View Full Version : White eye discharge, can't walk, won't eat

01-26-2022, 02:57 AM
My sq discharging white liquid from 1week n also she cant walk or eat .. few days back she get hurt in neck area .she always scraching her head with hand n also some hair patches on her body

01-26-2022, 01:55 PM
My sq discharging white liquid from 1week n also she cant walk or eat .. few days back she get hurt in neck area .she always scraching her head with hand n also some hair patches on her body

Admin, maybe this needs a new thread?

I'm so sorry to read about your injured squirrel! Until the experts can assist you, it would help if you could post some more details, such as:

What is her normal diet and what food has she eaten since she got hurt?
Is she drinking water or other fluids?
Is she peeing and pooping normally?
Do you know her species? (or post a photo)
How old is she?
Can you handle her to examine her body?
Can you weigh her or post a photo of her next to a common household object we could compare her size to (such as a ruler, water bottle, etc.)?

If she's barely eating or drinking, try to give her warm sweetened water right away (use honey, sugar, fruit juice, etc.). It's critical to keep her hydrated!

There is a chance her symptoms are related to a common calcium deficiency called metabolic bone disease (MBD). It can cause the inability to walk, broken bones, and death without treatment. Can you get a human antacid medication with the active ingredient calcium carbonate (in North America, the chewable tablets are sold as Tums)? Calcium is also sold as a nutritional supplement (like calcium carbonate or calcium citrate powder). Make sure the ONLY active ingredient is calcium (do not use anything that contains vitamin D or other vitamins).

Here is a detailed guide about MBD and treating it with calcium: https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?32122-MBD-Treatment

Normally 250mg calcium would be given to a squirrel the size of an Indian Palm Squirrel (like a North American chipmunk). A larger squirrel would get 500mg calcium. In the beginning the important thing is to get some calcium into her as quickly as possible. The long-term treatment is divided into 5 doses per day (each dose would be 50mg or 100mg, depending on the size of the squirrel). The calcium can be mixed into whatever you can get her to eat- mashed up fruit or juice, peanut butter, etc. (It won't hurt her to have the extra calcium even if she doesn't have MBD.)

Try to locate pain medicine: Ibuprofen is often used (the preferred type is "infant drops", a concentrated, flavored liquid form of ibuprofen 50mg per 1.25ml). Tramadol or Meloxicam would also help. If you can get any of those, you'd need to post the medication name and strength (in milligrams) AND her weight or species, or a photo of her.

A low heat source such as a "rice buddy" (fill a sock with dry rice or grains or beans, tie it closed, and heat it up), warm water bottle, or warmed stones may be comforting to her (but make sure she can move away if she gets too hot).

01-26-2022, 04:39 PM
Admin, maybe this needs a new thread?

Done! Member notified.