View Full Version : Gathering fresh limbs without your glasses…

Snicker Bar
10-30-2021, 11:03 PM

I kind of had a wreck …

10-31-2021, 12:12 AM
:eek Oops!

I hope you were wearing a seat belt… or maybe you might want to consider wearing one. :grin2 I bet that was quite a jolt. Are you OK?

10-31-2021, 02:00 AM
Here's your sign...http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/hand-gestures/pointing-down-smiley-emoticon.gif


Your ok, your not in the water, and you still got 3 wheels on the ground.
... your good! :grin2

Diggie's Friend
10-31-2021, 02:44 AM
Whoopsie! Life if just chock full of moments like these; thankfully they serve to remind us not to take all things so seriously.

Of course, it's nice to have a winch on hand when you find your, 'ox' is in a ditch. :grin2

Josh and ninja
10-31-2021, 04:02 AM
The worst part is looked like they where on your head lol. I couldnt find my glasses because where i am we have mask madayes still so the fog up i always put them on my head. We dont get to see our my step kids much because my spouse is auto immune and there father is not cautious enough when it comes to things like flue or covid so when i pick them up i have to wear mask in truck. Went to bring them home the other day and as always i know my 9 foot giant fisher snow plow is infront of my truck so i have to back up before driving away like second nature. But for some reason not wearing my glasses i just put in drive and went to pull out plowing into my plow love. #!th happens to the best of us. Hope you are ok. Im in the market for a utv my polaris atv needs way to much work would love one of those with a roof that i can put a light plow on.
Squirrel question when you gather the fresh branches what do you do with them. My little girl i give fresh branchs to alot she loves to chew on them. Her favorite are hemp staulks i farm cbd for my spouce and my eastern grey goes batsh!# for the branches. She shreads them. There is a type of moth i beleive that grows a worm inside of hemp stalks the hollow out the stalk. She is like a blood hound lile right around middle of flowering season she is with me checking the plants she goes off and uses her teeth finds where they are and splits hemp stalk in half and eats the worm that looks like a grub worm just white and than i tape plant back together it heals fine. There since of smell is crazy. I think a squirrels nose should be admissable in the court of law lol if we acn train one well enough. Ill play hide and seek and hide her a treet somewhere she always finds it. And got forbid its 3am i wake up and sneek some icecream she comes flying out of our bedroom onto my head basically saying you will gibe me a bite of that. Lol i love my ninja

10-31-2021, 06:17 AM
Gee Marie... no big deal, don't worry :) that'd be par for the course here, you've just qualified to become a Quebec driver :grin3

10-31-2021, 11:50 PM
Ok, that is perfect. We’re you trying to parallel park again? Would you be willing to tell us how it really happened and why you are not soaking wet?

Oh, and who pulled it out….oh Jooonnn

Snicker Bar
11-01-2021, 09:08 AM
Lol, yes they apparently WERE on my head! But seems like before the wreck they were somewhere else??? I’m just grateful it didn’t roll and pin the dog and I underwater in the pond . I was trying to park under the big tree and stand on the roof of the thing to reach the good branches, but there was this ditch in the way….

Thankfully Jon was heavily medicated with kidney stone meds. He was quite jolly and joking vs other versions (very rare :) )

What do I do with them? That’s the fun part! I get to drag them through the house! It’s fun to hear the remarks if my son’s band is practicing or a random neighbor is visiting … “Oh that’s just my mom/wife, dragging some branches through the house….She does this often…” :thinking
First I haul through the living room and Jon’s hat rack (usually a few go flying) and then into our bedroom . At this point I find out whether I remembered to turn the ceiling fan off.. If not, there’s a loud “chopping” noise and leave go flying. Finally I stuff them in the squirrel porch/room for enrichment . I like to change things up out there to keep them busy, but also it’s fun way to keep visitors entertained :grin2

Charley Chuckles
11-01-2021, 09:20 AM
I'm glad you and your pup are alright, I have to admit I got a Chuckle out of it 🤭

11-01-2021, 12:39 PM
First, I'm very glad that you're ok! Secondly, I also sustained minor injuries this past weekend, but I was harvesting acorns and oak branches. There was a surprise ant hill right next to a patch of sandspurs. My family knows I'm crazy, but the squirrels cared only about snack time, haha.

Snicker Bar
11-01-2021, 06:39 PM
Hate the fire ants …. they are horrible here !

11-01-2021, 11:33 PM
Glad you are okay. I hope the squirrels appreciate! That's a nifty vehicle.