View Full Version : I’m new. Flyer advice?

01-21-2022, 02:58 PM
Hi! This is my first time posting to the forum.

Basically… my friend has a flying squirrel he has taken care of for years. Originally his cat had brought it in as a young baby, eyes still closed, and he brought it back to health and took care of him. The squirrel is now about 5 years old and is definitely a non releasable. I won’t get into the reasons but basically he is having to rehome his animals. I’m a potential candidate for his flying squirrel and if I take the squirrel in, I want to make sure that I’m doing everything right.

He is currently being fed- well I’ll quote 😅 “A typical meal looks like 3 acorns, an alfalfa hay cube, a sesame seed peanut roll, and a yogurt drop” “And once in a while some sliced meat “

“. He has a somewhat easy diet and and doesn't need alot of special or expensive stuff. He won't eat larvae or anything that's still moving. Every 3 or so weeks I put honey in his water (he has a water bottle) and mix it and it gives him natural sugar and he gets some nutrients from it (it was recommended by a vet)”

“ He gets chicken and egg for protein” “ And then fruits acorns nuts, some vegetables” “ And some fiber too, he likes oats” “ He eats alot of doffeent types of berries and grapes” “ He likes strawberries the most” “ He likes carrots and celery” “ And dried fruit as well, like raisens and dates” “ He refuses to eat anything that might have a slimy texture ”

I was thinking of slowly changing his diet if I get him to include some squirrel pellets, Henry flyer blocks, etc- but I don’t 100% know what’s best. (Obviously I know that he isn’t a sugar glider but) is there any special formulas you can follow for flyers like they have for sugar gliders? (Like SGS2, OHPW, TPG, etc-) to keep the calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D levels good and ensure proper nutrition?

I hear that he likes to chew a lot, makes sense considering their teeth continuously grow. I imagine that flyers would like a lot of the same stuff in their cage that sugar gliders do but would I have to be careful about plastic toys because of this?

I also want to make sure that I’m not breaking any laws if I take him in… I live in Florida and don’t have any permits for taking care of wildlife.

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

01-21-2022, 04:20 PM
:wave123. Hello…I’m also in Florida and have a flyer. I’m along the east coast.

Florida does not have strict rules about squirrels. I don’t think you have to worry about that. It’s always advisable to not post info about him on social media and such, however I know there are folks that have gray squirrels and raccoons that do. I’m not sure if they have permits or not.

Here is the link to the recommended foods for a flyer. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?37700-HEALTHY-DIET-for-PET-Flying-Squirrels

If you take this guy I think it would be wise to include Henry’s blocks in his diet. A flyer only gets 1/2 to 1 block a day. Don’t get the Flyer blocks most flyers hate them. I’d get either the Picky Eater blocks or the hazelnut. My guy prefers the Picky Eater ones. The block provides the necessary calcium in his diet. Mushrooms are also very important for flyers because they contain Vitamin D which helps them absorb the calcium. My guy likes shiitake mushrooms best.

Reading the diet your friend provides sounds like it might be higher in nuts and seeds and fruit than it should be. Nuts and seeds are treats. My flyer gets about one half of a shelled almond about once every 2 weeks and an in shell nut about once a month. I will occasionally give him a couple of raw pumpkin seeds. Never any pine nuts or sunflower seeds. He really likes dried banana chips and I will break one into small pieces and give him one as a treat.

For a protein source that doesn’t move you could try dried mealworms or PureBites dehydrated chicken. It can be found in the dog and cat treat aisle at big box pet stores. My guy also likes rolled oats and I’ll give him that occasionally. I also give a spoon of full fat Liberte’ vanilla yogurt every night….it comes from Publix….it is the brand he prefers.

In my opinion flyers are easier to care for than gray squirrels. The most difficult aspect of them is that they’re nocturnal and that they are really, really fast. Because they’re always on the move it’s hard to cuddle them. I take my guy into the bathroom to jump and run around…I have cats so he can’t be out in the rest of the house. Besides if I take him into the bedroom he hides behind the bed and it’s very difficult to coax him out. Be sure your toilet seats are always down, they have been known to drown in the toilet.

I hope I’ve answered your questions. If not, then ask some more. :grin2

Flying Squirrels can live 10+ years in captivity.

island rehabber
01-22-2022, 07:18 AM
Funny about the brands of yogurt. My flyer only ate Oui vanilla yogurt, so I bit the bullet and started buying Oui instead of good old (cheap) Dannon Greek. The flyer has long been released but I am still hooked on Oui vanilla. :grin2

01-23-2022, 01:05 PM
Thank you for the replies!

So for mushrooms I’m guessing you give them raw? Just making sure

For diet, how does something like this look:?

1 tablespoon of pellets and 1/4 or 1/2 of a picky flyer block, 1 rodent block, all dusted in squirrel multivitamins, honey powder, and sugar glider HPW powder


small ice cube sized mix of fruits, slightly larger ice cube sized mix of veggies, hard boiled quail egg with the shell, dried bugs, teaspoon of yogurt, teaspoon of oats, 1/4 of a picky flyer block, and a rodent block, all dusted in squirrel multivitamins, calcium, honey powder, and sugar glider HPW powder

Is that too much supplementation? I know that they aren’t sugar gliders, and that they aren’t even related, and that they have very different dietary requirements, the HPW powder was to add more protein and for taste, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not….

It is interesting that they have brands of yogurt that they prefer.

For inside the cage, are sugar glider toys safe?


Then I was also thinking of if I get him, giving him exercise in a tent once a week

And continuing to add honey to his water every 2 weeks because that’s what he’s used to

Do flying squirrels like sugar glider wheels? If so, is it better to have nail trimming inserts? Or without those? Do flying squirrels need nail trims in a captive setting? Is there anything extra that someone can do to enrich their life?

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer 😅

Food and supplement links because I’m still not sure what’s best:


















https://www.chewy.com/kaytee-forti-diet-pro-health-mouse/dp/123116?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12789771339&utm_content=Kaytee&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiA866PBhAYEiwANkIneLebX6S7Uqz0RL32d3Qz wKWLRuuGeEMlm_--MjHE1_JRaxsn0ep6kRoCY38QAvD_BwE

https://www.chewy.com/mazuri-mouse-rat-food/dp/124758?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12789771339&utm_content=Mazuri&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiA866PBhAYEiwANkIneFvF0kgdza_GPnygMObN aR3nhbazbGEwdnwwUvY0pV2FFIegVeVLjBoC3PwQAvD_BwE










01-23-2022, 01:22 PM
Also if I get him are there any bonding tips or things in general that might be useful to know before getting a squirrel?


01-23-2022, 09:54 PM
Thank you for the replies!

So for mushrooms I’m guessing you give them raw? Just making sure

For diet, how does something like this look:?

1 tablespoon of pellets and 1/4 or 1/2 of a picky flyer block, 1 rodent block, all dusted in squirrel multivitamins, honey powder, and sugar glider HPW powder


small ice cube sized mix of fruits, slightly larger ice cube sized mix of veggies, hard boiled quail egg with the shell, dried bugs, teaspoon of yogurt, teaspoon of oats, 1/4 of a picky flyer block, and a rodent block, all dusted in squirrel multivitamins, calcium, honey powder, and sugar glider HPW powder

Is that too much supplementation? I know that they aren’t sugar gliders, and that they aren’t even related, and that they have very different dietary requirements, the HPW powder was to add more protein and for taste, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not….

It is interesting that they have brands of yogurt that they prefer.

For inside the cage, are sugar glider toys safe?


Then I was also thinking of if I get him, giving him exercise in a tent once a week

And continuing to add honey to his water every 2 weeks because that’s what he’s used to

Do flying squirrels like sugar glider wheels? If so, is it better to have nail trimming inserts? Or without those? Do flying squirrels need nail trims in a captive setting? Is there anything extra that someone can do to enrich their life?

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer 😅

Food and supplement links because I’m still not sure what’s best:


















https://www.chewy.com/kaytee-forti-diet-pro-health-mouse/dp/123116?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12789771339&utm_content=Kaytee&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiA866PBhAYEiwANkIneLebX6S7Uqz0RL32d3Qz wKWLRuuGeEMlm_--MjHE1_JRaxsn0ep6kRoCY38QAvD_BwE

https://www.chewy.com/mazuri-mouse-rat-food/dp/124758?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12789771339&utm_content=Mazuri&utm_term=&gclid=CjwKCAiA866PBhAYEiwANkIneFvF0kgdza_GPnygMObN aR3nhbazbGEwdnwwUvY0pV2FFIegVeVLjBoC3PwQAvD_BwE










I don’t know what sugar glider HPW is? Don’t dust his block with any extra vitamins. Henry’s blocks are full of vitamins which is why he only needs one per day. The rest of his diet should consist of veggies and fruits from the healthy list. Squirrels can get too many supplements and it can be equally as harmful as not enough.

Yes, mushrooms are raw. You need to give some greens like kale, arugula, endive, escarole, broccoli, radicchio etc.

I didn’t go through all of your links but got through most. Don’t buy the Exotic Nutrition starter kit. You could buy dried rose hips from them but not the other stuff. Get the Henry’s Picky blocks not the Flyer blocks…..they like the picky ones better. The Envigo and Mazuri rodent block you found is correct. If you can get a small bag of each without it costing too much you could see if the squirrel will like one better than the other. Envigo is a high quality block but neither need dusted with any other supplements. They are complete nutrition. Chances are good he won’t eat either as they’re not real tasty and he’s older, but you can try. Henry’s has a straight calcium powder with no vitamin D. Vitamin D in large quantities is toxic so don’t give calcium with it in it.

Here’s the link for the wheel I have. https://www.mygliderwheelsandmore.com/shop-for-wheels.html You can get it with or without the nail files. I’m not sure they do a whole lot.

Here’s the link for a bonding pouch. https://www.etsy.com/listing/732532766/small-or-large-sugar-glider-bonding?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_d-pet_supplies-other&utm_custom1=_k_EAIaIQobChMI0IH_mL7J9QIVCCiGCh0N5gJ rEAQYCiABEgLQz_D_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_1844702832_70433309420_346398313651 _pla-314535281660_c__732532766_450694185&utm_custom2=1844702832&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0IH_mL7J9QIVCCiGCh0N5gJrEAQYCiAB EgLQz_D_BwE
You can try putting him in it, but he may not tolerate it since he’s older.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

02-14-2022, 03:02 PM
So—— something happened between me and my friend and, simply put, I don’t think I’m going to end up with his flyer, but I hope everything gets figured out and everything goes well for him.

I saw 2 flyers on Craigslist listed as Sugar Gliders, not bonded, the female being 1 year old and the male being 2 years old. I was curious so I reached out and they said they aren’t flying squirrels but sugar gliders… They don’t look like sugar gliders but rather like flying squirrels… Basically… I got them.

I figured I might as well since I was already mentally preparing for a flyer and that happened between me and my friend so… I plan to give them the best life I can provide (within my ability to do so, I’m 19).

Since I got them on Valentine’s Day I named the male Valentino and I’m still coming up with a name for the female. (Feel free to provide suggestions)

I’m hoping to get them a cage upgrade (after bonding them), give them a more species appropriate diet, and get more cage items for them.

Thank you for the tips I’ve gotten so far and any more people have for me are welcome, please remember that I’m a person just like you 😅

Thank you!!

02-14-2022, 05:46 PM
Can you post a picture? A picture will help us to determine if they are flyers or sugar gliders. Please be aware if they are a male and female, whether flyers or sugar gliders, they are likely to mate and produce babies. If this were to happen there have been instances where there is a possibility of the males killing the babies. It’s usually best to separate the male from the female prior to birth. I know for a fact flyers WILL mate in captivity and males will kill the babies.

02-14-2022, 06:16 PM



To me they look way more like flying squirrels than they do sugar gliders

Yeah, that was one of my concerns considering that they are opposite sex…

I decided on names: Valentino and Petal

Petal seems to absolutely love mealworms

Valentino might be afraid of live mealworms, can’t tell yet…

I also gave them some mushroom to nibble on

Tomorrow I think I’m going to get more fresh food for them, and at some point I should probably upgrade the caging…

02-14-2022, 06:58 PM

Petal seems to absolutely love mealworms


I am concerned about what appears to be a lump on the chest in this picture?

Careful on the meal-worms, they have terrible Ca-Phos ratios, much like nuts.

02-14-2022, 10:12 PM
I posted this link before, but here it is again. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?37700-HEALTHY-DIET-for-PET-Flying-Squirrels Offer foods from this list along with some type of rodent block like Henry’s Healthy Pets Picky Eater or Hazelnut block. You can buy them online at Henry’s Pets. They should have no more than one block each per day. Another good source of protein is chicken or eggs. You can buy dehydrated chicken at pet stores. It’s sold as treats for dogs and cats. It’s called Pure Bites.

Could you post another picture of the chest of the one that Spanky thought he saw a lump on?

02-15-2022, 01:21 PM



That’s the squirrel people said they might’ve seen a lump on.

Also, does anyone have any tips for bonding with flyers?

Today Valentino seems to be a little on edge, kinda looks maybe hormonal? Just an observation… Not quite sure how to describe what I mean


I’ll see if I can maybe order some picky or hazelnut Henry flyer blocks today

02-15-2022, 01:44 PM
Another good source of protein is chicken or eggs.

I use the Pure Bite freeze dried chicken and eggs for the flyers too... just a note... the eggs should be cooked. Scrambled or hard boiled are both well received. Some folks put a bit of cheese into their scrambled eggs.

The flyers I release are provided crickets and grasshoppers to acclimate them to catching and eating insects.



The more recent picture is reassuring that Valentino is okee dokee... it was probably just the camera angle in the other picture. :thumbsup

02-15-2022, 02:30 PM
The best way to bond with a flyer is to buy a bonding pouch from either an online source or a pet store. The bonding pouches have a zipper and air holes and you wear it around your neck. You can tuck it inside your clothing if you like to allow them to get your scent. Since your guys are older they may resist a pouch. If you’re going to attempt it I’d do it in the daytime when they’d typically be sleeping.