View Full Version : Flash Gordon my 10 year old grey squirrel need emergency HELP!
11-13-2021, 10:00 PM
He’s been acting weird for a while, I called a vet and they told me he probably is just old. Just give him soft foods! Then I found out from another vet their life span is 20 years. I came in this morning and his mouth is swollen, it looks like one of his teeth or hurt or broken but it’s like he can’t open his mouth! No one in the surrounding areas will help me. He’s in pain I’m scared and I don’t know what to do I don’t have any medicine to help his pain it’s like he can’t open his mouth. Someone help me please, he’s my heart. I bottle feed him, tried to release him years ago and he ran back to me. Please help! I need a vet somewhere that will take him to see what’s going on in his mouth.
11-14-2021, 07:33 AM
I will reach out to a member in GA that might be able to help. Are you willing to drive to get him to a vet? Georgia is a tough state.
10 years old is quite old for a squirrel. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of one living to 20.
11-14-2021, 07:41 AM
In the meantime, look through your medicine cabinet and contact friends and family to do the same and see if you have any leftover antibiotics. Amoxicillin/clavulanate would be good, clindamycin would be good, even just plain amoxicillin may help. Regardless, make a list of what you can get. We will need to know the weight of your squirrel and the size of the meds in milligrams, YOU will need a 1cc or smaller syringe with clear markings to prepare and then dose it. They can't FIX the issue - if he has a bad tooth it needs to come out - but they can help to knock down the infection until that happens.
11-14-2021, 07:49 AM
I reached out to a member in northern GA area for help.
11-14-2021, 09:21 AM
I reached out to a member in northern GA area for help.
I believe I could get your squirrel seen by my vet, but if you can post some pictures that would be helpful. If this is something like odontoma, my vet is not experienced in that type of surgery; he is very reluctant to anesthetize or do surgery on small mammals including squirrels.
I have taken squirrels needing surgery to Dr. E in Port Orange, FL. for surgery. Dr E is a few hours further, but depending on what is going on here that may be the best option.
11-15-2021, 11:32 PM
Hi Avorydorean77:
How is Flash Gordon doing? Were you able to get him seen by a vet?
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