View Full Version : Super Squirrel

10-27-2021, 08:54 AM
I found a little fetus or something on the road, still kicking. Looked around and found his sibling (in the soft grass) was dead and still. Raised the live one to a healthy 7-weeker (with some help from you folks). Wildlife rehabber said he was the fattest and healthiest of his age group. I was so proud. Could hardly bear to part with him. Oh well. Better with his kind and life in the trees. And then I found another (adult) squirrel dead and hit by a car. Sigh. Oh well. One died and one lived.

https://www.facebook.com/TJackson112/posts/5066389346721340?__cft__[0]=AZUFbzN1xEpJlL2khVYOdpLfvHgvk89mdFipAMQRqSbzgirNQ _F5ZDlmG-pxSS2krHQzirE_-RDw4IiZm4FDVfvICXdAs2Um5BSU2qvYvRaeNC6zxWWlfHpw20Z Po6ZiQOqvyfi-3gdk4OW-Wu16wHkv&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R