View Full Version : 10 yr old flying squirrel with a bulging red eye

12-17-2021, 08:06 AM
Hello, I have two Southern flying squirrels I’ve had for 8 years. One was given to me and he was already grown so I’m estimating him to be either 9-10 years old. Over Thanksgiving his right eye started to swell above and below. There is something white in the corner. We took him to our vet and they gave us steroid drops drops which we faithfully put in his eye for 10 days. It wasn’t helping so we stopped. It is now swollen worse than ever and now it’s red and irritated. It hasn’t affected his appetite and he is still very active. Can anyone suggest what I should do next. Could it be a tooth issue, or a tumor or possibly an infection? I can take a picture and post is it will help.

12-17-2021, 10:55 PM
We took him to our vet and they gave us steroid drops drops which we faithfully put in his eye for 10 days. It wasn’t helping so we stopped.

What exactly was the name of the drug / drops and for how many days did you apply before stopping?

Could it be a tooth issue, or a tumor or possibly an infection?

Yes (have you checked her teeth?), yes and yes.

I can take a picture and post is it will help.

Yes, a picture would be most helpful.

12-20-2021, 09:58 AM
What exactly was the name of the drug / drops and for how many days did you apply before stopping?

Yes (have you checked her teeth?), yes and yes.

Yes, a picture would be most helpful.

Thank you for replying. The drops were Dexamethasone. They didn’t help. Fortunately, we were able to get him in to see a new vet on Sunday morning who specializes in small exotics and flyers. She checked his eye and there are no cuts or scratches in it. She checked his teeth the best she could. She said it may be that. She prescribed Enrofloxacin every 12 hrs for 14 days (an oral antibiotic), and also Metacam the same dosing instructions ( an anti-inflammatory). We are supposed to follow up in January for a progress check. If that doesn’t work they said they may refer me to New Orleans to a specialist that can sedate him and x ray him to determine if it’s a tumor or tooth. She said he has the surgical tools small enough to operate if it’s his tooth. I’m concerned that may be a lot to put him
Through at his age so I’m praying the meds work.

He was sleeping this morning so I didn’t get that photo. I’ll try to take one this evening and post when he’s up and about.