View Full Version : Accidental naproxen (aleve) ingestion

01-25-2022, 04:09 PM
1 yo fox squirrel found an avele and seems to have eaten quite a bit of it. About a third of it I think.
Only safe vet in my area will be closed by the time I can get there.

I dont think I have actived charcoal except for a inside a brita filter. I could get some if grocery stores carry it.

What should I do?

01-25-2022, 04:54 PM

How long ago did this happen? And if this just happened, yes, I would try activated charcoal - it is mentioned in the attached article. Drug store would be the best bet.

01-25-2022, 05:20 PM

How long ago did this happen? And if this just happened, yes, I would try activated charcoal - it is mentioned in the attached article. Drug store would be the best bet.

Thank you. This happened about 10 mins before I posted, so over an hour now.
I got in touch with a former rehabber a little bit ago who was able to advise me - thought we'd already missed the window for the charcoal and the main concern now is the stomach irritation. I've offered her a half a tums and will offer milk and plain yogurt shortly - just something to help with the stomach lining.

She is not having any symptoms and is currently sleeping.

For future reference, how would one administer activated charcoal to a squirrel?

01-25-2022, 05:40 PM
Thank you. This happened about 10 mins before I posted, so over an hour now.
I got in touch with a former rehabber a little bit ago who was able to advise me - thought we'd already missed the window for the charcoal and the main concern now is the stomach irritation. I've offered her a half a tums and will offer milk and plain yogurt shortly - just something to help with the stomach lining.

She is not having any symptoms and is currently sleeping.

For future reference, how would one administer activated charcoal to a squirrel?

Pet stores have liquid and paste versions that should be kept on hand. Then you can tube or syringe feed it. Some even have tips on the bottle they come in to facilitate this.

Please keep us posted on her. She can have more than half a Tums, too.

01-26-2022, 02:06 PM
Update: she's doing just fine. No changes at all in her behavior or appetite. The poo that I've looked at today has all been normal.
She refused milk and yogurt, but ate a little crushed Tums with peanut butter last night, and I added about a quarter of a Tums to her boo balls today.

I'll monitor for GI issues over the next few days. I'll keep an eye on her urine too as this might be a bit rough on her kidneys.
She had found and destroyed a little travel bottle (:facepalm) that was originally for advil, but had been refilled with aleve and tylenol. So I am 100% confident the aleve originated from the big bottle in the kitchen... it occured to me last night to check the expiration date: December 2013.
I don't know how much potency it loses over time, but being 8 years out is probably helping us.

I didn't know pets stores carried the charcoal! I will definitely get some! We've got other animals too, so I really should have it on hand.

01-26-2022, 02:27 PM

Pretty sure Walmart has this on their website, too.

01-26-2022, 03:24 PM
Get the version without Sorbitol.

Update: she's doing just fine. No changes at all in her behavior or appetite. The poo that I've looked at today has all been normal.
She refused milk and yogurt, but ate a little crushed Tums with peanut butter last night, and I added about a quarter of a Tums to her boo balls today.

I'll monitor for GI issues over the next few days. I'll keep an eye on her urine too as this might be a bit rough on her kidneys.
She had found and destroyed a little travel bottle (:facepalm) that was originally for advil, but had been refilled with aleve and tylenol. So I am 100% confident the aleve originated from the big bottle in the kitchen... it occured to me last night to check the expiration date: December 2013.
I don't know how much potency it loses over time, but being 8 years out is probably helping us.

I didn't know pets stores carried the charcoal! I will definitely get some! We've got other animals too, so I really should have it on hand.

01-26-2022, 04:15 PM
Get the version without Sorbitol.

Why is that?
I use it a lot with dilution for bitter tasting meds. :dono

01-26-2022, 07:54 PM
There is nothing inherently bad about Sorbitol, it is very safe. It does cause pooping and the reason is that it pulls water into the large intestine. This could lead to dehydration. In cases where you are treating poisoning with charcoal, you want the patient to remain hydrated as best as possible. So, if giving charcoal for poisoning, the Toxiban without sorbitol might be better. In theory anyways, both versions would be better than not using it.

Why is that?
I use it a lot with dilution for bitter tasting meds. :dono