View Full Version : Please help. Lethargic, weak, can’t balance…

01-10-2022, 03:12 PM

Please help.

I’ve contacted several clinics here in SoCal, and haven’t received any responses which has ultimately led to me joining this forum.

Coworkers, and myself have been looked after our little fox squirrel, but I fear he’d do much better in capable hands.

He seemed to be doing fine until about 2 weeks ago. He survived a 2nd nearly fatal attack from a hawk, but it seems like he may have a concussion?

I could really, really use some help from a rehabber or someone who can come look at him local.

01-10-2022, 04:19 PM
I have NO direct experience with this place, but there was someone here a few weeks ago who brought her squirrel to Westminster Vet Group - https://www.westminsterveterinarygroup.com/

You will need to question them directly to determine if they will see your little friend. I believe that fox squirrels are considered invasive non native so it may be an issue and one you would want to know about BEFORE you bring him there. I made note of the practice just because so few vets will even SEE squirrels. I hope they are close enough and can help you...

Diggie's Friend
01-10-2022, 06:52 PM
Are you wanting support to care for him and then keep him as your pet or to find a forever home for him perhaps? If so, I know of a vet that helps those with squirrel pets. In that case, I the financial part would be your responsibility. Save for State rehabilitators; I don't know of others presently that would be willing to help take on his care in my general area. As you must know by know, if he were found not able to recover, or didn't recover short-term. State rehabbers would euthanasia him.

I wish I was in good enough shape to lend some help myself; yet as is, I'm dealing with a rather painful back injury that makes this impossible. I also have come down with some kind of bug, not sure what it is as yet.

Diggie's Friend.

01-10-2022, 10:45 PM
I have NO direct experience with this place, but there was someone here a few weeks ago who brought her squirrel to Westminster Vet Group - https://www.westminsterveterinarygroup.com/

You will need to question them directly to determine if they will see your little friend. I believe that fox squirrels are considered invasive non native so it may be an issue and one you would want to know about BEFORE you bring him there. I made note of the practice just because so few vets will even SEE squirrels. I hope they are close enough and can help you...

Thank you for that info. Especially about them being considered ’invasive’ due to be non-native. Treatment from your typical vet/staff being unlikely.

Lots of great info on this site, a bit overwhelming for trying to absorb as much as I can to give our little fur baby a fighting chance.

Are you wanting support to care for him and then keep him as your pet or to find a forever home for him perhaps? If so, I know of a vet that helps those with squirrel pets. In that case, I the financial part would be your responsibility. Save for State rehabilitators.

I don't know of others presently that would be willing to help take on his care in my general area. As you must know by know, if he were found not able to recover, or didn't recover short-term. State rehabbers would euthanasia him.

I wish I was in good enough shape to lend some help myself; yet as is, I'm dealing with a rather painful back injury that makes this impossible. I also have come down with some kind of bug, not sure what it is as yet.

Diggie's Friend.

I’d love to find a forever home for him. Absolutely. Before becoming injured, he was always playing outside, but there’s a radio tower near our building that houses around 4-5 hawks.

Having been attacked twice in such a short time period, that pretty much voids any chance of him being able to enjoy the outdoors.

I’ll take him outside for about a hour or so, but he kinda just falls over on his side. Takes about 20 mins or so for him to warm up and catch his balance. Even then, his mobility is pretty limited.

I’m skeptical of state-rehabbing due to him being a ‘invasive squirrel’. I don’t want him just cast aside.

I’m sorry to hear about your injured back. Back injuries just plain stink. That said, have some chicken noodle soup and some spoonfuls of honey to help with the bug that you’re coming down with.

01-10-2022, 11:28 PM
A course of Prednisone may help with his neurological issues.

Diggie's Friend
01-11-2022, 02:12 AM
One thing I'm sure of, is that the species status of invasive never has been the deciding factor for rehabilitation in this State. Be it E. Gray squirrels, Fox squirrels, or native species; all are offered support of rehabilitation save for during baby season I'm told. We are not yet into that cue, so that might still be an option depending on his condition that would need to be evaluated. This means there is a real risk to his survival if it turns out he is not releasable.

What is needed, is a home where he can be cared for the rest of his life. I would ask at the vet's office without revealing your name or location, so you can determine e whether or not there may be someone they may know that can step in and take up the care of this fox squirrel. Again species isn't an issue in this State, releasability is.

Diggie's Friend
01-11-2022, 10:01 AM
See articles on the use of Vitamin B 12 methylcobalamin for head and nerve injuries in rodents.



01-12-2022, 01:33 PM
Would it help if I was able to post a short video showing the difficulty he has with mobility?

He just lays on the heating pad all day, hardly moving.

01-12-2022, 05:33 PM
Yes - and did you see the post about the prednisone? Can you contact friends and family to see if you can get your hands on any?

01-12-2022, 08:31 PM
Yes - and did you see the post about the prednisone? Can you contact friends and family to see if you can get your hands on any?

I did, on the prednisone post. Unfortunately no connections on the prednisone.

Hopefully these videos work.




01-12-2022, 11:09 PM
I did, on the prednisone post. Unfortunately no connections on the prednisone.

Will prednisone 2.5mg tablets will work? How many needed?

01-13-2022, 09:32 AM
Will prednisone 2.5mg tablets will work? How many needed?

I could work with 2 to get 5mg but 4 would be better to get 10mg for more volume.

01-13-2022, 04:22 PM
Arriving tomorrow afternoon: 6x 2.5mg pred (extra to be safe); 0.5, 1, and 3 ml (AKA cc) syringes; Henry's Wild (peanut), Henry's Hazelnut, Teklad, and Mazuri blocks; Henry's calcium carbonate.

Besides instructions on how to prepare and give the med, Scratch is going to need a crash course in caring for a "neuro" squirrel in captivity (especially if mobility improves). Can someone post some help with diet, indoor safety, etc.?

01-13-2022, 09:21 PM
Meds are dosed by body weight, preferably in grams.
Scratch you need to get/post a weight on your baby.

01-14-2022, 12:19 AM
Wow. I’m speechless. You guys/gals have been absolutely phenomenal.

I’m very humbled by the help that I’ve received, and I’m excited and eager to see the results.

I don’t have the means to weigh him, but a educated guess would probably be around 0.75 lbs or 340 grams.

I tried to get him to take some tums, but he wasn’t having it. I’ll try a different method tomorrow.

We had a set-up outside which worked well. Fenced off area that offered a safe haven from bigger predators. Had a bed, nesting material, and a heating pad when the temperature started to dip.

Since his latest injury, we’ve relocated him indoors where he’s warmer, safer, and monitored on a more frequent basis.





01-14-2022, 02:42 AM
What a sweet face! Thank you for caring for him!

Just a note for the thread: given his symptoms + a nut/veg/fruit diet, I suggested trying some Tums until he's eating the healthy blocks. I gave Scratch the Henry's MBD treatment link, but dietary help is needed beyond that.

01-14-2022, 03:40 AM
Check your private messages for Prednisone dosing.

01-14-2022, 09:25 PM
Scratch and I say thank you!