View Full Version : need adult-relocation release timing help!

11-14-2021, 06:39 PM
Hi all,

Back with more re JoJo, our super friendly ~5+ year old wild who moved with us so we continue to look out for her. There is an long thread (or two) on the whole story. Right now she is 3-weeks along in her release cage and we want to minimize the chances of her trying to go to her old home 1.5 miles away.

She has met the wilds here who come every day to get a little extra food we put for them, and they stay around her cage and they interact a bit. She knows the lay of the land here pretty well I feel. Only issue is that she has been very reluctant to be anywhere near us after we moved her - makes sense but I guess we were hoping she'd warm up via treats after a bit. She was super friendly and would go into our old home, jump on us, never bite... really special. We feel this has been hard for her but she is in a good enclosure and using one of the three nesting boxes I plan to use to help out here (relocating two and leaving one in the open cage).

I was hoping she'd come down and maybe take a treat from us before she is let out. I also remember the early advice saying she needs a *minimum* of three weeks. She comes out for my wife (who didn't "trap her") but not for me too much. Bruxes at her but always stays on her nesting box "porch".

Not sure what else to add here to help get advice on this timeline. Trying to balance her getting out soon for her sake as she seems not super happy, and the risk of dangerous flight. I know it will always be a gamble but would hate to assume we have done enough instead of sticking in there for a week or two more.

Thank you in advance.

11-20-2021, 05:48 PM
She is seeming less upset I think but keeping to herself mostly. My wife is having better luck but no world where she would come to us for food like before or even like a random wild might.

We are four weeks this Sunday (tomorrow). I need a moment to get the tree guy lined up who will get two of her nesting boxes in w her up HIGH in the two target trees.

Still wondering re timing and thoughts. I can’t undo the release…

11-20-2021, 09:30 PM
She is seeming less upset I think but keeping to herself mostly.
Still wondering re timing and thoughts. I can’t undo the release…
I know you probably don't think so but your report actually sounds ok and typical after following similar stories for a year now. Remember Jojo doesn't know the cage is temporary like we do. It may take a long time for her to act like she used to. It's not bad she's hanging back, their instincts drive them and she's just being a smart little squirrel; nothing personal. Others who have gone through this say they are really intuitive; can sense your worry and and reflect it back so maybe just casually hang out near her, express you're happy she's with you, and how she's so gonna love her new home etc,.

Oh, you probably know but I believe the entrances to the homes should not face north or west to avoid winds etc. Maybe put some nesting material in her cage with her so she can inspect and put her scent on it before placing it into her other nest boxes in the trees, so she'll know it for her and other squirrels will know too.

My guess would be to just wait for a warm spell so she can be comfortable exploring but you're in CA so I guess that isn't probably an issue. A good suggestion I've heard is to release mid morning after the wilds have already snacked and dispersed if you feed them.

Anyone else? Do you think this has been enough time for Jojo and is her behavior indicative for a good release?

11-21-2021, 04:38 PM
Thank you so much. I look forward to additional input.

Let me say, she is acting fine w my wife (who didn’t close her in a cat carrier / move her). Jo will go right to the wire and sniff her, normal behavior from before. I doubt she could hand feed Jo but recently she is pretty ok with her. I doubt I’d be as concerned if she wasn’t acting the way she does with me. So… given this, should I just expect that my relationship w her will take a lot longer to fix (ie after release)? We are thinking next weekend since we are having a tree trimmed in the coming days and have to be prepared to place her boxes etc…

I would hope she warms to me but again maybe that’s a never thing, I feel like I broke the squirrel code. I would never ever ever harm her intentionally and am so careful but she clearly has me connected to the unintentional trauma of the initial move. She does seem to be pretty okay except for me.

I am not sure if the goal should be where Tina can feed her or if it’s just better to get her out sooner at this point. Next weekend is the five week mark.

Thanks again for your reply, I really appreciate the feedback!!!!!

11-24-2021, 02:37 AM
Hi, wish I could add something more definitive but it sounds like you're doing everything "right". sundoesshine seems to have covered everything about boxes and bedding and making it hers. You are probably right that your relationship with Jo will take longer to mend, but there is always hope. I am glad she seems not to hold any grudges with your wife at least. I too would wonder if Jo is depressed at being caged and how much it would restore her faith in you to be released, but I also would want to know she's had all the necessary time to adjust. So hard to know what's right. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I am SO hoping this works out the way you hope. You deserve it because you are doing it all for Jo.

12-03-2021, 04:39 PM
...but recently she is pretty ok with her. I doubt I’d be as concerned if she wasn’t acting the way she does with me. So… given this, should I just expect that my relationship w her will take a lot longer to fix (ie after release)?

I am not sure if the goal should be where Tina can feed her or if it’s just better to get her out sooner at this point. Next weekend is the five week mark.

I've been away for the holiday, have you released JoJo yet? I do think it will take a while before she'll accept food again but it will happen. I personally don't think releasing needs to be reliant on getting her to trust you as much as before, that will just come in time. If anyone feels differently please chime in.

Our wilds that come and go are hesitant if it's been a few weeks or months since we hand fed them but they always learn to trust again. Not sure how much you've read, but most hand raised squirrels go down to accepting only one human, usually female, once released, so it almost sounds like your JoJo, although wild, may be using that type of instinctual behavior while she is getting used to her new yard and that is fine.

12-03-2021, 10:23 PM
Thank you!!

Tomorrow (Sat) is the day:

Early release after AM rush (10A?)

Two less-used nesting boxes in her release cage (2 of 3) will go: one close and as high as we can (that tree will only be 20’ or so) and then the hero tree she also see, aiming for a good 40’ plus there.

Will be careful on winds / direction. Will wire open her feeding door.

Any thoughts or concerns?

Thank you!!

12-04-2021, 12:50 PM
Tomorrow (Sat) is the day:

Yay! I didn't miss it, how exciting. Maybe leave a trail of her favorite foods to direct her to the tree. I'd was going to say be near the food so she associates you with it, but I'm sure she'll be wary, so watching nearby is probably best. I just told my husband that you were doing the release and he asked if you were livestreaming it.:rotfl But seriously you should video it.

12-05-2021, 01:58 PM
Yay! I didn't miss it, how exciting. Maybe leave a trail of her favorite foods to direct her to the tree. I'd was going to say be near the food so she associates you with it, but I'm sure she'll be wary, so watching nearby is probably best. I just told my husband that you were doing the release and he asked if you were livestreaming it.:rotfl But seriously you should video it.

She's been fed this morning and of course, today she isn't being as social as the last 48hrs or so... she's been out and we want to associate the door being open with us but also just want to make sure she has a lot of time today with winter hours.... we have a good vantage point down below and are going to try and hangout and observe (and video if we get lucky). just dunno if she will even exit but anyway she now has the choice so lets see when she feels good to go out - knowing anything squirrel it will be what she chooses and nothing I can predict :)

We are very positive which is a great change, although everyone was nervous last night at bedtime just thinking we were doing this today. We just want things to go okay for her no matter how she plays her cards. 🤞

Trying to attach a few photos - the area she is being released in (there is a nesting box very close there) and then the "hero spot" that can been seen from that hill she is on but isn't quite as close, high up in a Chinese Elm that seems very squirrely. 😎


12-05-2021, 02:58 PM
We are very positive which is a great change
That is good to hear, it must feel great to have it finally done and in her court now, you've done so well by her, I'd sure be happy there if I were a squirrel, it's much more wild than I imagined; it looks like a dang rain forest!

I'm not sure how or if squirrels even store much food in warm climates but if she did have stashes, remember she doesn't have access to them anymore so she may want extra food to rebuild them and feel secure although I really don't know how that all works in this instance. In other words I just wouldn't worry about overfeeding little JoJo. Congratulations on getting her this far and fingers crossed that she gets comfortable very soon ::w00t

12-08-2021, 09:54 AM
Oh hooray!!! And yikes, butterflies!!! I've been wanting to check up on you guys. Was thinking abut Jo and it occurred to me she is a big girl and not a baby needing all that time to learn about the outside. Was worried she might get depressed to an unhealthy stage if she stayed in much longer. BUT totally get the worry about what she will do once released.

Everything sundoesshine said about giving her as much food as possible makes a lot of sense to me. I hope it makes her remember you as a great food source so she stays right there. As you say, the ball is now in her court. I hope she takes advantage of all you've given her.

12-09-2021, 07:20 AM
Any updates?

12-17-2021, 05:54 PM
I do not have a lot of new information unfortunately, hence the lack of posts. Sorry I could have jumped in with this sooner but really just have been confused and a bit depressed about this to boot.

We thought we saw Jo a few days ago. We are feeding out near her old area and there are now the three squirrels we knew were around that she met and even more appearing. It has been hard to identify at distance. One squirrel who was alone and also looked have a wounded foot had a lot or look to it (by appearance, not movement, so hopefully not too severe). Then we have had heavy rain and worse I feel, some really strong cold for So Cal (high 30's!). We have been really worried and just making sure there has been food which also keeps the area pretty active. We look mostly when we have 'fed out' the locals as I feel she would show up in a lull.

On the bright side, the weather has improved recently and we have some sun and more just a brisk (for CA) 60 degree high today. Feeding and spending more time outside, quiet, watching. Have bought binoculars to help ID them since some of the "oh that's her!" moments from prior were debunked pretty fast (ie, oh that's not a girl squirrel ha).

I am hoping for some good news that she has stabilized out there and has a rhythm and is okay. Or maybe she has left but then I have thoughts of the worst. She got where she has by being super sufficient and while it breaks my heart to imagine her hardship recently I am just trying to stay hopeful. I really want to have an end with some sun and us feeling that this was not a bad idea. Jury is out, fingers are crossed / hands clasped.

12-18-2021, 07:32 PM
I do not have a lot of new information...a bit depressed about this to boot.

Understandable, what I've learned on this board is no news doesn't always mean good news, usually it's just the same ol news.

I am sorry it's been such a tough run. We are human and tend to project human behavior onto things, so just remind yourself that she's a little wild being and didn't leave "you" she is just "being" somewhere else.

I can also let you know you are in very good company with that hole in your heart, unknowing feeling. My guy was released in the heart of last winter. Through the summer he visited or would hang around daily but would disappear for weeks at a time. By the 3rd time I wasn't even worrying because he'd always magically reappear. He sloowly weaned himself from us until it was down to nothing by fall... I look for him Every day hoping he'll reappear just once so I know he's well. Sad thing is they do all look alike though don't they. Something I forgot to say was to snip a bit of her tail fur off so you can recognize her.

One good thing about your situation is that she's Wild 🙂, Her instincts have guided her this far so she's got to have an edge there. And if she feels the need to relocate, it's ok too, just because the location looks great to us humans, doesn't necessarily mean it's so in a squirrel's mind. Without you at the old house, she probably would have had to move anyway it sounds like. Have you considered seeing if the new owners of your old house are squirrel friendly in case she shows up there? I also had to remind myself that they can stay in other abandon dreys when going out on sabbatical. I had the pleasure of watching mine build 3 different dreys around the yard. Each taking about a half day. Made me feel better knowing he could make "home" anywhere. I also realize after reading this board how Incredibly Tough squirrels are, so all we can do is sit back and hope they are out there living their best little lives.

PS We had a wild we hand fed for several years that "disappeared". Over a full year later, she returned. I don't know what made her leave as there really wasn't competition. All I could think of was someone else was feeding her or she moved near one of the houses with chickens to eat their food. Strange things can happen so never give up hope.

12-20-2021, 12:24 AM
Thanks for the reply. We removed the release cage and intend on sort of re-focusing to make this place squirrel Shangri-La... Jo will always be primary around here. That is in our hearts today, hopefully some more interaction... mean time we will get word out that this place has great food and see what that does. There are two boys, looks like a father & son combo who are here. Big dude the elder one. Pauli and Henry have stuck for names. There might only be one other regular we know of, a pretty petite girl who lives on the other side of the house as we can tell. So those two are characters and I think Pauli or Henry was visiting Jo in her cage daily (the boy on the outside or top of the cage for hours). I wasn't sure the sexing back then but now we have the binoculars. That too is a bit new for us, at the old place, even when we were squirrel crazy with Jo, her kids and others there ... maybe 4-8 coming around ... I believe there was ONE little boy who was in her recent litter. Not sure what to expect when we have TWO dudes who consider this area around the old cage home. I am sure Jo can handle it but maybe that is also a reason for some space.

That's all I have today but let me try and keep you updated. Sending love into the squirrelverse our here. 😎🐿

12-20-2021, 12:24 PM
We removed the release cage and intend on sort of re-focusing to make this place squirrel Shangri-La...
Not sure what to expect when we have TWO dudes who consider this area around the old cage home. I am sure Jo can handle it but maybe that is also a reason for some space.

My first thought was oh no, you're taking away her cage! But then I remembered - she is wild and that cage is Not a good thing in the JoJoverse, so man, that was such a good idea. For all JoJo knows, she could be relocked in that dang thing, I'd be staying clear of that too!

I don't know much about squirrel dynamics, I wonder if that stuff is even known or predictable, would be interesting if any elders have input. A question I have is, do male squirrels try and mate with many females (thus changing territories) or do they stick around with the same female?

Anyway the only behavior I know about is when we released our jr, the main players in the area were a Mama squirrel and a huge Studly male. Turned out Mama was fierce and Studly became jr's friend (allies against mama?) At some point Studly moved on, and to our Great surprise, we discovered jr and mama doing the most adorable frolicking courting dance on our deck one day. Soon after jr trailed off his visits. The minute the kids were grown Mama left the house to them and moved somewhere up the hill (she was really sick of the kids!) and was hit by a car. We were sad, but she had a good run; had a quick death and she didn't have to endure the upcoming harsh winter at least.

So now we feed some of their offspring; a friendly pair of brothers? that use one of the dreys that jr built (I swear he knew he was leaving and built it for the family as he never used it). So the twins now keep me busy which does help with that hole in my heart that jr left. Plus I live vicariously through other squirrelly stories on the board like JoJos! :) :Love_Icon

12-21-2021, 03:26 PM
I think we are in uncharted territory to some degree. Everyone has been great with info, extrapolated from so many more squirrels than I will ever hope to know. All this squirrel-expertise is held up a bit in that nobody really has a specific recent case just like that of JoJo... we guess and predict - and hopefully through some feedback here, maybe even learn. But yeah, box removed as you recognized and its almost certainly a net-positive for her.

We are spraying the grounds with a ton of nuts to sort of get a "super call" going out - it seems when there are more nuts than the locals can handle the call in reinforcements for the good of squirrel-kind. It goes out on the squirrel-net or who knows what... but they spread the word and the wealth. Right now with Jo having some time out of here and likely has either a nearby-but-not-here routine or is hey-back-at-the-original-home (aka thanksbutbye). Not sure, seems safe to keep the "light on" as they say in those ads and keep the nuts flowing today and for the upcoming recent future.

I wish there was more to report. One thing that would be amazing is to somehow camp out at the old house (not possible, we are renting to tenants who aren't open to this sort of thing from anything I can tell). I would like to confirm/deny that very possible that Jo has been back there after like 4 hours from release 🤣 and move on. Instead our plan is as above... nut heavily and watch equally heavily. 🤞