View Full Version : Aspiration Pneumonia

11-28-2021, 10:34 AM
Hi! So I don't know if I'm just being paranoid but this seems like the place to ask.
I feed Elliot with a 3cc syringe (Esbilac and Fv 20/50 mixed 50% each because the FV full strength makes his stool a milky white even though I've been feeding him 7% of bis body weight at each feeding)

So I'm worried he has AP but he does not make a click all the time. When I hold him up to my ear all I hear is a heartbeat. When he is asleep there is no click but when he is awake and running around he occasionally makes a small clicking sound. I thought it was just squirrel noises but now I'm scared to death he has AP. He is eating his formula and rodent blocks with no issues and is his normal self if a bit more snuggly than usual. But he has been making this occasional click for weeks so if it was AP it would have made him very sick by now wouldn't it? He is playing and acting normal but I know squirrels are hardwired to not show injury and illness so I'm not convinced
I ordered baytril just to have on hand and I'm asking around to see if any of my friends or family have a spare pill or 2 incase you guys do think it could be AP

I'm so worried!

11-28-2021, 12:10 PM
So I'm worried he has AP but he does not make a click all the time. When I hold him up to my ear all I hear is a heartbeat. When he is asleep there is no click but when he is awake and running around he occasionally makes a small clicking sound.

Aspiration Pneumonia (AP) causes a persistent click... think of it as like having the hiccups: They cannot not click. Occasionally, or maybe rarely, AP may be an intermittent click, but not very often at all. Other signs of AP include lethargy and loss of appetite, so based on your post I'd say he does not have AP.

All squirrels "click" intermittently, especially after eating. This is a "mouth click" which an AP really originates in their lungs.. but it is hard to tell the difference without quite a bit of experience.

I ordered baytril just to have on hand and I'm asking around to see if any of my friends or family have a spare pill or 2 in case you guys do think it could be AP

This is terrific. Everyone raising baby squirrels should have antibiotics on hand that can treat AP IMO.

11-28-2021, 08:04 PM
All squirrels "click" intermittently, especially after eating. This is a "mouth click" which an AP really originates in their lungs.. but it is hard to tell the difference without quite a bit of experience.

This is terrific. Everyone raising baby squirrels should have antibiotics on hand that can treat AP IMO.

That's so good to hear. It's usually before I feed him while I'm getting the bottle ready and after he's finished eating. I'm convinced it's not AP at this point because it is definitely not a constant click and it's coming from his mouth not from his chest at all.

I thought it would be best to have some on hand just incase he does end up with AP at some point!

Thank you so much for the reply I appreciate your time 🙂🙂

11-29-2021, 12:31 AM
Totally agree with Spanky and just wanted to address this question...

But he has been making this occasional click for weeks so if it was AP it would have made him very sick by now wouldn't it?
Weeks would not be involved, aspiration pneumonia takes them down and out fast!
Without immediate antibiotic intervention some may last a couple days, for many it's just a matter of hours.