IF it is, then MALOCCLUSION and the irregular teeth MIGHT share something in common.
02-25-2022, 12:14 AM
Please don't mind that I didn't mention about these white tears when I started the thread.
It was because then, we thought it was some kind of an infection and we followed some remedies for that (we saw some result and so we were wrongly confirmed that it was an infection ). Recently, after starting the thread, we came to know that these white tears were due to her painful jaw.
02-25-2022, 05:57 AM
I’m not sure what to tell you. I have heard nothing from the doctor I sent the photos to. I’m certain her teeth are mallocluded that’s why they don’t wear down correctly and have to be trimmed.
There’s also another condition that can affect the teeth where they can grow inwards and affect the sinus cavity. This condition creates odontomas and can be quite painful. I’m not saying this is definitely what’s going on because it can’t be diagnosed without an x ray. Either of these conditions would be corrected by having the teeth removed, which doesn’t appear to be an option for you.
Have you treated her with an antibiotic? Which one? Which antibiotics can you get? I don’t know if she might have an infection as well as the other problems, but we could try a course of antibiotics. Post what you can get and the strength of the medicine.
I’d continue to give her some pain medicine so she’s comfortable. Other than that I really don’t know how to help your baby. I hope others will chime in if they have something to offer.
02-26-2022, 10:29 PM
I don't understand what did we do for the doctor (who has helped many squirrel board babies) to not reply and help my squirrel. Are the photos not good or something else ?
Maybe she'll reply after taking her time. Doctors are very busy so maybe she's not getting time.
Hope the doctor helps us ! Anyway, thanks Mel1959 !
I send the rest of the info after taking time. I was a little busy yesterday so I didn't get time.
02-27-2022, 08:29 AM
What could be the other causes of white tears from eyes ? Her teeth are also touching her lower jaw. Sometimes she's falls from the chairs, sofa, etc.
02-27-2022, 09:28 AM
What could be the other causes of white tears from eyes ? Her teeth are also touching her lower jaw. Sometimes she's falls from the chairs, sofa, etc.
She falls, not she's falls
02-27-2022, 10:10 AM
What antibiotics can you get?
02-27-2022, 10:39 AM
Have you resumed giving her the ibuprophen/paracetamol? I know I suggested only using it for a few days, but she sounds painful, and I would rather reduce that than worry about any problems from using it longer term. If you have not, I would suggest that you begin giving it to her again.
The white tears can indicate pain, or they can also indicate that she has an odontoma. These occur at the root of the top teeth - it is basically a big ball of calcium at the roots, and since there are all sorts of processes in that area - the eyes, tear ducts, sinuses, the "ball" can press on any or all of those things as it grows and cause all sorts of problems. It is frequently caused by trauma to the teeth - like what happens when a baby squirrel falls from the nest. As babies, their heads are large, way out of proportion with the rest of their bodies, and they tend to fall face first. As she has had tooth issues for a while, this is a possibility. The only way to diagnose it with certainly is by a head x-ray.
Unfortunately, the only "cure" for odontoma is to remove the teeth. Because they have a big ball of calcium deposit at the root, they can't be removed like a normal tooth, by simply pulling it out. It is complex surgery, and they have to go in through the outside of the face to do it. There are only a couple vets in the US that do it. If my squirrel ever needed this, it would be a 3000 mile round trip for me... And given that you don't seem to have good vet access, I don't imagine something like this is an option.
Now this may NOT be the problem, but it could be and I don't like to lie to people coming here looking for information and advice because it could be bad news. I would not want someone to do that to me.
Given all of that, I think the only solution is to continue to address the pain so she is comfortable, and hopefully to see if you can get your hands on some antibiotics that might help if she has an infection somewhere in there that is causing the problems she is having. Antibiotics for humans are okay. If we can figure out how to dilute and dose them for you we will certainly do so. It might take us a little bit - your formulations are different from what we have here in the US.
03-02-2022, 03:18 PM
Have you resumed giving her the ibuprophen/paracetamol? I know I suggested only using it for a few days, but she sounds painful, and I would rather reduce that than worry about any problems from using it longer term. If you have not, I would suggest that you begin giving it to her again.
The white tears can indicate pain, or they can also indicate that she has an odontoma. These occur at the root of the top teeth - it is basically a big ball of calcium at the roots, and since there are all sorts of processes in that area - the eyes, tear ducts, sinuses, the "ball" can press on any or all of those things as it grows and cause all sorts of problems. It is frequently caused by trauma to the teeth - like what happens when a baby squirrel falls from the nest. As babies, their heads are large, way out of proportion with the rest of their bodies, and they tend to fall face first. As she has had tooth issues for a while, this is a possibility. The only way to diagnose it with certainly is by a head x-ray.
Unfortunately, the only "cure" for odontoma is to remove the teeth. Because they have a big ball of calcium deposit at the root, they can't be removed like a normal tooth, by simply pulling it out. It is complex surgery, and they have to go in through the outside of the face to do it. There are only a couple vets in the US that do it. If my squirrel ever needed this, it would be a 3000 mile round trip for me... And given that you don't seem to have good vet access, I don't imagine something like this is an option.
Now this may NOT be the problem, but it could be and I don't like to lie to people coming here looking for information and advice because it could be bad news. I would not want someone to do that to me.
Given all of that, I think the only solution is to continue to address the pain so she is comfortable, and hopefully to see if you can get your hands on some antibiotics that might help if she has an infection somewhere in there that is causing the problems she is having. Antibiotics for humans are okay. If we can figure out how to dilute and dose them for you we will certainly do so. It might take us a little bit - your formulations are different from what we have here in the US.
Oh my God ! May God save all the squirrels in this world, the whole nature.....
Sorry if I had you wait, I took my exam today and there will be another exam next week. Busy schedule, like yours.
I completely understand what you mean mam, we have to evaluate all our options, even though it's a little scary. And we would not lie because if we do, that would be a loss to us. I wouldn't do such a ridiculous job
I'll tell you what actually happened .We used CIPROFLOXACIN DEXAMETHASONE EYE / EAR drops (also suggested by some vet ) when we thought it was an infection. We almost used it for two months, daily two - three times. The result came, but only for some days. After we have stopped using it, the white tears again came. After starting the thread, Mom got doubt and searched TSB a little carefully. She then got confirmed that they were due to her painful jaw. Well, that's the story.
Alright, the main thing is, few days back HER TEETH LIKE STRUCTURES BEHIND THE UPPER TEEEH GOT REMOVED, all by themselves. We can't see them for awhile. Due to that her white tears are not coming intensely. She is also not much messing with her mouth (probably that indicates she has little pain ). But they are coming everyday, atleast once.
And also, she is letting us to touch her upper teeth, which she doesn't do, because she has pain. But she is NOT LETTING US TO TOUCH HER LOWER Teeth, that might indicates that she has pain there. DO YOU THINK THERE is some INFECTION THERE ? Please suggest us some antibiotics and we'll see if they are available here or not, if you think that an infection.
03-02-2022, 05:23 PM
It is certainly possible. I am going through some tooth issues now myself, so (unfortunately) I know exactly what meds may help from personal experience.
Look for Amoxicillin Clavulanate. I helped a woman in England and it was sold as "Amoxi-clav" there. It is available as a generic drug so many manufacturers make it.
Second would be plain Amoxicillin. Another choice is a drug called Clindamycin. These are all the actual drug name, not brand names. All are used extensively for tooth root and gum problems.
03-03-2022, 06:04 AM
It is certainly possible. I am going through some tooth issues now myself, so (unfortunately) I know exactly what meds may help from personal experience.
Look for Amoxicillin Clavulanate. I helped a woman in England and it was sold as "Amoxi-clav" there. It is available as a generic drug so many manufacturers make it.
Second would be plain Amoxicillin. Another choice is a drug called Clindamycin. These are all the actual drug name, not brand names. All are used extensively for tooth root and gum problems.
Oh, I am very sorry for your squirrel mam. May both of our squirrels recover soon....
03-03-2022, 06:22 AM
Oh, I am very sorry for your squirrel mam. May both of our squirrels recover soon....
Oh, how sweet...but my squirrel's teeth are perfect. It is ME having tooth issues!
03-04-2022, 01:30 AM
Oh, how sweet...but my squirrel's teeth are perfect. It is ME having tooth issues!
Oh, didn't catch "myself" in your previous message. I'm so funny sometimes, when I am in a hurry:grin3 ! May you be free from your tooth issues mam !
03-08-2022, 02:29 PM
The white tears have NOT STOPPED coming mam ! After those teeth behind teeth got removed, we thought the white tears will stop but they haven't.
Should we use ANTIBIOTICS, or should we use PAINKILLERS ? I know I asked for antibiotics but we want clarity and , as you have said mam, we can't take risks by guesses.
And ,maybe they might not be caused by odontomas because these white tears have been coming for almost two months, and we haven't seen any change at the roots, like bulging or swelling. I have googled it and according to my information, they say it's like a tumour, and if it really is, then that tumour should grow in these two months, right ? And we don't see any growth.
03-08-2022, 02:50 PM
You can use both antibiotics AND painkillers. Start giving her the painkiller that CritterMom gave you the dosing for. There’s no reason she should have to endure pain!
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! We need to know what antibiotics you can find so we can determine if they are the proper type that will help her. Once you locate antibiotics and post the names of the drugs you can find AND the strength of the medicine someone can help you with dosing.
03-09-2022, 08:00 AM
All right, let me take some time and I'll post the available antibiotics.
03-10-2022, 03:23 AM
Plain Amoxicillin is easily available here. I will post the strength later because we know it is there ( way before I asked you about painkillers) but we haven't yet went to the medical shop. I should have told this a little bit earlier.
Diggie's Friend
03-10-2022, 11:16 AM
Now also, my mom is feeding her milk and other liquid food through a dropper and she takes food from it.
On a side note, squirrels should not be fed cow's milk; goat's milk is ok to feed, as is vanilla yogurt low sugar :)
Add powdered Calcium carbonate 100 mg to the vanilla yogurt, twice daily .
You can also try feeding soft baked squash but leave out the seed, skin and / or rind.
Mashed or puréed fruit can be also fed; then all your squirrel has to do is lick it up.
You can add a little bit of fine ground nut (the kind they eat in the wild) to the yogurt that adds more fat and protein to the diet.
Near liquid egg yolk cooled enough to feed, and offered on spoon; also fully cooked egg white puréed to ensure no choking, can also be offered.
Egg white is considered the gold standard for protein in the world.
03-10-2022, 02:31 PM
On a side note, squirrels should not be fed cow's milk; goat's milk is ok to feed, as is vanilla yogurt low sugar :)
Add powdered Calcium carbonate 100 mg to the vanilla yogurt, twice daily .
You can also try feeding soft baked squash but leave out the seed, skin and / or rind.
Mashed or puréed fruit can be also fed; then all your squirrel has to do is lick it up.
You can add a little bit of fine ground nut (the kind they eat in the wild) to the yogurt that adds more fat and protein to the diet.
Near liquid egg yolk cooled enough to feed, and offered on spoon; also fully cooked egg white puréed to ensure no choking, can also be offered.
Egg white is considered the gold standard for protein in the world.
Oh, thank you so much for you sweet advice ! We are feeding her buffalo's milk, fruit juices like apple juice, buttermilk etc.
03-10-2022, 02:37 PM
You can use both antibiotics AND painkillers. Start giving her the painkiller that CritterMom gave you the dosing for. There’s no reason she should have to endure pain!
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! We need to know what antibiotics you can find so we can determine if they are the proper type that will help her. Once you locate antibiotics and post the names of the drugs you can find AND the strength of the medicine someone can help you with dosing.
As we have Amoxicillin readily available here, COULD WE USE IT even if the thing causing her the trouble is NOT due to an infection ?
We don't know if it is really an infection Mel 1959. We can't figure it out. There is no smell coming from her mouth or eyes.
Please give me some time so that I can send you the details about the the antibiotics.
Once again,thank you to all of them who are taking concern for my little Anju :) ! Hope she gets well soon !
Diggie's Friend
03-10-2022, 04:00 PM
Interesting Buffalo; I had seen the data on that source some years ago. It was listed with the more nutritious animal milk sources in the world.
03-11-2022, 12:30 AM
Will the white tears go away after using Amoxicillin for her ? We don't know exactly that it is due to an infection though.
No vet is here to help us what is causing her the pain :sadness !!
03-11-2022, 09:04 AM
There’s no way to know if the white tears will go away if you use amoxicillin, unless you try. Using the pain medication should help with the white tears, though.
Is amoxicillin the only antibiotic you can get? Please list ALL antibiotics you can get and the strength of each one.
03-11-2022, 09:34 AM
There’s no way to know if the white tears will go away if you use amoxicillin, unless you try. Using the pain medication should help with the white tears, though.
Is amoxicillin the only antibiotic you can get? Please list ALL antibiotics you can get and the strength of each one.
Look Mam/Sir try to understand my condition. Actually I am a high school student and I am doing online classes. Due to this COVID, I am not going outside ; my parents also go very few times. There was a casuality in my family, my uncle and ever since that we try to avoid going outside, as much as possible.
I ask my dad to bring things, but what could be also do, he is not going outside that much.
And also we are a little afraid of using antibiotics too often because there are many side effects. We know how serious these side effects can be ; and Anju , she's a little squirrel, if something happens then there are no vets here to take care of her even.
She is active, eating food, playing inside the house, and she is almost fine. These tears are her only problem.
When I started this thread, those teeth behind upper teeth used to pierce her gums, and so much blood used to come know, it got me very much scared and it let me to start this thread.
03-11-2022, 10:20 AM
Then give her the medication you’ve already been dosed for the pain. The white tears are a result of pain.
If you’re not going to get antibiotics then there’s no point in discussing whether they will work or not….it’s not an option. There are side effects to all drugs but you have to put that aside and try them if you want to know if they’ll work or not.
I’m sorry, but there’s nothing else I can recommend. I’ve exhausted all the things I can think of that will help.
03-11-2022, 10:22 AM
Actually, amoxicillin is a really good drug to use for issues in the mouth - remember, I am trying to work my way through periodontal disease right now myself, and my dentist is quite upset that he cannot use it on me because I am allergic.
We do not know for sure what is wrong with your squirrel. There is no way for us to absolutely diagnose it without x-rays. So we can only try to treat any pain she has with the ibuprophen/paracetamol mixture you already have dosing for, and if she is showing signs of actually being sick with an infection - like being inactive, sleeping more than usual, not eating well, etc., to give her antibiotics. And as I said, the amoxicillin would be a good choice in that case.
We try VERY hard not to guess when dosing antibiotics. We have formulas to dilute them down and dose them appropriately for the animal based on weight. With the proper dosing, she would not get ill. I had to guess based on weight info I found online for palm squirrels when I dosed the pain meds. It would be VERY helpful if we could get an actual accurate weight on her, plus the concentration of the amoxicillin, and we can give you the information you need to dose her. You will then have it if you begin to see signs she is feeling ill.
And I am so very sorry for your Covid loss.
03-18-2022, 07:47 AM
Then give her the medication you’ve already been dosed for the pain. The white tears are a result of pain.
If you’re not going to get antibiotics then there’s no point in discussing whether they will work or not….it’s not an option. There are side effects to all drugs but you have to put that aside and try them if you want to know if they’ll work or not.
I’m sorry, but there’s nothing else I can recommend. I’ve exhausted all the things I can think of that will help.
Mam, I am really sorry. I didn't say that I'll not get any antibiotics. I really just mean that, if the antibiotics that we try on her gave her any side effects and make her ill, then we have nobody here to take care of her. What if it becomes worse ? I can't imagine that.
Anyway, as you have said in the private reply, that there are very little side effects for Amoxicillin, we may try it on her sometime.
03-18-2022, 07:59 AM
Thank you so much everybody :Love_Icon, namely Mel1959, CritterMom, Island rehabber, Diggie's friend , and all of them who have taken time and concern for my furry friend, Anju. I really appreciate everybody who have made efforts to help :w00t.
All these days, I have kept her under observation and HER PRESENT CONDITION is good, her teeth are fine, and she's not having any white tears, due to God's grace and all of your well wishes. We have started filing her teeth too, according to the suggestions given by CritterMom and Island rehabber. THOUGH, sometimes she's having normal tears, like us.
Really, THANK YOU SO MUCH :clap:Love_Icon !!!! Sometimes, I used to worry that, if something happens to Anju, there are no vets here and who will take care of her. But now, I HAVE STRENGTH THAT IF SOMETHING REALLY HAPPENS, I have you people, who are taking utmost care to save squirrels all around the world !
island rehabber
03-18-2022, 08:15 AM
Thank you so much everybody :Love_Icon, namely Mel1959, CritterMom, Island rehabber, Diggie's friend , and all of them who have taken time and concern for my furry friend, Anju. I really appreciate everybody who have made efforts to help :w00t.
All these days, I have kept her under observation and HER PRESENT CONDITION is good, her teeth are fine, and she's not having any white tears, due to God's grace and all of your well wishes. We have started filing her teeth too, according to the suggestions given by CritterMom and Island rehabber. THOUGH, sometimes she's having normal tears, like us.
Really, THANK YOU SO MUCH :clap:Love_Icon !!!! Sometimes, I used to worry that, if something happens to Anju, there are no vets here and who will take care of her. But now, I HAVE STRENGTH THAT IF SOMETHING REALLY HAPPENS, I have you people, who are taking utmost care to save squirrels all around the world !
This wonderful update is what TSB is all about -- why we were formed, why we exist, and why after 17 years on the web we are still going strong. THANK YOU, siddana and Anju. We are committed to helping you as best we can and we love success stories like this!
oh yeah....we need more pix of Anju. :serene
03-18-2022, 08:24 AM
03-18-2022, 08:51 AM
Great update! I’m so glad Anju is feeling better and we could help. :hug
04-25-2022, 12:05 PM
We got an another problem :sadness !
Since two days, one of her lower incisors became loosely held in the gums, and it started moving. This is irritating her a lot ! She's very upset and she's not eating much too. All she wants is to remove that incisor causing trouble.
PLEASE HELP MY FURRY FRIEND! Please tell us your views.
I have started a thread - " Anju's moving lower incisor " in non - life threatening help " , but I am too worried as she is showing symptoms of uncomfortableness a little severely and I am not getting any replies.
PLEASE reply !!
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