View Full Version : Need urgent help in New York City

12-19-2021, 02:10 AM
I am a lower east side resident in NYC. The City is in the process of demolishing East River Park- home to many colonies of squirrels. If there is a rehabber in the area who can help can you please contact me at evejosephson@icloud.com. This is an urgent time sensitive matter. They are cutting trees with no regard to the wildlife whose habitat they are destroying. We were hoping the State Court of Appeals would uphold the restraining order they issued- but we have lost the case.

island rehabber
12-19-2021, 07:15 AM
Hello neighbor. This is awful and so typical of NYC in their disregard for wildlife.

Have you contacted any of the (well, there are only three of them) licensed NY State rehabbers in NYC on the DEC list? First names are Arina, Michelle and Pilar -- I can contact them for you if you haven't already. I don't want to blast out their numbers on the open Board.

At least they are not doing this during baby season -- unless they continue into February and March. Not sure what can be done, to be honest, but rehabbers should be alerted! :madd

island rehabber
12-19-2021, 07:22 AM
Here is the sad story, for those interested:


12-19-2021, 08:54 AM
So disgusting and frustrating. It's as though NYC is deliberately doing everything wrong, for what? To show they can, and the people's needs and wishes don't matter? :frustratedx

island rehabber
12-19-2021, 12:46 PM
There is so much corruption with big projects in NYC....especially during this mayoral administration. :shakehead Huge amounts of money get appropriaated, then disappear. There is obviously a very good lucrative reason why this park is being destroyed.

Charley Chuckles
12-19-2021, 07:38 PM

05-19-2022, 09:45 PM
New York City. My home. The city I love and hate in equal amount.

About a year and a half ago I was riding my scooter and came across a dead squirrel. flattened across the city street.
This was near my house, so I couldn't stop thinking about its dead little body which kept getting run over by each and every passing vehicle. It bothered me to the point where I had to grab two of those little digging tools for gardening and go back out two blocks away to scrape its little squirrel body off the street and place it into a garbage bag. Some off duty construction worker looked at me like I was insane. I then walked to the park and buried the squirrel in an area I knew most dogs wouldn't be able to disturb or pee in. I named it Squirrely, just to keep it simple for when I pass by and place some nuts on his grave. A few weeks later another dead squirrel was laid out at the bottom of a tree not far from Squirrely's grave. He looked kinda chubby so I named him Chungus. Why was I giving names to dead squirrels? I don't know. I retrieved the digging tools from my home, went back and buried Chungus not far from Squirrely. Chungus seemed to have been killed by another animal.
New York City is an unforgiving place for humans. What chance does a squirrel have against the forces of nature, other animal predators, unleashed dogs, stray cats, hungry hawks, rampant raccoons, greedy rats and terrible drivers?

I've been with Ardi, my pet squirrel, for over three years now. He's one of the loves of my life and reminds me everyday that he loves me back.

I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul who comes to my home, attempting to take him away.

They had better come ready to kill me. And I promise it won't be easy.

My apologies for this little rant. I do not mean to come off as crazy. I'm just thinking about what all the squirrels in that park are now going to do. Most people here don't care. It's New York City.

island rehabber
05-20-2022, 07:25 AM
Hi neighbor, from City Island in the BX. Thank you for treating those poor dead squirrels respectfully, and for caring for the one you have. Please please be careful of nasty neighbors (basically, in NYC, that's all we've got, right?) and DEC police when it comes to keeping your squirrel a secret. (Don't be like that idiot Bernie Goetz, parading your squirrel around until the cops stop you!)

Glad you found us. There is so much good info here about caring for a non-releasable squirrel that can help him lead a healthy, happy life. If your squirrel should ever show signs of wanting to be OUT (believe me, you'll know), just ask me about release sites in Westchester County. I have two and they are squirrelly paradise.

05-20-2022, 06:07 PM
Hi neighbor, from City Island in the BX. Thank you for treating those poor dead squirrels respectfully, and for caring for the one you have. Please please be careful of nasty neighbors (basically, in NYC, that's all we've got, right?) and DEC police when it comes to keeping your squirrel a secret. (Don't be like that idiot Bernie Goetz, parading your squirrel around until the cops stop you!)

Glad you found us. There is so much good info here about caring for a non-releasable squirrel that can help him lead a healthy, happy life. If your squirrel should ever show signs of wanting to be OUT (believe me, you'll know), just ask me about release sites in Westchester County. I have two and they are squirrelly paradise.

Thank you. You are too kind. Just a few questions, if you wouldn't mind...

1) How would I know if he wanted to actually leave me as opposed to just getting some fresh air? He's escaped twice due to human error but he has never gone more than 15 feet away from my window.

2) What are some early signs of MBD? His belly has lost a little bit of fur but I think that is from him sleeping on something that is rubbing at his side. ( I am very on top of his diet with HHB given to him twice a day at least. Along with fruits veggies and nuts. I carefully follow the pyramid diet from Henry's) He's very active and energetic and loves to play. He shows when he needs a break to catch his breath lol.

3) Is it normal for a squirrel to become obsessed with a human? My partner says he is obsessed with me and that's why he follows me everywhere all over the house.

4) The first time I ever order Henry's blocks I purchased the "Hi-Protein blocks". Not long afterwards I switched him over to Picky blocks which he eats regularly now. I'm just curious to why Henry's stopped making the hi-Protein. Any idea?

Feel free to ask any questions as well. I love conversing about him.

Thanks in advance,

island rehabber
05-21-2022, 08:19 AM
Souds like you are making every effort to do the right thing, Kacey. I will try to answer your questions and hope others may chime in as well. It's baby season and my brain is fried :grin2.

The fact that he leaps out your window at all is a sign that the outside is attracting him. Every so often we see a grey squirrel here who just will not leave home, does not enjoy the outdoors and is terrified by the sights and sounds. If your boy is happily popping out of a window he wants to be out there. The fact that he stays close is typical squirrel; they gradually widen their exploring once they've determined that wherever they are is safe. Each day (or sometimes each hour) they go a bit further. It's the opposite of what a dog does, bursting out the door and running like a bat out of hell in one direction. :grin2

Early signs of MBD are: lethargy, not supporting himself properly with hind legs, overgrowth of nails, unwilling to crack a nut (weakened jaw strength). If you believe you see any of these symptoms, act immediately. MBD is painful and will kill.

The 'obsession' with you is typical squirrel. You are his mom for now and you are also his playmate and sibling. They are typically one-human animals although they do not imprint the way birds do. (So the myth about "I can't release him because he's imprinted on me" is just that: a myth.) We've had people here whose gentle, playful squirrels suddenly bit the heck out of their spouse, kids and mothers-in-law. Very typical behavior.

Hope I helped a little.

05-21-2022, 11:15 AM
The first time I ever order Henry's blocks I purchased the "Hi-Protein blocks". Not long afterwards I switched him over to Picky blocks which he eats regularly now. I'm just curious to why Henry's stopped making the hi-Protein. Any idea?
Likely comes down to supply and demand...
It may have been due to poor sales of that particular block and not being cost efficient to keep producing them.

02-14-2023, 09:09 AM
Hi neighbor, from City Island in the BX. Thank you for treating those poor dead squirrels respectfully, and for caring for the one you have. Please please be careful of nasty neighbors (basically, in NYC, that's all we've got, right?) and DEC police when it comes to keeping your squirrel a secret. (Don't be like that idiot Bernie Goetz, parading your squirrel around until the cops stop you!)

Glad you found us. There is so much good info here about caring for a non-releasable squirrel that can help him lead a healthy, happy life. If your squirrel should ever show signs of wanting to be OUT (believe me, you'll know), just ask me about release sites in Westchester County. I have two and they are squirrelly paradise.

Hi Island Rehabber :),

I read your post about release sites in Westchester County. Is it you, who's doing soft releases or do you know rehabbers who do?

My friend rescued two, that she over wintered. She asked if I know someone who does soft releases somewhere in NY, where is basically squirrel paradise.

island rehabber
02-14-2023, 09:20 PM
Hi forestfairy. I would like to speak to your friend about her squirrels and will send you a private message with my phone number. In the past I would release anyone for anyone but in recent years I've had some problems with people releasing squirrels who are truly not prepared to survive on their own so as I said I'd love to speak with her and we can go from there. :Peace