View Full Version : Baby Southern Flying Squirrel needs help

01-20-2022, 05:29 PM
Hello ladies and gentlemen. My friend found a baby flying squirrel and gave it to me. It’s been with me since January 14 2022. I have no experience with such animals. It’s a little bigger than a mouse. Has no fur on its sides. I feed it esbilac 3-4 times a day 3-4ccs each time. Plus I leave walnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, apple and grapes for it to eat, and it does. Goes to bathroom regularly 3-4 times a day.I got a cage 2x2x2. Made a little house out of a box and attached to the roof of the cage. Squirrel moved in and spends a lot of time inside. It used to jump around all night long , but last night was a lot quieter and sat in the “house” quite a bit. I just need some advice on what to do next. Should I handle it or not , and if yes, then how? Do they bite? And how is it even possible for a squirrel to be so young at this time of the year? I read that they are done mating in July, so the youngest ones should be at least 4-5 months old…? Right? Somebody please help, I really want to help this squirrel and do it right, but have no clue. I did some research on my own, but internet articles contradict each other sometimes… Thank you very much in advance.

01-20-2022, 05:34 PM
Another thing is, should I let it out of the cage? I probably should, but how, since I’m not handling it? There are so many questions…

01-20-2022, 06:19 PM
First, no nuts, no seeds - fruit and veggies are fine. To replace the nuts, go here: https://www.henryspets.com/squirrel-diet/ and buy a bag of the Henry's blocks - my flyer by far prefers the hazelnut blocks. They are made for larger squirrels so I would cut them in smaller pieces - my boy insists on having his block cut into three slices :shakehead.

Can you take a pic? We will be able to calculate his approximate age that way. Does his/her fur look somewhat "greasy?" Juveniles have fur that looks like my hair after it hasn't been washed in a few days for some reason.

If this baby is to be a pet, you need to start handling now! If you are planning on releasing, you need to find someone who has other flyers to release him/her with. They live in groups and a singleton released without others will not fare well.

01-20-2022, 07:57 PM
I do have pictures, just need to figure out how to post them… I will look it up. I am not sure about the future. The original plan was to keep him over winter and release when it gets warm. But I’ve been thinking, would it be even more of a trauma… and if kept as pet, how does that usually work? I had a rat, and it was free range in the house, came and went in and out of his cage. Does this guy need a huge cage? And when they are out, do they attempt to hide? Do they jump all over the place? Do they switch from nocturnal lifestyle? I will order the food you recommended, but for now, can I give it hazelnuts? I do have some…

01-20-2022, 08:21 PM

01-20-2022, 08:27 PM
This link should lead to his/hers photos probably not the mos convenient for viewing, but the best I could do right now. These were taken on the 15th… I will take more tonight, once he is out of his box/house…

01-20-2022, 08:38 PM
This is him tonight

01-20-2022, 08:40 PM

01-20-2022, 08:43 PM

01-20-2022, 08:59 PM
So freakin' cute!

01-21-2022, 11:12 AM
He looks young but not too young.

I think you first need to decide whether you intend to keep him or find a rehabber with other flyers for him to be released with come spring. If you are going to let him be released finding someone now that has flyers and can take him would be ideal. It would give him a chance to bond with them prior to release. They usually bond best when they’re young. If you need help finding someone we can try to help you.

If you intend to keep him you should be prepared for a long term commitment. They can live 10+ years. His cage set up should be as large as is reasonably possible. It should have tree limbs to climb on and a hanging bed/cozy cube for him to sleep in. As he matures he will switch from diurnal to nocturnal. My flyer wakes up around 9:00 pm. At that time I interact with him and feed him. Here’s the link for the flyer diet. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?37700-HEALTHY-DIET-for-PET-Flying-Squirrels It is very important that squirrel diets are adhered to. They cannot have too many nuts. Nuts and seeds are high in phosphorous which creates an imbalance in the calcium to phosphorous ratio within the squirrel. This imbalance causes calcium to be pulled from the squirrels bones which can lead to metabolic bone disease. It can be deadly if left untreated. Nuts and seeds are treats….not a mainstay of their diet. They also need a protein source. It can be wax worms, mealworms, chicken, egg, cheese etc. My flyer likes dehydrated chicken PureBites dog treats. Most flyers like yogurt. I give mine a spoonful of full fat vanilla yogurt every day.

As CM said, if you’re going to keep him you need to begin handling him now. You can also buy a bonding pouch at pet stores to put him in and wear him around your neck. This helps in forming a bond with him.

How do you feed him formula if you don’t handle him? Did your friend handle him? They are incredibly fast….and yes they will hide places. When they’re young like this they tend to stick close to you but you want to be sure you have no holes in drywall or under cabinets that he could get into. Always close toilet seats, they can drown in the toilet. They can bite, but usually when they’re young it’s not as prevalent. My guy has to take 15 seconds every time I reach into his cage to smell my hand to be sure it’s me. :grin2

As you can see there’s a lot to keeping one as a pet. They are not nearly as cuddly as gray or Fox squirrels. They also don’t chew things incessantly like gray and Fox squirrels. Because they are social they enjoy interaction but because they rarely sit still it’s a challenge.

01-21-2022, 12:31 PM
Thank you so much, Mel1959!!! I am seriously considering the future. I have resources to keep him, except for one - space! And I realise that it’s probably the most important thing… The benefit of the animal is a priority for me, so right now I’m leaning towards releasing. If there’s anybody around who can do that properly I would be open to working with them. I did order the food recommended in one of the previous posts, but it will take a few days to get here. What can I feed him meanwhile? I have steel cut oats, millet, can buy stuff like bulgur wheat. Just to hold him over. I see that there’s a long list of stuff, but there’s no carbohydrates mentioned besides blocks, which are still a few days away for me. But I will get yogurt and egg for him. Will that alone be enough to sustain him for a few days? Plus fruit and veg of course…
My friend only kept it for one day (overnight) and he wore gloves when handling him. Plus squirrel was very weak at the time. When I got him I did handle him a few times, just grabbed him with a small towel or washcloth and fed him that way with a syringe. But he would wrestle in the process. So then, when I made a small house for him on the sealing, I just stick the syringe into the “door” and he grabs it and eats, and when he is done, he (or she) plugs the “door” with the tissues that are inside. And that’s how I know that he had enough… At this point I’m just afraid of him escaping from my grip, he is like liquid. He did run away once already. My friend gave him to me in a box, it was late and I left him in there overnight. Even though the walls were high, the squirrel jumped out. I found it inside the couch!!! Thank God I did!! It wasn’t easy chasing him all over couches’ guts… I don’t even know how I was able to get him back!!! Needless to say I was on my way to a pet store looking for a cage ASAP!!!
How old do you think he/she is? And why is there no fur on his sides?
Again, I can’t thank you guys enough for any help and advice!

01-21-2022, 01:33 PM
Let’s see if we can find someone that can help with release. Can you transport him if necessary?

I think he will be fine with veggies, fruit, egg and yogurt until your blocks come. He can only have 1/2 to 1 block a day. The rest of his diet will be foods off the healthy diet I sent you.

You can try taking him into a bathroom to let him out and interact with you. Just make sure there’s no openings under the cabinets and the toilet seat is down. Does he act aggressive by charging the cage at you? Young flyers usually aren’t very aggressive unless they’re scared.

It looks like the skin where the hair loss is is very red. Is it? Is it crusty at all? It could be from mites or mange. I hope others will look at the pictures and give their advice. Revolution is a Rx drug that is used for dogs and cats. It can be given to squirrels to control mites and mange. If you could get some of that you could treat him with one tiny drop placed on his skin or put on a nut for him to eat. You could also get some betadine and dilute it with water to look like weak tea and apply that to the red area. Don’t rinse just let dry. It will help if the hairloss is due to something bacterial or fungal.

If his fur is greasy looking then he’s young. I’m a terrible judge of age. Hopefully others that are better at it will chime in.

01-21-2022, 01:46 PM
Here is a contact in New Jersey that may be able to help with release. Jean Parker, Garden State Wildlife Center, Howell, NJ 07731, 732-908-2345.

01-21-2022, 02:21 PM
We are more than willing to transport him to a place where he will be properly socialised and released.
When my face is close to the cage he comes right up to me and just stares at me with a defiant look on his face 😆… Sometimes bites the bars, but less and less… If I try to pet him, he jumps like a lightning in the direction of the opposite wall, so I jerk my hand away instinctively, and that’s the end of the conversation…
Actually the bold spots are not red at all, and not scabby or crusty… they have like peach fuzz on them. And are very pale pink in colour. They used to be a little more pink when I first got him, but I think peach fuzz got more prevalent… It’s not mange, my friend who found him was adamant about that, he’s seen mange. He doesn’t look greasy either… It looks healthy overall, with just bold patches. I do have only one drug for parasites it’s called ivermectin for rats, ferrets etc. (I used to have a pet rat). Do you know if it would be safe for a squirrel. If need be. Right now I don’t think it is necessary. My rat had mites one time and I have an idea of what to look for. This guy doesn’t seem have it. But I am opened to other opinions… He is also very well groomed, I see and hear him grooming before he comes out!

01-21-2022, 03:04 PM
I did call the place you recommended and left a message. Waiting to hear back from them.

01-21-2022, 03:21 PM
At the present time I wouldn’t use ivermectin, especially if you’re not sure it’s warranted. Ivermectin is very strong and it’s easy to get too much and could harm him.

01-22-2022, 07:48 PM
Hello again, everybody! This is the latest update. We took our lovely squirrel to a rehaber. They have another lonely flying squirrel there, so they will be waiting for the spring together. I am very sad 😢… I will miss my little not so furry friend… I will keep in touch with the rehab and receive updates about my squirrel until the day of release will come. Thanks you all!

Charley Chuckles
01-22-2022, 08:35 PM
I know it's a bitter sweet but they will both have each other and that's awesome :grouphug
Good job 👏