View Full Version : Need help with late fall release or overwinter....advice please!

11-01-2021, 05:57 PM
I have been raising an Eastern Gray squirrel. He’s a “singleton”. I’m fully aware it would’ve been best for him to have been raised with other squirrels his age. I tried contacting a local wildlife rescue organization who works exclusively with squirrels. I never heard back from them despite leaving 3 voicemails and even emailing them.

I’ve been taking care of him since he was 2 weeks old. I used to work in a wildlife center and had previously raised many, many orphaned squirrels. The difference now is I don’t have that local network of people and the actual center to help get him to his next phases in life. He’s now about 14 weeks old and is still drinking milk from a bowl.

My questions are:

Would it be okay to place him in the outdoor enclosure we built for him by himself this late in the fall? Should I overwinter him keeping him in the enclosure and wait to release until spring?
Should I provide a heat source for him since he’s by himself? (I live in a climate where there are 1-2” of snow each year. The low winter temperatures here range from the upper 30’s to the low 40’s.
Also, if it is okay to place him in the enclosure, do I need to wait until he no longer wants to drink milk?

He’s currently residing in a fairly small cage. (It’s called a “Rat Manor”) I have him out in our spare bedroom at least twice daily getting lots of exercise. He’s really becoming a handful, though. We've built a beautiful pre-release cage which includes a nesting box for him....I just don't want to put him in the outdoor cage until I know I'm doing the right thing for him.

I appreciate so much comments and advice from those who are experienced and knowledgeable! I really want to do what’s best for this squirrel.

11-04-2021, 01:03 PM
Just letting everyone know I was thankfully able to get help for this baby from a squirrel rehab group on Facebook. He will be introduced to other squirrels and eventually be released on protected, private property away from cars and busy roads.

11-04-2021, 01:35 PM
Is your baby a western grey? No, I see he is an eastern grey. Are they considered invasive species in Oregon? If so, are you sure that the rehabbers will properly release and not euthanize?